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Everything posted by riclag

  1. You really think so! I think barring any major medical emergency ,biden is the dems choice! He doesn’t have to be fit mentally and physically.imop He doesn’t have to travel around nearly as much as other candidates on the campaign trail . He has carefully choreographed pressers .imop He’s sitting pretty! The party and his allies in the Msm , have it all figured out for him.imop He just needs to figure what flavors of ice cream to slurp and make sure to not go off script while speaking and going up stairs. All he has to do is act Presidential!
  2. We just finished extending the height of the perimeter wall by 2 meters on 1 side of the property, partly for privacy and protection . Additionally we installed cctv cams in and out as a result from a life threatening altercation with the Thai man who lives on the adjacent property next to ours.
  3. TC & Fox have decided to part ! It was a great while it lasted. His brand of commentary was refreshing compared to the other host of characters thats on other sites, depending on one’s politics. He’s gonna be around for awhile , he’s young, he probably signed a nondisclosure agreement and will wait to take on a new news position , like Megan Kelly did before she went on to work for Nbc after parting Fox imop Well who ever follows him in that spot sure has a tough job in meeting ratings ,after all it was the number 1 rated cable news show in 2023. https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/here-are-the-top-rated-cable-news-shows-for-q1-2023/526747/#:~:text=Tucker Carlson Tonight remains No,rounding out the top five. Good luck TC
  4. Good point! That would ruffle a few feathers me thinks! Oh the irony! The film industry has been actively complaining for many years that there isn’t enough of minorities in leading roles! Skin color is meaningless ! Can the women act!
  5. The President of the USA ex drug addicted son is,Low hanging fruit imop Accused of Gun charges and tax violations! Finally,hunters team cooperating with Garlands gang . “Two law enforcement officials told NBC News there was “growing frustration” inside the FBI because its investigation into Biden was mostly complete last year, while another official indicated the IRS finished its probe more than a year ago”. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/04/22/hunter-biden-faces-doj-charges-will-be-discussed-this-week-report-says/?sh=742f7aac4b4d
  6. The unedited testimony sent from a dem official to a left leaning news agency starts with what appears imop to be part of a cherry picked version of the interview lol It starts off with: “And what was the purpose of that award”. Wheres the beginning testimony and the whole testimony! Nice try imop
  7. Yeah ,for sure, “The Biden campaign’s decision to lean into accusations of Russian involvement in the episode, despite lacking specific proof, risks eroding public trust in U.S. allegations of foreign election interference if the suspicions in this case turn out to be unfounded, according to intelligence and foreign policy experts”. source prior comment
  8. I agree but theres more to it ! On social media according to the source article: “Later on, there was a more robust explanation that factored in the idea of disinformation. Then, five days after publication, intelligence chiefs wrote a letter saying this appeared to be disinformation in the style of Russian propaganda. Then it was like the conversation was over. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/joe-biden-hunter-laptop-republicans-midterms.html Looking back and now knowing the full extent of bidens words in the debate and his campaigns strategy to suppress the contents of the laptop ,surely has eroded trust in the media, intel agencies and democracy imop And it worked, sadly imop ! “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant,” Biden said at the debate”. The article goes on to say: “But the former intelligence and defense officials who penned the letter explicitly said they had no evidence of Russian involvement, noting only that Giuliani had been the target of Russian spies and their experience made them “deeply suspicious” that the Russian government played a role”. More from the article: “The Biden campaign’s decision to lean into accusations of Russian involvement in the episode, despite lacking specific proof, risks eroding public trust in U.S. allegations of foreign election interference if the suspicions in this case turn out to be unfounded, according to intelligence and foreign policy experts”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/russian-involvement-biden-laptop-unproven/2020/10/24/ebae1760-1604-11eb-ba42-ec6a580836ed_story.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-campaign-blinken-orchestrated-intel-letter-discredit-hunter-biden-laptop-story-ex-cia-official-says
  9. Judging from your response to my response to another member’s questions , apparently you took exception to it . Apologies are in order ! Sorry for offending you , Im not a expert and the next time I offer up my opinion to a question in this forum I’ll be sure to state, imop.
  10. Agree! Singapore is known for its strict enforcement of laws ! Vote the lawmakers out and install progressives to change the rules,until then obey the law!
  11. I just got my non o marriage extension done in January in Sakon Nakhon ( one of the Controversial provinces) at the time when suspicious reports we’re being levied. I cant speak of Kalison( same controversies) but My Issan province requirements were usual ,hopefully it just a one of a kind. Im leaving next month for a visit to the states and will apply for a re entry before leaving with no drama coming back .
  12. Still no motive yet! I’m happy they arrested the sick demented trigger person or persons and others. Accusations of reckless murder , were charged for three of the individuals! When I first read the charge title I was shocked there could be a title “reckless”, isnt murder heinous enough but further reading of the definition explains it better “Essentially, reckless murder is when someone is fully aware of their action, knowing that it will cause harm or death, and following through with the action anyways”. https://www.wsfa.com/2023/04/19/explainer-understanding-dadeville-mass-shooting-suspects-reckless-murder-charges/
  13. As mentioned previously in what some might believe as a reliable news source below ,According to the DNC research department dont believe anything that comes out of James Comer! So imop if your interested in the truth one would have to hear what the IRS whistleblower has to say in the committee hearing and weigh the debate accordingly from each side ! MEMORANDUM To: Interested Parties From: Austin Dieter, DNC Research Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022 Subject: MEMO: Conspiracy Theorist, Trump Sycophant, & Proven Liar. Three things to know about James Comer
  14. Thank you for that! I anticipate further review by higher courts !
  15. What govt organization does Weiss work for and how much OVERSIGHT has his investigation been through!I know the answer to that but it’s worth repeating! The Whistleblower hopefully can shed some light on that in the committee hearings of investigating the weaponization of Government agencies . U.S. attorneys and their offices are part of the Department of Justice. U.S. attorneys receive oversight, supervision, and administrative support services through the Justice Department's Executive Office for United States Attorneys. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Attorney#:~:text=U.S. attorneys and their offices,Office for United States Attorneys.
  16. “Despite serious risks of retaliation, my client is offering to provide you with information necessary to exercise your constitutional oversight function and wishes to make the disclosures in a non-partisan manner to the leadership of the relevant committees on both sides of the political aisle,” Mark Lytle, an attorney for the IRS whistleblower, said in a letter to a handful of Democrats and Republicans leading committees in the House and Senate”. This statement from your source article is so telling(despite serious risks of retaliation)! The lame stream sycophants or unelected bureaucrats better tone down their rhetoric and let the salt flo Imop. Thanks khokhols
  17. First lesson never leave your smart phone alone ! When you walk away from a table stick it in your pocket!
  18. They are all amateur Muay Thai boxers! All feet, knees and elbows!
  19. I strongly disagree with a special counsel ! When oversight committees have hearings some witnesses hide behind the cloak of not discussing a ongoing investigation! I would prefer local DA’s get involved especially in jurisdictions where transactions took place. https://nypost.com/2023/04/05/at-least-2-gop-das-want-to-prosecute-bidens-after-trump-arrest-comer/
  20. I have a trip to the states in late May,I decided to wait until I come back from the states! Thanks for asking
  21. Guns dont kill its people who command the weapon. Something written two hundred years is enshrined in the constitution. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. There are Millions and Millions of citizens that abide by it . There is a minority ,who are lawless and mentally challenged who abuse this everyday . It’s ridiculous to punish the majority who use the right to have guns especially for protection because of a small minority who abuse the rights.
  22. Live and learn ! After the first incident you should of voiced your objections !Which reminds me. I had coffee with a fellow countryman at a coffee shop here! He scolded me about my wandering glances when Thai ladies entered the establishment! I never had coffee with him again!
  23. Well said ! Thanks for sticking up for Earth as we know it! If I were a teacher I would grade the war mongers a D- in negotiations efforts.
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