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Everything posted by riclag

  1. That depends on many variables in my opinion! A few examples , PAC money sponsors, politicians endorsements and most importantly past job experience imop ! Sometimes ya gotta go with the peace makers when other countries are warring imop
  2. My daughter suggested that I go on her Insurance but her agent friend would not allow me “ He lives in Thailand” they said .I have a valid CA license, credit cards and a USA address. I suggested not to argue the point! Correct about the non owners imop . The several ones I contacted wanted a 6 month declaration. For 15 days Ive decided to bite the bullet and pay for the Avis RENTAL CAR insurance coverage $1k for crash damage, liability , sickness, roadside assistance . I spent many hours researching the pros and cons of using my Credit Cards insurance which would take care of crash damage but ive seen some negative reports and reviews when you have to file a claim! I dont want to negotiate problems after returning to Thailand . Thanks for your suggestions.
  3. Another IRS WB ! Seems as though this one was upset with the Doj for closing down the first Irs Supervisor attempts through their multi year investigation of Hunter biden ! “ Both IRS whistleblowers expressed concerns internally for years about the case being swept under the rug but got nowhere, and they lay out extensive claims of retaliation in new disclosures to Congress”. Not much reporting on this bombshell from the legacy media outlets imop. IRS vs bidens Doj , hopefully the only people ( congress ) can expose the truth through oversight efforts imop. “But in new documents sent to Congress, the special agent says that investigators were cut out of prosecutors’ calls after a contentious meeting in October, where IRS and FBI concerns about inaction in the case emerged, allegedly angering an unnamed US attorney”. Americans are growing tired of the Alphabet agencies politicizing activities ! Imop Its not democratic and reeks of corruption imop https://nypost.com/2023/05/22/second-hunter-biden-irs-whistleblower-emerges-after-five-years-on-case/#
  4. Here Here ! Every culture isnt perfect. That being said, I agree totally with this reporters opinion. Respect our values and to hell with western perspectives and behaviors. Love your opinion JD.
  5. Me too! May the Gods bless every one them. Life wouldn’t be the same without them!
  6. Give it time at least a couple of weeks! Are you wearing a protective eye cover while sleeping , no rubbing and keeping water away from it? I too have dry eye (itchy)and was told I’ll probably have to use Artificial tear drops for life , as needed.
  7. Has any Usa Schwab members here obtained a new debit card before the expiration of the original. My card expires at the end of June ! Im skeptical to call them from Thailand . I’ll be in the states from 28th of May through June 10 . I’d like to have the new card sent to my USA address and activate it before I come back. I dont know their procedures in replacement (website is rather vague)such as automatic sending a new card or if I must request it.Im relying on my kid to receive and open my mail but at times that is futile. Suggestions from C. Schwab members please only
  8. So people if you add one plus one such as the declassification memo and classify and declassify at will together, a rational person would think Trump was acting within his Presidential Powers rights afforded to him by the Constitution.
  9. Wrong again Jan 19, 2021 declassification memo He was still in office!
  10. At the time Trump was Potus, he enjoyed the same rights as any other Potus. Thats difficult for the left to accept imop "The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant." Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/may/16/james-risch/does-president-have-ability-declassify-anything-an/
  11. Thanks It seems to me the Potus office declassified the docs. Now comes the courts. DCPD-202100044 - Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation. https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-202100044 “But the extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without those formalities — has yet to be challenged in court”. https://abalegalfactcheck.com/articles/declassified.html
  12. He declassified the docs but the FBI , the agency thats been in the news lately ,wouldn't allow the process to continue according to the abc article. I wonder Why imop “[It’s] a foot-and-a-half of documents, almost everything that the FBI had left out of public sight,” Solomon said in an interview with a right-wing website on Jan. 14, 2021, predicting that the documents could be “made public as early as tomorrow.” But the FBI objected to "any" release at all, Trump’s "declassification" memo said. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-day-office-sensitive-documents-allegedly-disarray/story?id=90989613
  13. Didnt need any new arrests or indictments by Durham the scandal is in the bias and lack of transparency of all involved ( fbi , doj ) who participated in the Russia Russia investigation. “[P]rior to the submission of the initial Page FISA application, the FBI in fact knew Steele had told Handling Agent-I that Fusion GPS had been hired by a law firm and that his ultimate client was ‘senior Democrats’ supporting Clinton,” the report said. “Moreover, it knew that Handling Agent-I’s notes of this meeting reflect that, according to Steele, ‘HC’ (Hillary Clinton) was aware of his (Steele’s) reporting.” The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court wasn’t told, however, that it was being asked to surveil one political campaign based on the say-so of a rival. https://nypost.com/2023/05/15/fbi-doj-failed-to-observe-fidelity-to-the-law-in-trump-russia-investigation-durham/
  14. The fbi must be reformed imop “Allen, an FBI staff operations specialist who served two tours in Iraq with the Marines, was suspended without pay after the FBI condemned him for having “conspiratorial views in regards to the events of January 6th.” His crime? As part of his research task, he forwarded a link to an open website that said “federal law enforcement had some degree of infiltration among the crowds gathered at the Capitol.” https://nypost.com/2023/05/18/democrats-attack-fbi-whistleblowers-giving-cover-to-the-agencys-abuses/
  15. Fbi rank and file people who want to speak out and submit testimony are fearful to come out and speak ! Rep Johnson said they have more coming though. Tip of the hat to them ! Stay safe. https://youtu.be/RAcSvygDfMs
  16. I have use this saline solution gargle and snort in the past ! ???? imop
  17. During the time leading up to the admin departure . That same agency of unelected bureaucrats that has been in the news recently is responsible for not disseminating his requests during his time in office . “[T]he Justice Department has ... failed to declassify a single page," Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., complained to the attorney general in February. Much of what happened with the documents in those last days of the Trump administration -- and ever since -- remains shrouded in mystery because current and former government officials involved have refused to speak about it, especially now that the FBI is pursuing its investigation into Trump’s alleged mishandling of a separate cache of classified documents. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-day-office-sensitive-documents-allegedly-disarray/story?id=90989613
  18. Me thinks it all comes down to ones Ideology in how my Government controls lives imop! Who is the best choice to hold the office imop Would I vote for a former Potus again based on all of his reported lies ,political persecution and potential policies he espouses that helps my country move forward both fiscally and safely , I sure would imop. Surely find it difficult to vote for what the left espouses imop “Most Republicans would vote for Trump even if he's convicted of a crime, poll” Many of my generation feel a sense of desperation now imop ,especially after the Durham reporting imop . https://www.npr.org/2023/04/25/1171660997/poll-republicans-trump-president-convicted-crime
  19. Happy you got 1 eye sorted ! Wait a couple of months for the next one! I chose this for my situation ,70k for one eye and 60 k one year later for the other. The halos and spikes are practically nonexistent, what a difference . Sakon Nakhon
  20. There’s a opinion piece put out recently by a expert/ professor in Constitutional law J Turley. He writes, ‘Russia case’ against Trump was a shocking conspiracy that continues today. “The government: Of course, this conspiracy could not occur without the assistance of the FBI, which Durham found played an eager role due to a “predisposition” of key players against Trump”. “The most essential player in this conspiracy was the media, which pumped up the dossier as gospel”. https://nypost.com/2023/05/16/russia-case-against-trump-was-a-shocking-conspiracy-that-continues-today/
  21. I immediately thought of my wife's family ! Many of the women in the family have large breast and they at times poke , grab and joke about them while laughing about it. Must be the culture ,nohm yai !
  22. Drying in the cold sun Watching as the frilly panties run Hey, Aqualung!
  23. This is a different Whistleblower not to be confused with missing ones,that has come forward in April , first time its been reported on here , I think .He had his lawyer contact both the dems and gop houses .He has accused people in the Doj of a cover up in investigating tax fraud of HB. “Can you commit that there will be no retaliation against that whistleblower?” Smith asked Werfel. “Mr. Chairman, while I can’t comment on a specific case, I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline,” the IRS commissioner replied. https://nypost.com/2023/04/27/irs-head-vows-no-retaliation-for-whistleblowers-after-hunter-biden-claim/
  24. I grew up fearing nuclear attacks .In the 50’s and 60’s we had air raid drills in school! I was visiting Fla at the time of the Cuban / Russian missile crisis , we had to cut our holiday short and drive back to our home a thousand miles away. My point is Trump was the first person that I can ever recall saying ,Cant we get along with Russia ! It made sense than and it makes sense now! No wars and getting along to get along is my preference! Did you experience fear of a nuke attack in your country? https://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/16/president-donald-trump-says-getting-along-with-russia-is-a-good-thing.html https://www.britannica.com/topic/duck-and-cover
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