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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. Our Chinese village on the rice paddy and other small villages nearby have some Thai women looking for farang partners. Some had bad luck with Thai men. You can't blame a woman for seeking a man with good income. Note that they prefer non-drinkers, men who don't beat their wives, or cheat on them. Divorced women try not to repeat their mistakes. Western women are often similar. So also for gay Thai men.

  2. Jesus preached this for his first sermon,"He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners, and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." His neighbors tried to stone him, for preaching social justice.

  3. There aren't enough practicing Christians in my area to even account for the huge collection of discarded spirit houses at one corner of 1317.

    I just asked my partner, who is a practicing Thai Buddhist who believes in good and bad ghosts. He said they carefully take the old houses to a collection point so the bad spirit has a place to stay.

  4. I started teaching here with a BA, TEFL, and more energy than most Thai teachers have, at age 60. Did very well at the job, never missed a day of work. Two years later, fell off the motorcycle and ruined my shoulder doing a visa run I should never had to do. Stopped working. Had 3 strokes. I'm 67 now. If they hire you, it'll probably be a crappy job (my job conditions were above average). You might get lucky. Good luck.

  5. If I absolutely had to, I could return to Mexico. Considered Puerto Veracruz a couple of years ago.

    Where do you want me to send the money for your coffin?

    People throw the word anarchy around in TV, but Mexico is teetering on the verge of anarchy with a full blown drug war in progress. they have bodies everywhere. Sorry, but I give you all of 1 week before you get slain in the crossfire. That's how bad it is.

    On the northern borders, yes. Central Gulf coast, probably not.

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