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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Blame breaks evenly if government defaults on debt, despite preference for Biden's position: POLL https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/blame-breaks-evenly-government-defaults-debt-despite-preference/story?id=99085759 A divided country imop! I trust the Gop to work it out! Imop
  2. From the thread Among the investigative mistakes it made were repeated instances of "confirmation bias", in which it ignored information that undercut the initial premise of the investigation. Speaks to the slogan of what use to be the premier law enforcement agency in the world imop Fidelity Bravery Integrity ! As a American I like to see it scrapped! https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/29/fbi-lawyer-trump-russia-probe-email-463750 Got Kevin Klinsmith though for changing emails! And exposed the two agencies bias. Can people trust the doj and fbi after this! I cant .
  3. I never approved of these devices! Some Women use them in place of men imop
  4. Its hairy driving here! They straddle the middle of the two lanes and as you approach the vehicle to pass you have to be careful of them while also worrying if they will mistakenly come into the side of your vehicle. My wife tells me not to beep on occasion for fear they would be offended! It’s getting very confusing ! I might just let her drive all the time andlet her deal with uncertainty. I was a lorri driver for 20 years in the states . Driving rules have changed since I retired .Now it appears some rules of the road are designed to not frustrate other drivers such as tailgating. The rule for tailgating was to stay behind a vehicles length was the appropriate response on a drivers test ,now its stay well behind a vehicle cause it might upset that person driving in front of you.
  5. He has a much bigger mess to clean up ! Me thinks the power of the pen will be used exhaustedly. Unfortunately he needs help from others ! Hes got some good surrogates in his camp ,Jim Jordan Brian Donalds Josh Hawley , JD Vance to name a few! Gotta convince the Gen Z socialists and independents that they chose the wrong people to lead the country imop! No easy task! I like his no war record! Maybe that will help change their minds. 18 months is a long time till elections.
  6. I never heard this guy name before today Niall Ferguson! Just another opinion that has 18 months of legacy media spin left to debate .imop
  7. i have charles Schwab ! You must be careful not to claim you live here in Thailand or they will shut you off. Keep a address and bank in the states if your ????????. CapitalOne wont charge a fee but they dont excuse the charging bank’s fees
  8. There was a Cnn segment after the town hall asking Trump voters what they thought and the Cnn rep just couldn’t help himself by attacking Trump . The first person was asked after he set the stage that Trump is a notorious liar and something about does it bother you he keeps talking about 2020 and not 2024! They replied to the effect,its your narrative you keep asking about 2020.It was the first thing you asked instead of current stuff! Kudo’s to Mr. Lesly
  9. He reacted after things got out of hand ! He’s a hero . Imop https://nypost.com/2023/05/12/jordan-neely-chokehold-death-witness-praying-for-daniel-penny/ “He said, ‘I don’t care. “He said, ‘I would kill a motherf—er. I don’t care. I’ll take a bullet. I’ll go to jail.’”
  10. Still havent heard from the pardon review team yet! Under Texas law, the Board of Pardons and Paroles has to first recommend a pardon before the governor can act on it. Abbott said he was permitted to ask the board to review it, and he said he asked the board to do so and to expedite the matter. source thread
  11. The ole sources and methods excuse! I can’t understand why the 6 ways to Sunday cabal wouldn't want to comply since its not a classified doc , according to Grassly. Just redact the names! https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/fbi-refuses-to-give-congress-informant-file-alleging-biden-took-bribes/
  12. Good luck to Tucker and Elon! 2 rich kids who support discussion ! Just in time for the elections!
  13. Agree! spending to protect another country’s warring efforts! With no mentioning of negotiations of a peace!
  14. A New York state of mind. . Not libel for raping but libel civilly for sexual abuse & defamation. She claimed the rape took place in the spring of 96. Nobody could pin point a specific date! And Trump couldn’t finda alibi for the accusation. But for many who support him this is part of Trumps world pre 2015 ,no big deal.It was a New York civil trial that started with rape accusations and ended that he has to pay damages for defamation and sexual abuse. https://nypost.com/2023/05/09/trump-found-liable-for-sexual-abuse-defamation-in-e-jean-carroll-case/ Its not finished its on appeal.
  15. Started mine (wise)on the 4th it was supposed to arrive on the 8th its not showing in Bkk bank
  16. Thanks for the statement of expertise.Whats your opinion about the 3 letter agencies ,Whistleblowers coming forward,to expose possible nefarious activities concerning the bidens? Should Americans be concerned ?
  17. “It really doesn’t come down to his credibility, whether you believe him or not, because the things he’s been through are very well documented in emails, and other communications with the Department of Justice,” Lytle told CBS News at the time”. As soon as this story of the IRS whistleblower broke it created fall out ,claiming in and around April 20 , that… ”he wants to unveil “preferential treatment” and alleged false testimony to Congress by Attorney General Merrick Garland”. https://nypost.com/2023/04/27/irs-head-vows-no-retaliation-for-whistleblowers-after-hunter-biden-claim/ “It’s deeply concerning that the Biden Administration may be obstructing justice by blocking efforts to charge Hunter Biden for tax violations,” Comer said in a statement Thursday. https://www.thetimes-tribune.com/irs-agent-alleges-hunter-biden-probe-is-being-mishandled/article_4289d2e9-b1b0-5366-a31f-bcd04425822e.html The lawyers involved with the accused ex drug addicted son of the Potus have been moving to get ahead of the narrative , it seems some kind of justice is being negotiated with his lawyers and the doj , soon after the IRS whistleblower story broke.imop “Some federal investigators working on the Hunter Biden case are reportedly growing wary of the pace of the investigation and have suggested politics have influenced prosecutors’ decisions in the case”. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/04/26/hunter-bidens-lawyers-meet-with-doj-as-possible-criminal-charges-loom-report-says/?sh=7e6f2a264266 Hunter Biden’s attorney, Chris Clark, said in a statement, "It appears this IRS agent has committed a crime." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/irs-agent-wants-whistleblower-protections-discuss-hunter-biden-probe-rcna80564 Statements like this should give rise to to extreme caution when dealing with the bidens imop
  18. I checked out if Cal accepted marriages in other countries and they do ! I don’t know what her sister is going on about! It would be nice though if my wife could be claimed by her ( Im not sure of the legal term) if she decided to go visit her sister after I die . side note , wife has a 10 year b1/b2
  19. I always waited for his advice after posting Visa questions! He was always spot on reliable. Hope he didn’t suffer through his passing!
  20. .What a tangled web the bidens and the three letter agencies have created imop It’s so critical to get the subpoena docs to get a better understanding of what this one particular WB is claiming ! “The subpoena seeks all FD-1023 forms that were "created or modified in June 2020" and that contain the word "Biden," as well as any related documents and attachments”. “An FD-1023 form is generally a report about an informant and may involve someone speaking to the FBI about alleged crimes”. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-bribery-allegations-explained-what-we-know-what-we-dont-1798224
  21. Has anybody ever declined car rental companies Insurance coverage and opted for the Credit Card company loss damage waiver instead! If so have you ever had the misfortune of having to file a claim? Ive tried to buy non owner’s insurance and get added to my kids policy but that failed!
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