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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Having lived in a town in the UK where muslim immigrants have taken over, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If Merkel is so keen to have refugees, they can all go to Germany, and live near her - she'll soon change her mind.

    Why aren't any of these people welcome in other muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Qatar, etc ? They won't touch them with a barge pole, why should Europe have them ?

    It shouldn't.

    But the European Union is run by people whose lives are all about feeling good about themselves right now, without regard for the future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” with the migrants is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded and inclusive of them all?”

    These silly do gooders and PC devotees,know very well thehit-the-fan.gifwill hit the fan Long after they are dead. They are called NIMBYS,short for NOT IN MY BACKYARD!

  2. Considering most of these Migrants are economic Migrants,and have amassed large amounts of money,to pay to leave their own country, are a new breed,hell bent on forcing the Countries they invade to succumb to illegal entry of a Country to forcible make a Country yield to their demands, apart from the Moral issue,which is not easy to feel,sympathy for their self imposed plight, and not when you consider these people if let in to our Countries,judging by their present aggressive behaviour would not have any conscience in taking over your western Country with impunity! and don't expect any pleas "its my country" to fall on willing listeners ears! it will be too late then. Thailand understands this,and with their rigid ownership laws will never have to worry about losing their Country to Opportunist foreigners!,and Carpet Baggers!

    And a final question,why has this massive influx occurred so quickly (in the last year or so) because they see the western world as weak and stupid countries who will be easy to take over,once they can infiltrate enough numbers by force ???

  3. In all my 20 years in computers,the finest thing I have learned :ignore the updates,they have been worst thing I have ever taken any notice of! now i ignore them,and saved myself endless,formats,Rescue/Reboot discs,having woke up to urgent attention needed to my ancient Compaq Presario CQ60,when the system was working perfectly when I shut down and went to bed. They can now stuff their updates!

    Updates often lead on to a crash,a need to change to another Browser,a realisation that the system has slowed up since the last updates have been installed.

  4. Oh no not Mr Braveheart last I heard of him he was working for Scotland changing history and drumming up business for his crap films(William Wallis must be turning over in his grave) that nobody believes a word of .

    The only way he can sell his films is to create controversy by upsetting various religions,I can't even give him the one saving grace of being a good actor.

  5. "anyone except the Tories"

    The population has been deceived by Tories for many decades,and do people learn a lesson?.... sadly not!

    and not only the Tories, it was the Labour Government that fought against pension increases in Brussels.

    That's perfectly true, although I prefer to think it was more of a treasury issue rather than straight political one.

    You know what these civil servants are like!. It's their money! They would take everything of us if they had the chance.

    The Civil Servants are there to carry out the wishes of the Government in power of the day,regardless of what they say to the contrary. Think about Governments selling off the peoples assets,like the recent balls up of the sale of the Royal Mail,i'm sure this Tory Government would love to blame the Civil Servants for losing over a Billion GBP of the peoples money,through incompetance! and one suspects corruption i.e selling off cheap to give their Backers and City pals a hefty Bonus,at the expense of the poor people who can't afford to buy shares at any price,as the saying goes the poor will become poorer,and the rich richer,much the same as Thailand really!

  6. I recently wrote to the Health Secretary calling foul on this, as expected my note didn't make it past their Correspondence Unit and it was they who responded.

    They stated that the NHS needs to be sustainable adding that the NHS is funded from general taxation rather than from National Insurance contributions, which are used mainly to pay for state pensions and similar benefits.

    Interesting to see in writing that our National Insurance contributions are used mainly to pay for state pensions, I'll save that comparison for another day.

    The response had quite a bit of waffle, but I found the statement that the NHS is funded by general taxation interesting, so I have now asked how can they can justify charging UK taxpayers who pay into the general taxation pot 150% of the actual cost of treatment, which would be free to other taxpayers, or non taxpayers, who happen to reside in the UK.

    I suspect the reply that the eventual reply will contain more of the same waffle.

    NI Contributions have been downgraded for years,according to how Politicians choose to use their propaganda i.e I distinctly remember being told for many years that NI Contributions went towards our State Pensions, now it's been downgraded to just another benefit,so after paying in for 40-45 years it's now classed as a benefit that is a gift, and all part of the Lazy bastard handout Brigade. Look it up at the DWP and see for yourself the official classification! it's shocking how we are so demoralised we allow these crooks to treat us like brainless idiots!

  7. You have answered your own question,there is no religion without a god to worship! and a Philosophy as is the case of Bhuddism can't be termed a Religion

    I suspect many other religions started out the same as Buddhism and in time many other additions were also made!

  8. whistling.gif No

    You never have the "right" to be safe, it's just an illusion.

    Not anywhere in the world.

    No matter where you are in the world, the best you can hope for is a reasonable chance that tomorrow won't be your last day.

    I'm sorry if you haven't figured that out yet.... I've been around for 68 years now....will be 69 years in October... and I can recall 5 times when with slightly different events I could have died then....but obviously I didn't.

    I mean I've actually seen others die, but so far I've been lucky, I guess.

    Yes, I agree with you, the way that you put it does make sense, but can you blame anybody who feels angry when having almost being knocked off your bike by a ten year

    old riding a motorbike?

    But this is Thailand if you werent here that wouldnt of happened falang.

    You should thank the the Farang for being here and saving a Thai then!

  9. How about just having stricter enforcement instead of all that other B.S? If they actually enforced their rules about no gambling and started kicking kids out for doing it then it would stop. The problem here is only happening because the schools don't want to give punishments to the kids for fear of losing the money they get each semester for their enrollment. Any school would have punishments tiered to give a chance for reforming a student.

    It's the banned from gambling that makes it all the more desirable, can't do it so must do,pathetic.they will not understand until it ruins their life! with horrendous debts!

  10. Guess I was wrong, then.

    I'm surprised. Does he push a cart?

    Every professional chef I know, sharpens his own knives. They will never risk handing over their precious knives to anyone else.

    You have to admire this guy,how many businesses operate on zero consumables?

    Errrrrm.........ask all the girls hanging out at various bars all around the island.

    Well yes! you can't beat sustainable resources!

  11. You own the problem = caused by your words....But, seems you've been there before - unkown if WW3's are common in your house....Or if culture differences define your relationship...

    Sounds like she took it as a slight against her beliefs - and that should take an explanation - not a bribe which can lead to future manipulation...

    I'd first let her calm down.....Be nice and don't add any fuel to the fire - it can only get worse if you do......

    If you were wrong a simple apology should do.....

    We use courtesies as Thank you or I'm sorry in our house.....

    I rarely voice my opinions about anything anymore. No wars here. In the middle of my little speech about rationality she told me to stop talking and I did. Further mention seemed to aggravate the problem so I shut up. I'm not even close to being wrong so no chance of me saying I'm sorry.

    " I'm not even close to being wrong so no chance of me saying I'm sorry"

    But you are a long way from being able to speak out,having been effectively gagged though,which is even worse!

  12. Guess I was wrong, then.

    I'm surprised. Does he push a cart?

    Every professional chef I know, sharpens his own knives. They will never risk handing over their precious knives to anyone else.

    You have to admire this guy,how many businesses operate on zero consumables?

  13. The question is: do you want to have some meaningful dialogue? of are you happy to have seperate views on everything. I know how difficult it is to stick by your views,but............... UP TO U.

    Politics is just something we may have to agree not to discuss in our home.

    Fair enough discuss it in your local Bar and Restaurant whistling.gif

  14. So they're replacing Thaksin policies with....Thaksin policies. The longer the junta stays in power the more similar to the Great Bogeyman it becomes.

    Perhaps it's just me,but I never could figure out why a mile of bananas or coconuts stalls was stimulating business,the reality was: pickup applies brakes,and end up in the middle or out of position,so half of the vendors get no business,and the only thing they have to sell is the same as everyone else,which does nothing for competition.

    Hair brain idea or what?

  15. I dont think I lost the plot, I just thought I would be more welcome. Last time i was back nobody wanted to hear anything about my life overseas. I am not sure if it is jealousy or fear. I have not changed that much and saying I have burned bridges may not be the correct way to say it. But after we are gone for an amount of time perhpas we are seen as traitors or something. We left the clan and did not contue to go through that hardship

    they deal with.

    This is partly true. We are living outside the comfort zones of most people back home. I think people who stay at home are insular in their thoughts and forget about the people who have left. However us expats are different. We've traveled and lived outside our comfort zones and guess what? We're happy!!

    We reminisce about our home countries and in our minds and memories time has stood still at home. However, our friends at home have moved on and forgotten about us..When we go back we assume that its the same at home as when we left.But its not. Our friends and family have grown older...So in some ways time has moved on for our friends but in our own minds and memories time froze when we left all those years ago. That's what i discovered after moving home two times in the past ten years. One of the main differences was some of my friends started to be slightly formal with me.Just small things. Like calling me by my first name instead of my nickname. However they were, and are, still my friends. I'm probably lucky because my friends are all childhood friends who still live in my small village.They will probably never leave so they are always happy to see me....

    In conclusion I think Time is what changes everything even more than distance. That and a lack of contact. The internet has shortened the distance and changed how we keep in touch. Clicking like on a picture on facebook is a subtle way of contact and helps to keep us alive in the memories of those at home...

    Who would want to be kept alive in the memories of something so shallow as social media,which is about as low as true feelings get! IMHO!

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