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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. No way around it Luke.

    But with preferred shares, voting rights, pre-signed and non-dated share transfer forms, resignation letters, signed ID copies, you can have some level of control of your company.

    Of course, you may want to also have "loan" documents where the Thais have "loaned" the money from you to be valid shareholders (i.e. they bought shares), otherwise having Thai nominees is also not legal...assuming they did not contribute financially to the company.

    But a Thai that is bent on causing you problems can cause you a lot of problems if they know how to...

    No way around the 49/51...

    Stupid xenophobic Thai laws and they want foreign investment but refuse to give rights. They are scared for real competition based on competence.

    I'm with Thais on this one,they are not going to lose their country by being bought out on the cheap like so many western countries!

    • Like 1
  2. Well i'm not surprised Yingluck has been into growing mushrooms. Lets face it, The main thing needed to grow mushrooms are: keep them in the dark,feed them S*** twice a day,and this is what Yingluck has been receiving in copious amounts! from her advisers!

  3. The child was British and abused in the UK. Get the story right. He wouldn't have been extradited and tried in the UK, if it occurred in Thailand.

    The provided link takes me to a Chiangrai newspaper report dated November 2014, is that what you are commenting on?

    Not the link, the Chiangrai Times has the story correct. Thaivisa incorrectly reported the following:

    "LONDON – British national Robert David Hastings, 62, who sexually abused a child in Thailand has been jailed for more than 15 years after a UK trial the BBC reported."

    The criminal activity for which he was convicted occurred in the UK, many years before he moved to Thailand. The abuse happened in the 1990's and Hastings didn't move to Thailand until 2005.

    "The criminal activity for which he was convicted occurred in the UK, many years before he moved to Thailand. The abuse happened in the 1990's and Hastings didn't move to Thailand until 2005."

    So what ? It's good to see him go down anyway!

  4. "BANGKOK: -- Elected prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has criticised the draft constitution which is to be voted by the Constitution Drafting Committee on September 7, saying the constitution must be tied to the people and must serve the people."

    The sheer barefaced cheek,coming from the woman whose Party organised a secret vote on the constitution in Parliament at 4-0 am,voting by invitation only!

    @ Hugh 2121 Didn't you know it's against Thai Visa rules to alter a members Post?????

  5. "BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has criticised the draft constitution which is to be voted by the Constitution Drafting Committee on September 7, saying the constitution must be tied to the people and must serve the people."

    The sheer barefaced cheek,coming from the woman whose Party organised a secret vote on the constitution in Parliament at 4-0 am,voting by invitation only!

    uh, that would have been the 3rd reading of the amnesty bill, not changes to the constitution, and everyone was invited, the opposition walked out of the vote... voluntarily...

    At 4-0 am the only party invited was Yinglucks Party,everyone was not invited,the opposition could not have walked out because they were not there. Next you will be telling me that Parliamentary voting is quite normal at 4-0 am!

  6. "BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has criticised the draft constitution which is to be voted by the Constitution Drafting Committee on September 7, saying the constitution must be tied to the people and must serve the people."

    The sheer barefaced cheek,coming from the woman whose Party organised a secret vote on the constitution in Parliament at 4-0 am,voting by invitation only!

  7. The more Screaming that is in a Thai Soap,the less the Script takes time to produce, sounds like screaming is a poor substitute for meaningful dialogue, but everyone understands the emotional screams ,so no dialogue necessary ! the screaming speak for itself!

  8. Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

    Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

    Reply by MAJIC:

    Didn't you used to be a narrow minded Bible Punching young Bigot in your last life?

    Personally I don't find the need to chase young girls, but i'm sure you have some dark areas,in between the Bible Punching! moralistic claptrap!

  9. "Silver Sea Reefer Co., which owns at least nine refrigerated cargo ships in Thailand, has said it is not involved with the fishermen."

    Oh! sure the usual denial when caught slave trading,it's a strange company that didn't know the crew of their ships were happy to work for nothing or required no crew to run the ships! Needless to say a Big BS all round.

    Where Slavery and trafficking is concerned, the maximum penalties should be applied,like a life sentence! should put a stop to it!

  10. No matter how slovenly, vulgar and abusive the guy is Thai girls seem to just take it, so I guess I am in agreement with Thai girls being takers.

    We are all takers, men and women.

    Women are looking for financial support and stability.

    Men are looking to take what they can't have in their own countries and also to be served as they think it's appropriate as they pay the money.

    Let's not try to hide behind our little finger.

    We all take, either we deserve it or not.

    It's usually a fact that "he who pays the Piper calls the tune" but in Thailand it always seems to be the Female that doesn't pay the Piper but still always calls the tune!

  11. In my village there does seem to be a high incidence of stroke with very debilitating consequences. From my observation it's the greasy food and alcohol that's doing it. Some of the older people are getting out and doing some bicycling so there is some awareness of life style issues. Some of these people are drunk 24x7. Had to take one guy in his 40's to the hospital as he drank his way into a coma. Doctors had previously told him he would die if he didn't give up the bottle.

    Coupled with Alcohol causing Strokes,Smoking can be added to the danger list according to western Doctors.

  12. Sugar is a big unnamed culprit as well.

    Carbohydrates would also be converted into sugar by our bodies. And the one with the highest sugar content is sticky rice, a staple diet for those in North and Northeast.

    Thais also consume large quantities of Salt,many food items are lagged in Salt (Fish and Meats) look on the bottles of Fish Sauce, it's 25% Salt,among lots of other exessessive salted products and used in many recipes. Considering when someone has a heart attack in the West, they usually go straight onto a Salt free Diet! there must be a medical reason!

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