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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The founders would be proud ! Back than a tyrannical power , same as bidens dems weaponization of the law, wanted to hang them for treason , for speaking out !
  2. Thats what X’s Community notes are for! Fact check by who , leftist! Community Notes aim to create a better informed world by empowering people on X to collaboratively add context to potentially misleading posts. Contributors can leave notes on any post and if enough contributors from different points of view rate that note as helpful, the note will be publicly shown on a post. https://help.twitter.com/en/using-x/community-notes#:~:text=Community Notes aim to create,publicly shown on a post.
  3. Second Amendment advocate too! Anti woke , anti communist, anti socialist. An America First strong spiritual candidate for Governor!
  4. This Thai Dr performed the procedure on me. I suggest you read the thread for tips & other info. Good luck
  5. This rumor was misleadingly promoted by both the Democratic National Committee and President Joe Biden's reelection campaign. North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's Past Remark About Women Voting Was Stripped of Its Context. https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/06/mark-robinson-women-vote/ Despite the lies and the misleading news by all of the left’s propaganda machine,this Trump supporter will be the next Governor of North Carolina.
  6. Im a a fool in love with an anti communist, anti Marxist , anti socialist, anti woke, anti illegal immigration, leading in the swing states candidate for President! Call us crazy , said one of Trumps supporters ,we dont care what the communist, socialist say or the blue hair freaks with the tackle boxes in their face say.
  7. Some things never change, despite the lighting strike absence. The most damaging evidence out of the oversight hearings. 2 IRS criminal investigators turning Whistleblowers and exposing the corruption & cover up by the bidens & the feds which took many weeks to hit the news and Bobulinskis hearing! The latter which never even landed here.
  8. Theres only one guy thats been persecuted more than Trump! God save the Republic !
  9. A little history repeating itself! The enemy of the people will help cause the destruction of western civilization as we know it. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/holocaust-deniers-and-public-misinformation
  10. Its not just the religious fans ,Its many disillusioned Brits that support them ! From the Mp’s all the way up to leftists activists working in the media! imop
  11. I dont know what country your from but maybe you aren’t familiar with many of my fellow countrymen’s contempt leading up to J6 protests. many were acting out in response to the radical far lefts summer long rioting, blocking intersections , looting, murdering, burning buildings, hundreds of assaults on law enforcement . Imop They watched all summer long as the lefts foot soldiers committed mayhem in the streets of many citys,to many occurrences to mention . Heres Blm and antifa takes ,during the infamous Summer of Love riots of2020. Heres Blm attacking a Chicago Columbus statue .The black umbrella people weren’t just protesting! “Police said the PVC pipe used to hold the Black Lives Matters banners had been sharpened, was taken out and then used to jab at officers”. https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-protest-grant-park-christopher-columbus-statue-lori-lightfoot/6325714/ And who can forget the attack on the WH by militant far left !Accross from the WH they set fire to the HISTORICAL St. John Episcopal Church!
  12. The fear is real ! It manifests in a far lefts attempt to reshape society! “Coming off of World War II (and the defeat of a totalitarian Nazi regime), many Americans feared our own government would become what we just had defeated”. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/establishment-cia
  13. Background of deception: Once America First patriots can get a strong footing again , the CIA must conform to restructuring. “The CIA evokes images of clandestine activity, spies hiding in corners and covert overthrow of unfriendly government regimes. However, when Truman established the organization in 1947, he envisioned something much different -- a sort of daily newspaper, informing him of developments around the world that could impact American policy. Yet even during Truman’s own presidency, the CIA did evolve to become much more than a news agency for the President as covert operations began in earnest early in the agency’s history”. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/establishment-cia
  14. These supporters of the radical left know in their heart of hearts the looney tune threat to democracy in the Woke House, Presidency is in Peril ! They are waiting anxiously for biden to get out and let another fend off , the current leader in swing states voting!
  15. My Adult daughter doesn’t want to be with a Thai , she prefers , blue or green eye falangs.
  16. A bunch of us falangs where at a bar with our wives up here in Sakon Nakhon dancing , drinking and listening to A Thai band . The place was full of Thais and us .All was going well. We been there for 3 hours suddenly my wife said the guy over there is getting loud & angry about Thai women being with falangs , so we all paid up & left . This also happened to me in Dominican Republic 20 years ago. I think some natives get a little p’ed off And jealous.
  17. Well said ! I also agree with your Comparison of fairness. All rioters should be treated equally! Many of these J6 protesters caught up in the Summer of Love riots were acting out similar to the lefts Marxists burning & looting and murdering. Remember the church burning and the 300 police officers assaulted protecting the white house .
  18. “Like many reasonable Americans, I am concerned about the possibility that political objectives motivated the vigor of the prosecution of the J6 defendants, their long sentences, and their harsh treatment,” he said. “That would fit a disturbing pattern of the weaponization of government agencies — the DOJ, the IRS, the SEC, the FBI, etc. — against political opponents.” RFK Jr. vows to appoint special counsel to look into Capitol riot cases against Trump, supporters https://nypost.com/2024/04/05/us-news/rfk-jr-vows-to-appoint-special-counsel-to-look-into-capitol-riot-cases-against-trump-supporters/ Rfk jr comment about the Dems attempt to divide America and the weaponization of agencies regarding J6. Trump has mentioned before to treat the protesters on a case by case scale. TDS is a sickness imop
  19. The progressives would have the State or Government use tax money for this madness , if left unchecked.
  20. See that , I didn’t know that! Learn something new everyday. Judging from the headline it looks like woman have no options! Election year and the ruthless progressives , through their media ,will try all manner of deception to remain in power, that includes killing future children of Florida ,while in the womb. A fetus grows into a child!
  21. The left has been determined to reject Trumps rights to due process before and after his term and while President, his rights to Executive Privilege under the Constitution. History repeating itself here. Smith taking up were his failed comrades left off years ago. Imop
  22. The left is a threat to democracy! From January 2017 to the present TDS has eroded into Coup attempts , Mueller’s Russia Russia investigation, Two Impeachments , both times rejected by the Senate. Election Interference ,by arresting the leading candidate of the opposition party. And now Smith a Dem prosecutor trickster, setting traps, who doesn’t want the Judge to rule in Court because the PRA could very well sink his chances of getting a favorable outcome. Imop I was watching Mike Davis ex Supreme Court Law Clerk & liberal legal lawyer on The Megan Kelly podcast recently , discussing the case.
  23. The overwhelming favorite to replace him, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, has been striking Trump-friendly notes lately. He's said the former president was right to pressure Europe on defense spending, and told the Munich Security Conference: "Stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump. I like his thinking , He sounds practical and doesn’t have TDS . Times are changing . Russia aint going nowhere ! Trump can make peace with the former soviet govt. Trump is the no wars , type. Novel idea!
  24. Imagine being a dem activist Judge and putting a gag order on a former Potus who is being politically persecuted , while his daughter raises millions for other dem operatives & politicians and having the balls in a new ruling , trolling Trump with the Insurrection nonsense. Merchan, in his ruling, drew a distinction between the Washington case — which he referred to as the Federal Insurrection Matter — and the hush-money case he’s overseeing. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/judge-rejects-trumps-request-to-delay-hush-money-trial-until-supreme-court-rules-on-immunity
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