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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. AFAIK, SSI COLA increases are mandated, permanently. No increase during deflation.

    There are many pensions in the USA: military, federal and state civil service, veterans, private pensions, school employees, police, fire, counties, etc.

  2. Class warfare is initiated and led usually by upper class elites who were denied access to supreme power. They adopt a populist stance which attracts mainly the disenfranchised poor. However it is a clash of rich titans. In this case, old money versus new money. The poor are being played as pawns.

    See Somoza Falling, by Anthony Lake.

  3. Cured, Four hour wait for the clinic. 400 baht for the cure. Cured.

    Er, Seven years of anxiety, visit, then go, "cured, four hour wait for the clinic. 400 baht for the cure. Cured". Result. Shakes head.

    His seven year wait was his fault. They told him the clinic opened in 4 hours. Cured.

    Maybe he did go the the free clinic, but then he wouldn't have paid a satang. I paid not a satang for my consult with the specialist at the free clinic.

  4. Rent in a one-bedroom tiny old apt. in Houston $550 per month. In Chiang Mai a spacious semi-furnished 85 sq, meter, two-bedroom, two-bath with scenic views and balconies under $200/month even at today's rates.

    No comparison. Smog's worse. M/C far more expensive in Texas. Schools - none.

  5. :) And millions that are not.

    From the Southernn Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant body in the US, website:

    We affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy – one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a "valid alternative lifestyle." The Bible condemns it as sin. It is not, however, unforgivable sin. The same redemption available to all sinners is available to homosexuals. They, too, may become new creations in Christ.

    You seem to imply that they have no right to their opinion of what defines a moral life.

    I don't see that. He's expressing his disagreement about an issue.

    I was a heterosexual Southern Baptist for 25 years. I know the basis of the doctrinal statement of their theology, which is the Bible. "One man, one woman" is not supported by one scrap of Scripture. Southern Baptists are polygamists in practice, and they put their penises in warm places other than their wife's vagina, without sinning unless they married other women. And they don't repent of polygamy.
  6. :) And millions that are not.

    From the Southernn Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant body in the US, website:

    We affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy – one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a "valid alternative lifestyle." The Bible condemns it as sin. It is not, however, unforgivable sin. The same redemption available to all sinners is available to homosexuals. They, too, may become new creations in Christ.

    You seem to imply that they have no right to their opinion of what defines a moral life.

    I don't see that. He's expressing his disagreement about an issue.
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