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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I never never reply to your comments! When ever I see your username I know exactly how you would respond! ” Thats what makes the right more dangerous with ….” It wasn’t the right who went into Israel murdering , terrorizing and taking hostages, it was the lefts newest members that the progressives support, hamas! It wasn’t the right who donates money to supporters of Terrorism , violent takeover of campuses or Marxist encampments either! https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135#:~:text=National-,Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source%3A Biden's,biggest names in Democratic circles. https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20
  2. Useful Idiots, the lefts use of the masses to push their democracy , mob rule. Accept forced migration or the mob’s intimidation ! Thats how the left won the elections in France & Uk! They use the authoritative government to push their will through fear tactics & violence. https://www.politico.eu/sponsored-content/fear-a-decisive-force-in-these-european-elections/ https://www.northernpublicradio.org/2024-07-06/right-wing-movements-are-growing-in-europe-how-do-they-differ-from-those-in-the-u-s
  3. Recently someone said ,look to Hitler/ mussolini/ franco as to how awful the far right is and The French people should consider those regimes as a indicator before they reject the left. Hitlers was heinous, no doubt but Theres A stark contrast between the alternative ! 100 Years. 100 Million Lives. Think Twice. 2017 article starts off, Last month marked 100 years since the Bolshevik Revolution, though college culture would give you precisely the opposite impression. Depictions of communism on campus paint the ideology as revolutionary or idealistic, overlooking its authoritarian violence. Instead of deepening our understanding of the world, the college experience teaches us to reduce one of the most destructive ideologies in human history to a one-dimensional, sanitized narrative. https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2017/11/20/nicolae-one-hundred-million/ Hitler/ Nazi’s heinous rise and genocide of a race and other nationalities is infantile compared to the far left’s genocides use ,to control people . History is repeating itself , the left is using hitler/ nazism to demonstrate the right is evil because of its Sense of Nationalism ! New neo cultural marxist have learned that Nazi antisemitism is a useful tool in their attempt to destroy western civilization ! https://www.jns.org/most-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-are-not-just-anti-israel-they-are-also-anti-american/
  4. Somebody needs to tell that person you’re replying to , he aint a felon until the dem judge announces it ! We’ ll no more about that in September . Apparently the concocted & rapidly applied evidence the NY & ex Doj officials used might be unconstitutional, As per SCOTUS new decision on PRESIDENTIAL immunity. https://nypost.com/2024/07/03/us-news/can-trump-get-hush-money-conviction-overturned-with-scotus-immunity-ruling/
  5. Another disgrace performed on American health care ,attributed to bidens illegals. An illegal immigrant used the stolen identity of an American to sign up for Medicare and collect some $400,000 in taxpayer-funded care — including getting a kidney transplant that would have gone to a U.S. citizen. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jul/5/illegal-immigrant-uses-stolen-identity-get-kidney-/#:~:text=An illegal immigrant used the,gone to a U.S. citizen.
  6. I admire bringing up bidens failures by using somebody I follow on X! I feel the need to tell you & others that the left is a very very formidable opponent! They have a strong bond to control & persevere example: A recent dem elected senator had a debate disaster , his introduction statement started with this , Hi, goodnite! This should worry many.Never Never take the left for granted ! imop
  7. What ever that means !Most foreigners are ignorant ( not accusing you) to the founding struggles my country endured. Further more, in the grand scheme of celebrating my country’s birth of a nation ,that was formed by the rejection of A tyrannical government & its ruling aristocracy ,It was a great tradition to experience, the Declaration of Independence). It gives rise to patriotism, pride and freedom!
  8. It seems the progressive globalists are strengthening , teaming up with forces of Radical extremism from middle eastern countries ! France & Great Britain recent elections has shown this! Imop
  9. Its real that hatred. Theres no amount of traditional values , the political right could bring back to America that would satisfy the bird chucking leftest ! The messaging ,their democracy is on the ballot , Their quest for power and control through (lawfare) corruption , Political action groups and control of the media is a very serious problem and extremely difficult to succumb ! God bless traditional values!
  10. I agree with madame Le Pen The seeds of traditional origin have been planted. Viva Nationalism
  11. You stole my thunder! I was thinking about creating a thread in the new Psandbox ! Cutting through the maze to find unbiased news reports through googles algorithms..
  12. French nationals want their country back.Forced migration by the left is being rejected! Viva le Pen Paris is burning: Rioting leftists besiege French capital after populist National Rally party victory https://nypost.com/2024/07/01/world-news/leftists-riot-in-france-after-national-rally-party-victory/
  13. Karoline Leavitt , Trumps press spokesperson devised strategies! Go on Cnn . Start a conversation about Tapper & Bash ,factual biases ,hoping karoline would get blocked on air! It worked beautifully . It forced Cnn to be half way fair imop The masterdebater biden and his democracy defenders got smoked in the debate. Watch America first destroy kamala harris, the Border Czar ! Imop
  14. Antifa not a myth but a organization , according to Judge Goldstein who just sentenced 12 members! Thats one talking point the left uses to dismiss them as real, while claiming its a conspiracy theory! The story says the “ cells” Ringleader Mr White, essentially preyed on gullible individuals to serve as useful idiots to help in their campaigns of disruption. “San Diego Superior Court Judge Daniel Goldstein said that the trial proved to him that antifa exists as an organization that appears to “have funding and they have an ability to make contact and morph into other things very quickly in many different jurisdictions.” https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-sentences-protesters-in-san-diego-antifa-case-to-up-to-two-years-in-jail/
  15. Spot on, when if any imop have you heard talks of peace by the Masterdebater biden
  16. You are on the same ground with many in the world mate. Thou shall not attempt to kill, should be tattooed on their foreheads! It might not stop evil , but it sure sends a message . imop
  17. That last paragraph was the frosting on the cake , so to speak. One person didn’t do it all by his lonesome . It was a Coordinated effort by the party of Democracy ,call for a surge to the border and entrust the border czar(Harris) and the impeached Mayorkis to over see it!
  18. There is a whole lot of exposing goin on . Somebody pinch me! Dream come true ! The dems propaganda machine has dug a deep hole for themselves! Exposed : Enablers to the king without clothes. Imop POLITICS David Axelrod blasts ‘sad’ Biden ABC interview: ‘Somebody really needs to be honest’ https://nypost.com/2024/07/06/us-news/david-axelrod-blasts-sad-biden-abc-interview-somebody-really-needs-to-be-honest/
  19. The open borders people don’t recognize boundaries ! They only care about the humanitarian aspects! No hard consideration for the communities they are invading, economically burdening social services , increase in taxes to support more family social programs and much more . https://www.csmonitor.com/Books/Author-Q-As/2024/0530/immigration-open-borders-conversation
  20. It has to be “ done exactly” the way Barry went about deporting 3 million, otherwise … the left will not accept it. Tweek Tweek Tweek the removal initiative to all crimes! I like Trumps plan of possibly giving student visa holders a path to citizenship ! You come here on a student visa , you best behave during your time in school or you forfeit everything. “Also, removal priorities were increasingly focused on removing noncitizens convicted of crimes. In 2009, 51 percent of interior removals were of individuals convicted of what DHS described as serious crimes. In 2016, DHS reported that more than 90 percent of interior removals were of noncitizens convicted of serious crimes ”. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/obama-record-deportations-deporter-chief-or-not
  21. Think before you speak , how simple. In a recent speech, 4 more years pause! Straight from the teleprompter, word for word
  22. Especially the kind that order mental cognitive tests.
  23. I didn’t watch the interview but I think the average sheeple don’t know what has been could of been and might possibly be related to! https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/20/joe-biden-old-age-1468635
  24. honesty & truth Can you imagine if “the vaults” of classified intel was exposed, minus sources & methods ?
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