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Posts posted by sevinnow

  1. Bangkokpost  1st August 2003:

    Now Thailand has paid off the IMF debt 2 years ahead of schedule, the Thai Prime Minister Mr Thaksin quoted this:

    "The land law,the condomininum and land leasing laws will be ammended with changes to provisions on land and condo ownership for foreigners"

    "Mr Thaksin wants to rid Thailand of capitalision and give the country back to the Thai people who should be proud of their country"

    Could I be reading into this that changes will not be our favour and a immediate halt to all to farang enterprize is next?

    Anybody have some serious comments to make?




  2. Huskster, very true in my village that veiw is very much accepted.     The elder's do not totally understand what life is about in Pattaya/Phuket/bangkok cos they have never been there, they just enjoy a simple retirement taking care of siblings and the money daughters and grand daughters send them.........who can blame them!

    Life will go on and on and all the "never understand that" people of the western world are totally irrelevant to the daily life of the village, hope it never changes.




  3. All travel insurance companies based in the UK only guarantee cover for a maximum of 30 days travel after which time you must return back to the Uk.

    Extentions to their policy is very very expensive, the best bet for you is to contact Bupa (spelling correct?) insurance as they have policies for families on oversea's travel for re-locating ect.




  4. Wolf, sorry you could not be so more wrong.

    The CSA are part of the Goverment Task Team connected to the Inland Revenue which have access to Data recorded to a persons National Insurance number.

    Your National Insurance Number has access to all your income/outcome reguarding interest payment and rebate by building societies and bank accounts, hence the introduction of "self accessment" in 2001 to allow the individual to admit your finanicial situation situation.

    So please do not generalise to people without the facts they may be faced with upon your advice, this guy is an easy target because he has assets, full stop.

    With respect


  5. Cinders,   the CSA is a goverment body hence they have powers of similar authorities such as Customs & Excise, Inland Revenue and Police.

    They have powers to Bangrupt you in your absence and take any assett's you have in the UK.

    Do not mess with the CSA if you Assets in the Uk, unless you want to lose them to the Official Receiver in the County Court, opps sorry the CSA use the Fast Track system in the High Court which is open to all Goverment Depts.

    Best of Luck (you'll need it)


  6. A recent leaked report by an independant advisory to the Ministry of Immigration put forward an proposal to invite frequent travellers to LOS to submit Air-miles in an award programme for a visa exchange.

    The programme proposed was as follows:

    1) Certain participating Airlines to join the scheme.

    2) Airmiles accured would be exchanged for 3 month tourist visa's and a new 6 month visa introduced.

    3) A good person declaration form from the relevent Embassy.

    4) Visa not transferable, valid for use within 1 year.

    5) Stays of over 3 month must report to Immigration for stamp

    6) No extentions to the visa award.

    7) The cost of all proceedures to be met by the participating Airlines.

    The proposed programme was intended to increase Tourisim in Thailand, post the Sars and Terriorist Threats Worldwide,as a pilot scheme leading to new residency permits in the future.

    The proposals were based on the amount of frequent "good persons" obeying the immigration laws over a period of time: ie, entering and leaving the kingdom as the visa issued stated

    not forgetting the revenue for the appointed Airline Companies who would absorb the costs of the programme.

    Unfortunatly the Proposed Programme was Declined.




  7. Well ere we go again, the ability of the Thai girl to make us farang as guilty as h*ll to get there own way.

    My simple advice is you are going to get many more demands beyound your budget on other needs she has if you give in on this one.

    Stand your ground on YOUR budget or vote with your feet, unless of course you win the lotto.




  8. Cinders, very much on what "authotities" you have played with?

    If you have not obtained money by deception, example running from a few credit card bills, then you have not committed a criminal offence, only a deception will ensue the issue of a warrant for you, and of course those VAT & Tax men can get a warrant very quickly.

    Most "civil" cases of "getting" at your money stop at the border, too expensive to get conduct.

    I know of two best methods if you care to e-mail me for a response as it would not be proper, posting the information on a public board.

    Good Luck.



  9. Thai Airways is the most expensive second to BA.

    The cheapest and in my opinion is EVA Air, fly direct from Lhr and the service is first class.

    Checkout     www.airlinenetwork.co.uk    they have some very good deals in September.

    Finally always book on the internet for flights they are much cheaper.




  10. Very interesting points and experiences.

    But why anyone would want to locate to the UK after marriage to a Thai national beats me in the first place.

    I think if you have all the neccessary means (money) ect. then surely LOS is a far more attractive proposition to settle down and enjoy life.

    Unless of course you miss the cold,rain,tax,attitude,cost of living the list is endlesss.

    Regards & Respect.



  11. Just read in another thread that some Embassies require proof of earnings to issue an affamation (good person) document which enables you to register the marriage.

    Anyone had experience of this question been asked?

    Thanks for all your advice.




  12. Hi Scouser.

    Just been on the website to the British Embassy Bangkok.


    All that is required is Affamation that you are free to marry and proof (Originals) if you are devorsed/widowed, two references in the UK and your address in UK.

    Apparently there is a question regarding employment but no checks are made on this subject.

    Cost  2100 baht and the fee for translation to Thai, the whole proceedure takes 10 mins, but you have to call the following day to pick up the Affamation.

    Take this to the Registra at the local Amphur and get married.

    That sure makes me feel alot better because of my pending marriage in October.




  13. Strange how these "stories" come from a friend who know's someone ele's friend ect.

    In all the years I have been associated with LOS I have heard many similar "stories" but never met or spoke to the friend of a friend!

    When someone steps outside the law (engaging in something corrupt) which is usually the case in these situations or is seen to be working without the work permit, then they leave themselfs exposed to the law-enforcers and maybe LOS has it's own way of dealing with these situations.

    My true opion is the many thousands of Law abiding Farang businessmen never encounter any acts of in-justice, they just get on with life.




  14. You can open a normal bank account at many of the Main banks in Thailand  ie:  Krung Thai or Bangkok Bank to name a few but you need to be here to do that.

    Once you have an account opened you can do transfer's from the UK direct to your account in Thailand using your sort code and account number and branch details.

    I have transfered monies from the Nationwide Building in the Uk without any problems.

    Regarding tax, well that is upto you and your accountant(if you have one) if you don't well there are around 30 million people in the Uk they are inspecting, so you will not be at the top of their list if you see what I mean.

    No I don't condone tax evation but nither do condem it.




  15. Now we established the child is from USA hence the term he uses "sucks" ,  maybe he could be 8 or 9 years old because from that age they usually have the "attitude" but are grown out of it by the age of 13, guess I was wrong with the first guess at his age.

    Anyway do we really need "morangs" on this forum with generalised statements like that?

    Regards to everyone eles.



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