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Everything posted by ripstanley

  1. I can assure you that AUSTRAC do not inform any department of transfers. If that department has access to the AUSTRAC system then they can check transfers for a certain individual if that individual comes to there attention.
  2. If cetrelink have access to Austrac reports they will be able to see it was transferred to your name and SCB bank Thailand. All electronic transfers are recorded in Austrac. It is a requirement by law.
  3. Mine are fortnightly transfers from Australia to BKK bank via Wise. I transfer the money before 0900 using Pay ID or Osaka as know in Australia. I use long term stay as reason and since I tagged it with Wise in 2019 it has always arrived in my BKK bank account just after 1400 the same day coded FTT. The only time there is a delay if there is a public holiday in Thailand.
  4. Where is that emoji. This will have to do. ????????????.
  5. It certainly is. I have found mistakes 2 mistakes over 12 years but I will always check before I leave Immigration.
  6. He only had an enjoyable 4 year holiday in western Sydney. Nothing more. ????????????????????
  7. If anyone is interested I started a Fantasy comp. It is called Thailand expats. It is open to the public.
  8. Where I live most Thai riders have mirrors but they do not know how to use them. There is also a lot of riders believe they can ride against the traffic. The other group are the ones that cannot interpret no entry signs and drive the wrong way in a one way street.
  9. I am not taking any.
  10. Thanks for the post. I have them on my legs.
  11. Yes it is. Do a search on Google about air quality in northern Thailand and judge for your self. I live about 2 hours drive east of Chiang Mai and our mountains a completely covered. Wait till the rains start which clears the smoke to see the beauty of the north.
  12. I hope you like a smoke haze. Wait till May or June before you come to Chiang Mai.
  13. February is still the wet season and cyclone season. Best time to visit Darwin is from May to August. It is the dry season with cooler temperatures and lower humidity. The temperatures are still high 20s and low 30s
  14. I have seen many buses pulled over at check points south of Chiang Rai during the day.
  15. If you need 12months bank statement from the Bangkok Bank it takes 7 days. Less than 6 months they will do immediately. The bank latter is also immediately.
  16. Not for online. Only 15 days before
  17. Yes the BOT are buying more Baht. With the increased tourism there is also a greater demand for Baht. Most countries currency has fallen against the Baht due increased demand for Baht.
  18. The 1st is also a holiday. National labour day. Only 2 days work for some in the first week of May
  19. Go to any establishment that is bar, restaurant market coffee shop or wherever and sit down. Then place your very fat wallet (you can add some paper to make it thicker) on the table. You will have a girlfriend very quickly.
  20. It is good if you want to shop at the market in Mai Sai. The border into Myanmar is still closed so cannot do a border run.
  21. Most do have the plastic but do not know the road rules. I live up north in a small city. They have just create a small round about at a big intersection. They have signs how to use it. This woman on a motorbike wanted to turn right but wanted to do it without going around the roundabout.
  22. There is a thread running I think it is called "worst joke ever 2022" Ask the mods to move your post there.
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