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Posts posted by hookedondhamma

  1. The m with the dot under used at the ends of some words marks the singular accusative case in Pali. It's used to mark the objects of prepositions or the direct objects of verbs. (referring to post #2) It's not set in stone though - Pali has alot of things that can change (my head is starting to hurt), but it's somewhat general.

    A good one is the 'Buddham. saranam. gacchami' - I go (gacchami) to the Buddha (Buddham.) for refuge (saranam.)

    There are pali words all through the Thai language; Annicam. is one of them but rarely used in everyday speech - nonetheless, it is Pali, just using a different case ending.

    My teacher would be thrilled to see this on an English language forum, by the way.

    Happy Awk Pansaa to my fellow monks, maechis, and laypeople!!! Hope it was a great one!

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  2. ?


    hahahaha yeah I'm looking for "spinners for my mouth"... This is what I meant.... I didn't think of the other possibilities people would think of like a car grill lmfao... Know anywhere that makes the above?

    I highly doubt you'll be able to find that over here yet. They're still in the 'B-boy' stage and the hip-hop genre is still developing. Grillz may be a thing of the far future, and'll probably be more gold than anything (or maybe that fad'll be dead all over). I bet your natural teeth are more attractive though. In the meantime, u can cop sum fly wheelz fo ya Honda Scoopy (You can go and purchase some gaudy wheels for your motorized Honda Scoopy scooter).

  3. He's talking about teeth like the pic tywais posted above. It allows it's wearer to harness 'Crunk' (please don't do it OP, Thais stare enough at the things they don't understand - don't make them strain their eyes, it's not 'supaap')

  4. Why not use the splash shower with the hot water applied to the bucket by the shower head? I've been zapped so much here already, I do what I can to make sure I don't die here, lol.

    I also noticed an electrical socket located 30cm down and about 30cm to the right of the shower unit.

  5. Loei, more specifilly, Phu Reua and Phu Luang (Ban Dansai). If one can put up with the cold at night (and close to all day during the cold season), the calmness of these areas is amazing. So much visible in the night sky, and the betel nut trees are pretty plentiful in Phu Reua, too (some of the best I've ever had). Should be there soon in a couple of weeks.

  6. Thanks for sharing your opinions and humor, it is appreciated. I am not any closer to knowing why people do what they do and everyone has their own reasons for doing things, so I guess it’s a rhetorical question that doesn’t have an answer.

    Could a moderator please delete this thread.

    Don't worry about it; trust me, if you weren't born here there are things you'll never understand 100% - this is one of them, lol. You seem like a pretty straight-up guy, though, so why not used it to your advantage? Try going up and making small talk? I don't know if the mods will delete the thread, but you could try and pm one. I'm glad your pic was removed though - you don't want that floating around cyberspace.

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  7. It really depends on your perspectice regarding all of this. A long time ago, a teacher explained the difference between Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana like this. The Hinayana treats the emotions as though they are weeds to be eradicate as each one arises. The Mahayana sees each emotion as a plant, also, each of which is used to produce medicine for healing sickness and disease, while in the Vajrayana, emotions are seen as poisons which are ravenously eaten by a peacock, digested, and transformed into beautiful tail feathers.

    Was the teacher Vajrayana?

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  8. Upon landing, I was taken directly to NongKhai. Lol, the rest is something else. I just remember the humid whether in the airport, and the kindness of the people who were watching over me. They treated me like family and I just met them. I'll remember that for the remainder of my life ... if I don't get memory loss.

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  9. Don't worry so much about. It happens and will continue to happen. My Thai friends tell me it's bad etiquette to stare, but you know how things are here.

    I get stared at quite a bit, but I just keep looking forward, as always. They're probably trying to figure out what you are - I've been and keep being mistaken for many different SE Asian ethnicities. It used to grate my nerves a little, as one can feel it, but after a while you'll get used to it.

    You're handsome as well - so don't freak out additionally when your new friends want to try a new flavor.

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  10. When they say 'Farang' you can say 'thank you' ... as it's purely a descriptive adjective and not a derogatory slur.

    If she is cute then please feel free to ask her phone number also ... biggrin.png

    A teach-yourself thai bookI was using suggested saying sabparot (pineapple. I trieds it, and it certainly mystifies them.....So when you hear "farang, farang, farang", just say "sabparot, sabparot, sabparot"..... Said with a smile always gets a puzzled reaction, then a laugh.

    Baksida baksida ... maknat maknat lol.

    I wonder what was the reason why that book suggested using the word for pineapple??

  11. I hope i have become a bit wiser reading the tips offered when it comes to ones girlfriend.The best being in my opinion, the one about the two points to remember ie1. Whatever,you purchase of value put it in your name and 2.Dont forget point 1.

    However,having said that ,make me more wiser and tell me ,Does this Farang issue only happen in Thailand and if so why ?

    No. The Russians will have a good go at it and the Filpinas have it down to a fine art. Slightly different methods though. Filipinas go for the visa, have a child, sit it out until they get residency and then get divorced.


  12. I would say no, the Buddha did not believe in magic - though I wasn't alive at that time (or maybe I was, who knows). In the Pali canon though, there's note of the allowance of a Gatha to protect one against creepy crawlies.

    Thai culture has many different influences. As far as beliefs go, educated or not, many here are brought up with the belief of magical items, ghosts, spells, the odd curse, etc. Just ask a Thai, any Thai, and you'll find out much of what you want to know.

    It's bad luck if the shape of the land is in that of a pig, but not so bad to nickname your son or daughter 'pig' (it helps keep the spirits away).

  13. Maybe it has to do with how they percieve the voices of foreigners. I've noticed that thai males have a very large range in their voices - one minute it can be deep, the next minute it can be extremely high, and almost falsetto-like. It's amazing how they don't damage their voices. I've never noticed this back in the states, or in mexico and central America. But that's just been my experience with it.

    Maybe it's because most foreigners don't speak with a tonal system, rendering them 'monotone' and flat-sounding?

  14. wow...too much negative energy here... i can get a fan club with all the haters out there... give me a break... i may look paranoid but if you where at my shoes or every Iranian shoe you wouldnt speak right now you would be speechless cos every man alive here is politician and thats why we care so much and yes i have been searching to open a pastry and money exchange but we all do respect f every hater out there i dont care what you say i care about my life...

    Advice. Just ignore. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone or anything, especially here. (there's another thread about that going on right now - you can read it if you want a headache). It's just how things are on the forum. Fortunately, it's only a small few.

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  15. I have a taker.!!!

    An established poster has tentatively agreed to meet me at Koi for sushi and report back on the following: (1) Is my girl Victoria secrets model quality? the prettiest farang one will see for days at a time here. A true head turner. (2) Am I an Ivy League educated former diplomat? (3) Am I a 3% er.

    I am sure someone will add is this guy (me) an idiot? Well, he can answer that too:)

    Why do you feel the need to prove yourself in cyberspace?

    I've seen the previous call-outs and screams of 'troll', surely what other people think of you doesn't bother you that much?

  16. Go home to the US and rent until you can evict your tenants, maybe? ..... or try not to be so apparently obsessed with appearance (ref your comments to "hot" people.... models etc) and look more for a person's inner qualities?

    Sorry, this may sound harsh, but your post makes you both sound self-obsessed and shallow, IMHO. coffee1.gif

    It's not that easy: pay on three places at once...i cant afford it...we both dont like it here but if it saves me 3000 USD per month I will stay here until my tenet is evicted.

    i am seeking real strategies to cope with this..not comments on my shallowness or whatever...the girl started crying today when we were in Emporium having a Cinabun.

    I have asked her to volunteer but she has not done it.

    I know how she feels. I have cried over a Cinabun once. They are just that good. And the bread is real, too.

  17. I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

    I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

    There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

    I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

    To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

    Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

    If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

    I don't know so much about this I am learning, but the ghost tradition in thailand is oldest than Buddhism, Thai people or the people that lived in the zone of Thailand belief in a shamanism ghost tradition, shaman sound like "konsong" and as in all the rest of the world post capitalism shaman make money reading the hands for luck, clean people or homes and many other things.

    I know that shaman tradition was very popular in the zone for example another interesting shaman tradition was in tibet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6n around 1500 years ago before the king adopt Buddhism more for a political reason.

    In the thai movie "the art of devil" the shaman traditions are the center of the history (horror movie)

    Exactly. Many don't recognize that there are still many animalistic beliefs going on here. Mention thailand though, and many link ghosts with Buddhism.

    Animalistic traditions and Buddhism. There is a VERY big difference. But it seems the area is getting more gray by the day.

    Can't say it hasn't helped me when I need some peace and quiet. Mention there's a 'phi dum' in the vicinity and you're sure to have a nice, quiet area to get some work done.

  18. Sorry, don't have time to read 11 pages, but would like to contribute to this post.

    To start with, I take issue with your statement <The United States, unlike virtually every English speaking country, was the only one that had institutionalized slavery>.

    England certainly had institutionalized slavery, as did just about every country in the world at one time or another.

    I think you are being thin skinned about it. As one of Irish decent, I grew up in a world when "Irish jokes" were common place, and if it had offended me, I would have been permanently PO.

    Lastly ( running out of time to write more ), when I see a woman riding a m'bike with one hand while holding a newborn baby with the other, it is hard not to be critical of Thais- that sort of behaviour is very common where I live, and it constantly makes me freak out when I'm on the roads ( and don't get me started on Thai "electricians" ).

    The only thing about that, though, is you haven't seen the responses from the various members of the TV forum in this thread. I don't mind saying this thread opened my eyes quite a bit in subtle ways, so hats off to the OP for making it. If you can, come back and read it ... then later on read it a second time.

    I know you probably are aware of it already, but for those of us who weren't born here, we will more than likely experience something that will make us turn our heads; as long as we remember that it is a different culture than the one we were brought up in, it'll help us keep our eyes open, as well as our minds (and quite possibly make us more accepting and compassionate of others). Hell, I got looks the other day from a group of acquaintances from using a fork, lol - it's just cultural thing.

    I cannot count the number of times old men and ladies here have turned a complete 180 upon viewing that I was a person with whom they could relate with, even though I was of a different ethnicity (or not so much, but that's a different thread, lol). All it took was some persistence on my part, and acceptance on theirs (two traits all humans have a degree of, and many other positive ones as well, regardless of nationality)

    We latch on to things for too long and it has the potential to become a great emotional/psychological burden. Of course thailand isn't fluffy cotton candy and gummy bears, but we should catch ourselves making consistent statements with negative undertones and check them, before they turn into the 'ball and chain' - everyone included.

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