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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Mental health played a big factor but lots of disputing facts here . He was legally permitted to have the gun. Police should of held onto that gun instead of letting a “ third party” hold on to it imop “Sack also told reporters that Harris had been seeing mental health professionals and that his family had him committed several times”. https://nypost.com/2022/10/27/family-tried-to-take-gun-from-st-louis-shooter-orlando-harris/
  2. Another disturbed youngster who slipped through the school and law enforcement cracks like some others have in similar acts of school terror. In his note, Harris complained about not having friends, family or a girlfriend. “I’ve never had a social life. I’ve been an isolated loner my entire life,” Harris wrote. Harris reportedly screamed, “You’re all going to f—ing die!” and said he was “tired of this damn school” as he launched his deadly attack. https://nypost.com/2022/10/25/st-louis-shooter-orlando-harris-pictured-in-eerie-yearbook-photo/ https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/08/el-paso-shooting-when-loneliness-leads-mass-murder/595498/
  3. I like reading the comments sections on bookingsdotcom. You can filter many preferences such as beach and center location and much more! Sorry Op this doesn’t meet your 500-1000 price range .I just booked a 2 bedroom villa(Palmyra) in Patong after initially choosing 2 rooms at another hotel. I wanted to avoid noise from Adjacent rooms plus have my adult daughter near by using the same living quarters with separate bedrooms!
  4. Your child is very special to be able to converse in two languages at such a young age! Congrats to the parents and your son of course.
  5. Some disagree! For instance, J.Turley constitutional professor argues, its his wife not his (thomas)activists opinions ! https://news.bloomberglaw.com/business-and-practice/are-justice-thomas-and-judge-jackson-polar-opposites-on-recusals I agree with Turley. Anyways,Grahams request Is goin to the SCOTUS for all to decide I believe .
  6. If the scotus refuses Graham request and lets the 11th circuit ruling stand , thats a good thing! Immunity from debate in the constitution which he’s using as a grounds not to testify lets many of these politicians on both sides escape being accountable( other than election)for their accusations and actions. Imop Need a Supreme ruling ”only” if it helps preserve the rights under the constitution! Congressional members have enjoyed over the years a great amount of lead way for their speech and actions while conducting duties.. “In order to enable and encourage a representative of the public to discharge his public trust with firmness and success, it is indispensably necessary that he should be protected from the resentment of every one however powerful to whom the exercise of that liberty may occasion offense”. https://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre1952042500
  7. Its brought awareness ! How many ballots is one individual allowed to deposit in a box! In Some states you can register to be a ballot bearer ,like in new jersey, other states have restricted when you can go . Wisconsin banned ballot boxes for the most part. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1100696685/wisconsin-supreme-court-ballot-drop-boxes-disability-assistance https://www.marieclaire.com/politics/ballot-drop-boxes-guide/ https://www.newsweek.com/dinesh-dsouza-wants-republicans-explain-blanking-his-movie-2000-mules-1736806
  8. Back to Judge Cannon it appears. Judge derire needs just follow the instructions laid out by Judge Cannon. "The special master's job is to prepare a report and recommendations. The judge can choose to adopt or reject those recommendations, but ultimately, it's up to the discretion of the judge to make the decision," Rahmani told Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/special-master-raymond-dearie-resign-judge-cannon-1749527
  9. I could care less about denchenko its the 6 ways to sunday cabal (fbi)that i and millions of others have concerns about! Durham brought out their lack of integrity and more. I suspect once the midterms are decided more investigations will occur , involving the bureau.
  10. What came out of the Lefts Russia hoax as reported in the news . Robby Mook star of HC campaign said she personally approved sharing the russian collusion narrative . The fbi wanted to give Steele 1 m to prove the hoax dossier but he couldn’t. Unproven allegations submitted to the Fisa court by the fbi to surveil Trumps campaign without verification of the dossier. Next wait for the report to come out , once ag Garland approves it. Nobody held accountable , just the hoax narrative! https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/moral-durham-trials-jurors-wont-convict-sources-if-fbi The moral of the story despite the outcome Imop you dont fool around with the Fbi and the msm they have the ability to change public opinion to get their man.
  11. For what its worth the person who knows everything (the young lady of the house) says the falang sent Thai people to a nearby restaurant to pay to have cctv footage deleted! Thats concerning !
  12. Two bad actors (intel and denchecko)out to get the anti establishment Trump! Actually he (denchencko)tried to take it back but the dishonest fbi and doj would have nothing to do with it. https://nypost.com/2022/09/14/main-steele-dossier-source-igor-danchenko-was-fbi-operative/. Deceptive intel practices, using and paying him to further a narrative imop
  13. Johnthan Turley lawyer on Fox earlier. “He also said the charge that Trenga threw out was the weakest of the five that Danchenko faces”. "It strengthens the prosecution case not to have that count because I felt that it was really something that was begging for a hung jury or an acquittal. So they'll go forward on those stronger, more direct counts," the Fox News contributor said. https://www.foxnews.com/media/igor-danchenko-trial-shows-mueller-didnt-know-ignored-trump-report-turley 4 more counts to go for allegedly lying to the fbi.
  14. I hope she died quickly , didn’t suffer and didn’t cry out mommy mommy I want my mommy! I usually stay clear of news stories that have children being murdered , it brings so many emotions out! Eye for a eye seems appropriate!
  15. “Had the bureau looked more critically at Christopher Steele’s information to begin with, there would have been no investigation of the Trump campaign. Had Mr. Mueller, during his turn as special counsel, examined the source of the allegations, his inquiry would have ended there. According to the grand jury’s indictment of Mr. Danchenko, the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team realized early on that he was Mr. Steele’s “primary subsource” for the dossier”. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-fbi-lets-its-informants-mislead-it-mueller-durham-russia-chs-joffe-server-dossier-11665581433 Had many Trump hating human sources at the doj/fbi that never confirmed allegations before they got a fisa ! They even offered the trump hater once foreign agent Steele 1 million dollars to substantiate info , he couldn’t. Looking back on this and HC team feeding into the frenzy with Russia disinformation that Trump was compromised by vlad ,i like to see the integrity taken out of their slogan Fidelity bravery… https://www.foxnews.com/politics/igor-danchenko-trial-durham-hammers-fbi-over-lack-corroboration-steele-dossier-used-fisa-warrant Nov 8 cant cone fast enough.Patiently waiting.
  16. He got away with serial murder! Its a Shame !imop Even though he’ll never get out of jail, its a shame, feel sorry for the victims families , No closure for them. “I do not want life please help me go to death row!!!” he wrote on one of 33 pages of deranged writings and childlike doodles, some of which depict people being gunned down behind desks. https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/parkland-killer-nikolas-cruz-wrote-666-on-a-cell-wall-in-blood/
  17. Disagree strongly ,Ya ba ( Thai language for speed,meth) is a curse world wide ! Meth, cocaine and heroin have destroyed cultures imop People who deal and make it should be dealt with . Singaporean laws come to mind. Imop
  18. Open , public, televised.
  19. My 120k bht a month is “helping” taking care of a lot of immediate family members here! Unfortunately it doesn’t stop here , some of my life savings are bailing out my 2 kids back in California, one kid lost his lucrative job selling cars and the other had a very successful restaurant business until covid came!
  20. Americans are thirsting for transparency ! Most likely the Gop will win the majority in the house and according to them they are going after bidens son hunter. “We will subpoena Hunter Biden,” said House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik bluntly in an interview with The Post. https://nypost.com/2022/03/26/house-republicans-will-subpoena-hunter-biden/ I hope its a open session for his father , family and all to watch!
  21. 1.Move ,there is no drama in it! 2.Stay and speak your mind and your opening up a can of…. The second option result is a continuous watching over your shoulder! LB can be very temperamental imop
  22. Another sick criminal ! Hearts and prayers to the victims ! https://www.fox5vegas.com/2022/10/08/clark-county-da-reacts-stabbing-spree-suspect-comments-immigration-status/
  23. The news in a nut shell ! You have reflected what many experts in the know are surmising imop
  24. He wasnt at the time and besides people act differently and felt a need to be with their love ones !
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