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Everything posted by h90

  1. Yes if he wants to help the poor, remove the tax on food. But I guess first help the banksters, than the poor.
  2. We have no cancer in the family as long back as we can remember. We all die as healthy idiots with Alzheimer or bursting blood vessels in the brain. (beside one that died in second worldwar)
  3. I see now! thanks! Don't know why I didn't see, I think I get senile....🤪
  4. yes that would be exactly what I need! Do you have a link where you found that?
  5. I recently bought a new phone that supports eSim. I have an old phone with normal Sim. What I would like to do is to use the old phone with the old Sim for sport activities, but for regular life the new phone (so to not damage the new phone). If I swap the normal Sim every time, it is a question of time till the small mechanics is worn out. So I wondered if it is somehow possible to use the old with the Sim and the new one with eSim, and just keep only one turned on....Or any other easy to do idea.
  6. point is that they find something to speak ugly.....
  7. When they reject it and I send a broker it costs 3000 Baht. If I go there by taxi the taxi costs 2x500=1000 Baht So that 2000 seem very reasonable
  8. look the last 30 years in Thailand how many different parties had the PM.....
  9. OK, yes it is....but mildly so. Just the first kind of insult that came into her mind...if it would be a Thai teacher who is gay, who is bald, who is small, who is fat that would have been the topic.
  10. a criminal case because a kid in puberty misbehave in school...half of my generation would be criminals....
  11. while teaching noone wear masks....when apologize they do?
  12. a forced apology, flowers and loose of face is better than make a big case out of it.
  13. Where is the racism? What says that they wouldn't have done it to a Thai teacher?
  14. I heard a lot that Senate would not vote for the Thaksin party and the compromise will be Anutin.... Note: not my opinion....so don't tell my opinion is crazy....it is not mine I only heard it
  15. They do a lot fly to Bangkok 2 days for shopping....or even just 1 day. Also Chinese and Indians are doing that. Maybe they spend less on average but they are far more and there are some high spender.
  16. And having a 2 party system that prevents any new ideas. But no the US imperialism is not ending and also not the USD.....Other currencies will loose, probable even the Euro and people will go into the safe USD....keeping it stable. At the end with ever increasing spending it will collapse but that can be a decade in future and with the strongest military they can squeeze out money and resources from other countries
  17. Thailand does military exercise with everyone I think.... What freedom supporters? These who are ally with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine (only state media, all parties but the ruling one banned, no religious freedom). If it fits their agenda they support the Shah, Saddam, Pinochet, Dalai Lama, Marcos..... If Thailand had a real brutal dictatorship, but allows US based and goes strong Anti-China, the freedom lover would love Thailand.....Remember how they made a coup against the democratic government in Iran.
  18. The only reason Prawit can be PM is to prepare new elections. There is no way he should be regular PM. In the election it was pretty clear that people do not want him.....
  19. usurp from an illegal expired caretaker government which refused to go..... After the failed election that government had expired. They did not do a coup against a regular normal government
  20. but playing all sides is the best thing a small country can do.....
  21. The USA should fix their own democracy and legal system first... When was the last time there was a president that was neither from Democrats nor Republicans? 1869 (Wikipedia) at least Thailand has different parties
  22. read the BKK post about PTP trying to form a coalition without MFP that also reflects the peoples vote with over 300MPs
  23. Really?? before last winter I saw a TV discussion in Germany about power outage, and the group panic claimed that when there is no electric there are that much elevators and only so few fire fighters (who rescue) that many people would die in the elevators. I than wondered if there aren't normal staff who can lower the elevator....if there is not something that allows manually lowering it 1 floor. Don't know how long the air lasts in the elevator if there are several people in it.
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