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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Its a indictment but it feels more like political persecution against his supporters likeJordan , Donalds ,Graham , Grassly , Staffanic , Green , Gatze and hundreds of other Gop officials along withMillions of hard working Americans who just want to hold the unelected bureaucrats accountable!Thats what the declassified docs were all about imop
  2. Dress him in a superhero attire with a S on his chest! Tucker Carlson would be more powerful with words than Clarke Kent could of imagined! Love that guy . Go getem TC
  3. So many variables! Whats he bring to the table? More of the same politics of the last 60 years! The Gop primary’s go through America First supporters !That being said he has a snowballs chance ……
  4. My flag stars represents all the states and the stripes represent the original 13 colonies! The millions of military personnel fought for that symbol to endure! To have the usa flag being seconded by a symbol that divides people into sexual orientation is insulting !imop
  5. I wonder if restricting organizations who promote gun safety from distributing safety measures influences this narrative that the anti gun lobby’s are trying to promote.limop “ This includes not only information about their purchase and use, but also the promotion of firearm safety and training. This law also restricts communications that promote an organization such as ours” I was a owner and member who obeyed the laws and took great care in storing my guns away from criminals and malicious individuals. . https://agegateway.nrahq.org/?s=CA&r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nraila.org%2Fwhy-gun-control-doesn-t-work%2F
  6. So i called the jury service and had to upload a copy of my Thai license and a signed jury duty summons writing, I live in another country. Ill have to do this every year , they said.
  7. Probably because and im just guessing I have a Cal drivers license with the same address ! Its addressed to my name.
  8. How do I get away from serving California jury duty while living in Thailand. My kid occasionally gets a official jury summons addressed to me at his house !
  9. What ever it is, the word is sticking.imop Despite Trumps attempts to neutralize it while associating it with desantis!imop Smart and clever!imop
  10. We have a saying in my country, what you see is what you get. It makes for honest political fodder! Rightfully so imop
  11. Reporter ask if he’s fit for the job! biden: “Watch Me”.
  12. CNN has not listened to the recording, but multiple sources described it. One source said the relevant portion on the Iran document is about two minutes long, and another source said the discussion is a small part of a much longer meeting. Sources describe the recording as an “important” piece of evidence in a possible case against Trump, who has repeatedly asserted he could retain presidential records and “automatically” declassify documents. More illegal leaks by the doj ! What political agenda do these “sources” have!
  13. Expose the sources and methods used against him and his administration that the agencies and other organizations perpetrated on America imop. “At the end of Donald Trump's presidency, his team returned a large batch of classified FBI documents and other government records to the Justice Department in such disarray that a year later -- in a letter to lawmakers -- the department said it still couldn't tell which of the documents were the classified ones.The documents came from the FBI's controversial probe in 2016 looking at alleged links between Russia and Trump's presidential campaign. Trump tried to make the documents public the night before he left office, issuing a "declassification" memo and secretly meeting with conservative writer John Solomon, who was allowed to review the documents, Solomon told ABC News this past week”. https://abc7chicago.com/amp/donald-trump-fbi-classified-documents-doj/12305543/
  14. Her fellow republicans didn’t want her to represent them after her participation in Pelosi j6 committee hearings !
  15. CNN reports that Tom Fitton has been advising Trump that he should not have returned any documents and should not give back any more https://www.mediamatters.org/cnn/cnn-reports-tom-fitton-has-been-advising-trump-he-should-not-have-returned-any-documents-and Tom Fitton heads up the political action group that partners with Lawyers , and other experts (Judicial Watch )unfortunately they would be determined by some on the left as nefarious only because of their party affiliation imop Judicial Watch tried a case similar to What Trump is going through many years ago involving classified material and the National Archives the judge ,Amy Jackson decided against Judicial Watch !im not gonna post the link for fear it would steer the topic off! But only mentioning it as his possible reasons he and others have! Trump never stole anything he believes he was within his right to possess docs especially the ones he declassified with his memos imop
  16. Two of Donald Trump’s employees moved boxes of papers the day before FBI agents and a prosecutor visited the former president’s Florida home to retrieve classified documents in response to a subpoena — timing that investigators have come to view as suspicious and an indication of possible obstruction, according to people familiar with the matter. How and who reports these “suspicious”and “possible” obstruction allegations to the news organizations ? What are there motives! Sad state of affairs my countries 3 letter agencies have created imop
  17. Mr. olaf there is some rather bad polling reports coming out of the left leaning media here in the USA.imop “Horrible news, horrible for Joe Biden in our new CNN poll,” Tapper said, referring to results released earlier that day. “While the president leads his Democratic competitors by a huge margin, two-thirds of all of the American people surveyed, 66% of the public say that a Biden victory would either be a setback or a disaster for the United States.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jake-tapper-joe-biden-horrible-news_n_64707c01e4b0047ed77b00b2 “The new poll showed that Biden would lose to Trump, with 38% of respondents saying they’d either definitely support the president vs. 44% for his leading opponent if the two face off in 2024. What’s more, 18% of the majority of American voters who believe Trump should be held criminally accountable for attempting to overturn the 2020 election said they would vote for Trump anyway”. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/george-stephanopoulos-biden-trump-poll_n_6458bd95e4b0ff22e37b9e58
  18. cbs Tuesday evening news interview with the Irs WB! IRS whistleblower reveals himself, says DOJ ‘slow-walked’ Hunter Biden tax probe: report. “Shapley was assigned to supervise the investigation in January 2020 and said over the summer, he grew concerned at how he saw the Justice Department treating the case and certain measures being used to seemingly shield the first son”. He said the final straw came following a “charged meeting” with Justice Department officials in October 2022 that ended with him and his team being removed from the investigation after years of work”. https://nypost.com/2023/05/24/irs-whistleblower-in-hunter-biden-tax-probe-speaks-out-in-first-public-remarks/
  19. Your right I havent thought about this much! No need too. I happen to see the head line in the thread and followed it up with some opinions and ex CIA officials comments in the sources I linked. If I offended you in anyway my apologies.
  20. I like every other lay person have no proof that the CIA has any involvement ! Imop But they are a rather secretive agency who has ways of performing covert operations .imop “Americans have been understandably outraged and alarmed about foreign electoral interference. But the practice is not new; in fact, the United States was for a long time its leading exponent. | REUTERS” https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/10/29/commentary/world-commentary/america-still-interfere-foreign-elections/ The leaders in many countries are very powerful especially the ones who grew from the military complex! Imop It wouldn’t surprise me if they make accusations of foreign interference through passive media campaign propaganda efforts imop. “Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said that the agency doesn’t alter votes or spread disinformation, but does influence foreign media outlets to “change attitudes within the country.” Panetta told Shimer that the CIA would occasionally “acquire media within a country or within a region that could very well be used … to deliver” messages, or try to “influence those that may own elements of the media to … cooperate, work with you in delivering that message.” https://news.yale.edu/2020/08/20/rigged-details-long-history-russian-and-us-electoral-interference
  21. Crime doesn’t pay! Have to build bigger rehabilitation structures .imop San Francisco’s Union Square Shopping Area Has Lost 17 Retailers Since 2020 “The news that Whole Foods would shut its Downtown location just a year after it opened shined a spotlight on the challenges retailers face in the once-vibrant area. Concern for the store’s staff given the rising crime and drug abuse in the area pushed the store to close”. https://sfstandard.com/business/union-square-stores-closing-san-francisco/ “But as many of you know, the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully”. https://nypost.com/2023/05/02/nordstrom-closing-2-san-francisco-stores-over-deteriorating-situation/
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