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Everything posted by ripstanley

  1. I suffered Covid almost 2 months ago. I had slight symptoms but tested positive for 7 days. Last year I was diagnosed with sciatica. Since Covid I have been becoming more exhausted with very little movement. With more pain in the muscles of my left leg. This leg is where I suffered the sciatic pain. As a result of this exhaustion my temperament has been has been effected. In the early 2000s I was diagnosed with depression. Very similar to what I am like now. I am 69. I have been to doctors and they say long Covid. There are many other symptoms as per Google for long Covid. This is my guess. Does Covid attack previous parts of your body that have been affect by other diseases? I have had 3 Covid vaccinations
  2. How about bike and cars driving on the wrong side of the road. I think Police should read their own traffic rules and enforce them. I know this would be a miracle but we can only hope.
  3. I agree with the sciatic nerve damage. I was diagnosed in 2021. I had xrays and showed up as a pinched nerve in my back. The doctor said it was affecting my sciatic nerve. I was the same as the OP. Difficulty walking and the pain was up and down my leg. I too could ride a bike with no pain. The other relief from the pain when walking was leaning and pushing a shopping trolley. I wasn't given any specific medicine for the nerve damage. My ability to walk eventually improved but it took a long time. Good luck Formaleins
  4. Motor bikes are not dangerous to ride. The dangerous aspect is the individual who rides them.
  5. I do not have access to the laughing emoji or I would have used it on your post. Especially the last comment about the Demons.
  6. I found out today that the water authority in Phayao charge 30 baht to read the meter. To a farang this not much but to Thais this would be very high. I used to live in a village and they only charged 5 baht for reading. For my bill this month it was a 1\3 of the bill. Were others aware of this amount charged?
  7. His last shot should have been his first. RIP to the children adults and his wife. Rot in hell you weak bars...
  8. This Thailand not USA. halloween is a waste of time. Halloween is 31 October not now
  9. I cannot understand schools. 1st of November is a Tuesday. Why not start on the Monday.
  10. Not all schools. My son's school closes on the 5th October. He will be wearing a mask on Monday and Tuesday.
  11. I missed it to I was having a massage. I tuned in when Geelong were 7 points up. I should have missed the rest of the first quarter as well. Well always next year. Well done Geelong and the old timers. Saw their mad Monday on the news with the old times bus arriving. I will need one of those soon.
  12. You are correct. I laughed and failed to put it in my trolley..
  13. I live near Phayao. I often buy canned peaches from a major store that has been in Phayao for a long time. They have been priced at 125 Baht and sometimes when on special they were 115 baht. This price was just last week. Today i was in this store and the price was 189 baht. That is a 66 percent increase. How con that hike be justified.
  14. Please can we get back on topic. Where in Phayao can you get good bread? I buy whole meal from Makro.
  15. True FJ. I missed most of the game. I was at a wedding. I checked the score when they were 20 points up in the 4th. Next time I checked it was only 3. Heart attack material. It will be very hard for them net week.
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