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Everything posted by h90

  1. Give me 500 Baht....be friends or we search you both for drugs and we'll find and than it costs 50.000 for each. And so the Russian-American love started ????
  2. Told the Russian that they can check with his embassy if he might be mobilized. But what they told the American?
  3. It is a low cost trash entertainment show, not a social study....what else than scripted?
  4. And why I am happy to come from a small country that no one knows......we are as stupid as the rest of the world but so few that no one noticed it.
  5. Would like to know what the police told them to pacify them.
  6. I have an Orange Pi...they are cheaper and good devices....but software is not as well supported
  7. 10 years ago there was way more narcotics in our area in Bangkok. And before was Thaksins war against narcotics....I don't know if it increased but for sure it was also bad than. And the Marijuana ban will make it worse.
  8. Loose of face is total overrated.....Look at history, not only in Asia....the Elites fought each other and months later the fought along each other against some other elites. It was a bit more clear when there were monarchies in Europe, now it is the Oligarchs....EF is Thai Summit who threaten the alcohol families, than there are the old elites...one big soap opera with changing alliances...
  9. maybe from the Democracy in China or the democratic elected president of the European Union....In fact no one cares...Just a couple of days ago I had a customer who thought Thailand and Taiwan is one and the same country.
  10. In Thailand there is no rule that the strongest party must be in power...And such a rule would be very undemocratic and nonsense because you could not rule against the parliament. And these basic rules are in most countries identical.
  11. No matter what opinion someone has, Central is a shopping mall and they should not do controversial social or political topics....Neither these I agree with nor these I don't agree.
  12. hmm how did these children survive 20 years ago? Never heard of children suicide 20 years ago.....
  13. The girls choose what is in their script...it is a scripted TV show they are actors.
  14. Where do you have that nonsense from? All over Europe thru history you find again and again government from the second and third strongest party. In Israel you can see it again and again how the strongest party get the mandate to form a government. After they fail the second gets the mandate than the third (if big enough). The strongest forms the government in countries where there are 2-3 parties only. But as more parties they are and as more far the strongest is away from 50% as more complicate is it. The government is that coalition that gets the majority in parliament (and in Thailand this abnormal Senate....I agree if you criticize the senate, that is constitutional nonsense)
  15. "blocked" Yes freedom of speech is a problem..... It seems Pita is very popular but on the other hand that is also an image that is created on purpose, which burns hot and fast and than get forgotten again. Demonstrations on the street, sure yes. But if PTP makes the government it won't be much. I think they can't ban PTP and MF...or they can but not easily. But PTP could be the compromise and for a while some old red shirts speak very critical about MF. I doubt they do that without orders from big T from Dubai. My bet is on a PTP government...but I wouldn't bet too much on it.
  16. Most of Europe it is similar but 4-5 parties that are mostly identical....a pure illusion of democracy. And the campaigns are less meaningful than the song contest.... It is a distraction and democracy simulation so the people don't revolt. I guess similar in USA.....and now every side get some "hope" candidate (Kennedy for the Dems and Trump or DeSantis for the Reps) and only he wins next time it will be all better....and the older one wait since the 1960s for that next time when everything gets better.
  17. That is an irrelevant question...if there are 100 parties and one won 2% while the others just 0.9% and therefore more as the others it still won the election. It is not important. The only important thing is getting a majority in parliament. That can be with the strongest or without the strongest party. Prime Minister also doesn't need to come from the strongest party. MF won the election but that is irrelevant.
  18. no one won a majority....Everyone needs coalitions. MF got the most votes but you need >50% in both houses. MF doesn't has it alone in either house. For the majority in parliament are several different coalitions possible with and without MF. Equal democratic.
  19. I think that was also fussion and much closer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Bomba But also has a problem with storing the energy
  20. 38% of the people voted MF 62% voted for other parties....A lot people voted for PTP. If deduct the people didn't vote at all it was just 28% MF And PTP is playing the populism game as well as MF. They can form a government easily. Why should the play the 2nd behind MF if they can arrange to be the number one. They are for sure more dangerous for the MF than the military which is old and tired....
  21. First of all MF was voted by 38%, 62% have voted something different.....Why didn't the follow the rules like the other did? So reasonable concerns will be raised and parts of the 62% other pro democracy parties will form a government. PTP, BJ, Democrats+many of the small one will have a majority as well. Thaksin will come home and will run a Thaksin populism handing out money himself and everyone will forget the other oligarch.... That is the playbook PTP will like.....The usual infight between elites....Two oligarchs fight for power and both don't want the military.
  22. What will happen....it is not 1992 anymore. People will post something very mean on Facebook and the military will answer very mean on Twitter....
  23. loose credibility where? in China? Laos? Russia? USA? European Union with Mrs. unelected von der Leyen?
  24. They can't make up some fraud.....I doubt there is a secret conspiracy that all know and no one speak about it. They might look a bit closer but I doubt they'll block any clean candidate.....And they would not for no reason make problems with one of the richest oligarch in Thailand. No it won't be hell...it will be a PTP government.
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