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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Have you ever listen to these wack jobs on the left,during Oversight committee meetings trying to to defend sending millions to another country supporting sex change programs ? https://www.whitehouse.gov/fact-sheets/2025/02/at-usaid-waste-and-abuse-runs-deep/
  2. I admire the bald headed Smurfs ability to keep out the barbarians . “The state treats Muslim migrants from Central Asia as potential security threats, in contrast to Russian Muslims and non-Muslim migrant groups. But the nation's need for cheap labor permits them to migrate to Russia on condition that they assimilate into Russian society and culture”. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4421692#:~:text=The state treats Muslim migrants,into Russian society and culture.
  3. Brilliant retort! Do they give a peace prize for exposing waste , fraud and abuse.
  4. Shoveling boatloads of taxpayers money to support Marxist social justice warriors radical agenda! Notice the name on the bottom?
  5. The left is upset with Trump even mentioning the name Putin ! When I was growing it was cold war hatred, USA & USSR .Later on someone had the nuggets to say why does it have to be that way! Truth be told the war mongers been poking the bear ever since Reagan & Gorbachev ended the cold war.
  6. More dogwhistles by the omnipresent violent left!
  7. Already reported to Trumps head wingperson Ag Pam Bondi! Your gonna find Zeldin expose a lot of Funds diverted or stolen from the Epa ! The Marxist & other far left extremist anti American organizations were gonna use it for social justice campaigns! https://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases-republican?ID=20D83995-41BD-4141-9333-0C4A9D36A197
  8. Noem just clawed it back! Sweet https://komonews.com/news/nation-world/kristi-noem-says-she-clawed-back-fema-payment-to-nyc-hotels-housing-migrants-homeland-security-federal-emergency-management-agency-dhs-roosevelt-hotel Its a three for! Firing the leftest extreme from FEMA, finding that Fema subverted funds from disaster relief and exposing the fraud!
  9. Trumps doin what the people wanted ! Get rid of the illegals, Most Americans approve of Trump's stepped-up deportations,59%. https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/most-americans-approve-of-trumps-stepped-up-deportations-pew-research-center-immigration-policy-border-security-economy 57 percent of the people disapprove of the Dem party , maybe they dont like the violence that follows the dems everywhere.
  10. I i dont know if she can handle all the corruption through investigations! She might need help with this one below!
  11. Sessions was a wimpy wingman! AG Bondi has fire in her voice!
  12. Idiots & Useful idiots ,theres a difference.
  13. Information on Billions of people were exposed in the National Public database hack in August 2024 https://www.foley.com/insights/publications/2024/08/national-public-data-hack-safeguard-identity-combat-fraud/ Watters wasn’t upset or demand a immediate investigation, then.
  14. She ain’t no Jeff Sessions, thats for sure .
  15. Brilliantly said Nick & Brian ! There use to be a common sense approach to dealing with Terrorism, which was a no nonsense approach. Then societal bodies apparently decided that wasn’t working , so appeasing it became the norm for some. In my opinion Word semantics became the norm , example Freedom Fighters ,Islamic Resistance Movement,Militants. At the end of the day a spade is still a spade! There’s no dealing with the evil. https://icct.nl/event/negotiating-terrorists
  16. The art of subverting the will of the people! The story is based on a Fox News interview with Gop Sen. Lee , expert in Constitutional Law.
  17. 4 FEMA employees fired for paying for hotels for migrants in New York City, 59million dollars. https://www.foxnews.com/us/4-fema-employees-fired-over-egregious-payments-migrants-dhs-says October 2024: “A spokesperson for Homeland Security, which oversees FEMA, said any claims of disaster funds going to undocumented immigrants are false”. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/false-claims-fema-disaster-funds-migrants-pushed-trump-rcna173955 Story based on a report by Fox News & Nbcnews
  18. As if the world didnt need further proof that the African guy running DOGE was on a mission from GOD! USAID bankrolled al Qaeda terrorist college tuition, unearthed records show.The dem Samantha Powers is a threat to western civilization. https://nypost.com/2025/02/11/us-news/usaid-reportedly-bankrolled-al-qaeda-terrorists-college-tuition-unearthed-records-show/
  19. Both figures are sympathizers of Islamic Extremism ! https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-suggests-obama-sympathizes-with-terrorists/
  20. The mayor was in a Election Campaign while Bidens corrupt DOJ brought up Federal Charges , ignoring a long history of DOJ policy of pursuing charges during a election. Along with the election interference it also distracts the Mayor from handling the Illegal migrant crisis. Story based on a report by local Fox News affiliate
  21. Huffington activist reporter gets destroyed and other leftist media losing it clips. ”the vice president suggested that if the SCOTUS rules in a way that you dont like….” Trump where you from , i thought HP died a long time ago . Mr. Trump do you have a reaction of Time Magazine cover with Elon behind the desk? Media Destroyed
  22. We the people voted for…. Opening a can of worms: “To create a situation that causes a lot of problems when it starts to be dealt with: She is afraid that she will open a can of worms if she speaks out about the problem. Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been willing to open up that can of worms”. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/open-a-can-of-worms
  23. Political activists in ICE or DHS are pushing back! Its aiding in abetting !
  24. Brilliant response! And theres the rest of the story! Saving taxpayers money! God Bless South African rich oligarchs .
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