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Everything posted by h90

  1. Yes better loose a 6000 Baht than later in life loose some big amounts...people looses their houses or the money they saved 30years in scams. Always if some offer is too good to be true it is most probably not true.
  2. In Austria we had to repeat the complete presidential election 5 years ago, because of some minor issues. My point is a slow check, looking at all details is better than having later the conspiration theories about stolen elections...USA comes into my mind. And in Thailand for minor problems they have to redo the election there, which is great tool. The iTV shares are another case, but double checking if the counting was correct and checking on every claim of vote buying is good. And as time goes on the next EC won't be appointed by the military. (I didn't thought that before, but if a sitting government appoints the EC that checks their re-election than this is a huge problem.....military, Thaksin, MF, whoever appoints them the other side will say the EC is biased. If the government appoints the EC than this is another huge mistake in that sloppy constitution).
  3. And the big difference is, if someone build something or has a party and is very noisy ONE weekend. Or if it is every day/every weekend.
  4. Who is "the Thai people"? 72% didn't vote for him. So 72% either want someone different or don't care at all. And from the 28% aren't all hardcore fans
  5. They have 60 days time.....Kind of better they need time than having a sitting parliament and than kicking out people or parties. 60 days is not that crazy long.
  6. What is an illegal oil transport? Are oil transports regulated? How crazy would that be?
  7. Out of laziness....Try to buy things direct from the farmer...they aren't interested in selling small amounts even above supermarket prices.
  8. here on the market in Bangkok they get the bananas delivered complete green and let them yellow with time. They are only slightly more tasty than these in the supermarket in Europe. Garden Bananas that get almost to yellow on the plant are way stronger in taste.
  9. this is the topic ".....with Kid’s Pride event....." If for adults only I would not care as I would not see it.
  10. Crazy enough that it is a right or left issue. I think everyone should agree that people can do and dress how they want, really no one cares. But keep children away from sexualized things. Drag queen story hour? No one care what gender tells the story...and often enough men and women wear some blue jean and a TShirt. A man dressed as normal woman would not cause much attention. But they make a sexual thing out of children book reading.
  11. Yes but I think he'll be replaced....another face because people are bored of him. But if someone think there is a big change: MF is close to the World Economic Forum, but so are the Shinawattras and so is Prayut. Won't be much change either way.
  12. Making LGBTQ as invisible as normal hetero....hetero don't have flamboyant sex festivals. No one should care what other people do in their privacy and no one should be proud of their sexuality and put it into the other peoples face......Like system prostitution in Thailand. Everyone knows it exists but not "in your face", no parades and not for kids.
  13. I didn't as well...but because I bought 2-3 years ago so many that it will last another 5 years (not shaving much). But when these are finished I need a new plan..... You are right we should be very strict in not giving such companies any money..not buying Nike since years...can't even remember what they did...only remember that I was very upset.
  14. I don't think they put his daughter into the dangerous position....someone else if it all fails. Yes than come back...1 week in VIP jail, than 6 month with angle bracelet in house arrest (which means nothing if you are rich like him) and sale that all as national reconciliation.
  15. Prayuth is past....you can forget him....the Prayuth part of history is over...no matter if MF, PTP or some other prime minister. I would bet everything it won't be Prayut again.
  16. as the MF forward has 38% the others will have about 62% which is comfortable to rule, if all band together.
  17. similar laws you have in many countries.....that is not unreasonable to want someone who has no legal cases at court
  18. If he would have anticipated it he would have sold the shares 2 years ago...and it all wouldn't be a topic.
  19. And the Russian they told that this makes 3 inmates with the Ukrainian guy they just picked up
  20. Fully agree..... I am terrible sorry that I don't drink Bud Light, because I would like to boycott it.... I absolute don't need some pride advertising for a beer....I also don't need some less disturbing topics on advertisement of beer. They can tell me something how it taste or if it has a new flavor, but I don't need women, real one or fake one in bath tubes on my beer. I would also not want conservative christian values....I may not notice such a promotion but still when I look for a beer I want a beer and not some social engineering Gillette: on ebay you can find original Gillette cartridges for India, only sale inside India allowed....you can order them there in India for much cheaper than in Thailand, so at least they make less profit on you.
  21. Had to google him.....yes I didn't meet him "Many of his later murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeleton."
  22. When you have the Shinawatras in power they make everyone forget MF pretty fast....Thaksin is a real expert in this. And the usual voter doesn't have a long memory. I remember Thaksins first term......every week some new topic in TV. He even handed out 1000 Baht bills himself to "help the people". And as long as he doesn't touch military or monarchy the boys in green are OK with it...The red shirts would be happy...the yellow can claim everything could have been worse. And it would be a way forward for the country without fight. Best compromise in my opinion and I am no Thaksin fan. But civil war is worse.
  23. And even more the average normal Americans, who are usually nice and helpful and all of them would be better presidents than these two....I can't think of any American I ever met who could be worse than one of these two.
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