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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The doj shutdown, removed the IRS whistleblower who complained that the investigation into biden criminality was being interfered with by officials in the Doj . Weiss hasnt closed the case despite what biden lawyer claims imop Im just as anxious as you are to see the testimony by a higher up in the IRS, that could possibly shed more light on money exchanges that resulted in 150 sars. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hunter-biden-irs-whistleblower-removed-194912072.html
  2. Hope I live long enough to see the agencies gutted! “Hunter entirely avoided charges for money laundering and allegedly violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act by representing the interests of foreign clients before the US government. He also avoided drug charges that disproportionately ensnared racial minorities under his father’s legislation, despite many photos of him using crack cocaine on his abandoned laptop. “The American people are sick and tired of this two-tiered justice system and as a black man, I’m tired of seeing this kind of discretion used to favor people like Hunter Biden because he’s white and the son of a president,” despite many photos of him using crack cocaine on his abandoned laptop. https://nypost.com/2023/06/21/black-men-are-being-jailed-years-for-same-crimes-as-hunter-biden-rep-wesley-hunt/
  3. Not much cause they dont have the majority! But I have a lot of faith in the house to spur political fodder ! I thought the case was closed by Weiss after listening to the ex drug addicted sons lawyer but its not! That unfortunate especially knowing that Weiss will be hiding behind the infamous “ ongoing investigation” clause. “David Weiss, the Delaware US attorney, claims the investigation is “ongoing,” but that sounds like a dodge to keep House Republicans off his back. Hunter’s lawyer and friends are treating this as the end of the story”. https://nypost.com/2023/06/20/hunter-biden-plea-deal-reeks-how-could-this-take-five-years/
  4. Over-site comm is gonna want to see through questioning the scope of Weiss investigation ! “There is no way of knowing the entire scope of the investigation, but evidence seems to be mounting that Hunter Biden committed numerous federal crimes, including, but not limited to, tax fraud, money laundering, and foreign-lobbying violations,” wrote the senators. https://www.cramer.senate.gov/news/press-releases/sen-cramer-colleagues-call-for-hunter-biden-prosecutor-to-be-given-special-counsel-authority
  5. Mr. Weiss was part of the establishment for a very very long time! He’ll be in front of committee’s me thinks especially now the investigation is over, he and others in the DOJ involved in the Potus son being charged wont have to hide behind answering questions because of a active investigation anymore ! Weiss was nominated to be U.S. attorney in Delaware by Trump in 2018 with the support of Delaware’s two Democratic U.S. senators. He previously served as the top deputy in the office and was interim U.S. attorney during the early years of the 2009-2017 Obama administration. https://www.reuters.com/legal/who-is-david-weiss-us-prosecutor-hunter-biden-case-2023-06-20/
  6. I met with Dr Suntchai at the BNH hospital June 15. My first impression was that he was very confident, his English was very good! I asked how many procedures he had done , he replied 50. He asked about my condition and I told him I’ve been on meds Diox and Finn for 8 years and that my urine flow was slow and that I get up every 2 hrs to pee at night.He asked how big my Prostate was , I said my urologist up here in Sakon gauged it by 3 fingers. He suggested we do a ultrasound to confirm the size , it was 83 ! He said my Prostate is large but it would be no problem for the Rezum procedure and suggested that the catheter be in for two weeks after the procedure, to lessen the chance of urinating problems that are associated with the Rezum effects. I scheduled the procedure on August 8 ! 200k and a 14k blood and heart tests 2 days prior to TheRezum procedure.
  7. “James Johnson, co-founder of JL Partners, said the one-word survey was not just an exercise in poking fun but offered a flavor of how leaders are viewed across the country “ Amazingly sad! I thought this was real!
  8. Agree. You need to pay attention to the academics my friend ! The radical left who believe there opinions on history and Fascist and its similarities to present politics , its very disturbing , especially knowing how the term Fascist originated and how it doesn't meet the smell test in American politics. “In terms of politics, I think everyone here would hopefully agree, the left has been using the term “fascist” to describe political enemies for a century, and we’re not exactly closer to the left-wing utopia that we imagine, let alone seizing power”. https://newrepublic.com/article/171370/calling-fascist
  9. Questionable indeed! A majority of Americans polled think its election interference ! https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/HHP_June2023_KeyResults.pdf
  10. Messy! Thats what i wanted to avoid ! I got a Chevy impala from Avis for 15 days,it cost 100 dollars a day , Rental cost and their ins.
  11. Thanks for that explanation!Glad to see someone else thinking their wallet / auto renew monthly billing is vague in context ! I will leave my auto renew untouched and wait for them to take the $3 from my wallet balance.
  12. According to a recent poll there is a chance that the DOJ and Jack has some credibility issues! The court of public opinion has just spoke in a Harvard Harris poll! https://dnyuz.com/2023/06/17/harvard-poll-most-voters-say-trump-indictment-is-election-interference-believe-hell-be-acquitted/
  13. My trip has concluded! I ended up using the car rental insurance from Avis! $1700+ included crash waiver, liability,road side assistance an personal accidental insurance. I thought long and hard after researching what problems could occur if I had to make a claim and decided to bite the bullet and pay the thieves! I live full time here and I don’t care to carry on with litigation from Thailand to resolve a accident. Thanks
  14. Thats a made up accusation by the far left “ stole”. You got proof he stole documents that he considered his! “Based on the documents I’ve read and his actions I’ve read about, I believe Trump viewed his “boxes” as his personal records under the PRA. There are statements he made, quoted in the indictment, that support that view. If Trump considered the contents of these boxes to be of purely personal interest, hence his designation of them as personal records, did he knowingly retain NDI”? from my op source
  15. Jack and the dishonest(illegal leaks)Doj/fbi would do wonders for the agencies trust with a large swath of Americans if he postponed his political persecution of the leading presidential candidate , by waiting till after the 2024 election .imop Whats the rush! They waited all this time to start with political persecution (according to the Gop)with the election process. Imop Let the election go without controversy Imop https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/16/six-reasons-dojs-legal-case-against-trump-is-seriously-flawed/
  16. Unions were strong in the past! I was in a union before! The organization leaders can hand out endorsements but it doesn’t control how its members vote or necessarily mean every member will follow . But its safe to say ,a majority always vote dems! no big surprise!
  17. I have mintmobile as well $15 p/m Ive had that since 2019. So now I have two phones and plans to combat the never ending changes by financial institutions for verification processes .
  18. Just came back from the states! I got and activated a UltraPaygo account, $3 a month in the states. I funded the Ultrapaygo wallet ! I called CS about paying my bill and it seems , I either have to set auto pay from using my Credit Card or pay manually using my wallet balance. I would love to have Ultrapaygo take my monthly bill from my wallet but I dont know if thats possible. Anybody please
  19. Not funny ! Its all about that word ,Propaganda! Imop Wiki lays it all out there so even the non scientific community can understand how they manipulate the masses through selective news narratives imop “Political importance of mass media Politics and the mass media are closely intertwined, as the mass media play a role in shaping public opinion around political topics and figures”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influence_of_mass_media#:~:text=immediate%2C individual effects.-,Political importance of mass media,around political topics and figures.
  20. The problem the left had initially was and is ,they mostly never accepted him as the 45 th POTUS. (Not deserving any rights and freedoms of the office) imop This in 2016 was furthered by the Washington establishments , (politicians,fbi and some in the media) by attempting to delegitimize Trump and everyone in his sphere) imop Unfortunately for the American people like myself , we gotten delegitimized and defeated out of our vote for a Trump America policy by the establishment ever since!imop Be nice to see a election by the citizens of my country without any interference by the Washington establishment ! Imop “The Establishment has been best understood as the primary source of power in a society, the implicit organization to which all politically minded people long to join but few will confess to being a member” https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/what-is-the-establishment-now-213565/
  21. Tennessee lawmaker files Articles of Impeachment against President Joe Biden. The bill also claims a form filed by the Biden administration which was obtained by a GOP committee this year "reportedly details a bribery scheme in which members of the Biden family, including Joseph Robinette Biden, received $5,000,000 each to assist Burisma Holdings." https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/tennessee-lawmaker-files-articles-of-impeachment-against-president-joe-biden-politics-republican-democrat-andy-ogles-hunter-biden I dont see the Senate which is held by his party convicting biden if the house impeached him! Hopefully this creates enough political fodder to destroy the guy and his administration!
  22. Political persecution by biden doj/fbi and his numbers continued to rise!!!!!!! https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/cbs-news-poll-most-see-security-risk-after-trump-indictment/
  23. “I determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible”. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/memorandum-declassification-certain-materials-related-fbis-crossfire-hurricane-investigation/ https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-202100044 Its in the courts hands now . There is no denying while POTUS,that he declassified docs.
  24. Trump didnt steal documents !As Potus he declassified them in a memo! He was negotiating with gov agencies as had been reported! Now its in the courts hands!
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