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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Confused! Aljazzer has no credibility , they are funded by Qatar govt. and mediafactchecker says they are leftists! Very bias video. Nice Try, AJ , its a election season , some have seen through AJ’s propaganda . https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/al-jazeera/
  2. It only took 19 radical jihadist last time. The world has seen radical useful idiot biden supporters running mini caliphate encampments in my country, blocking streets,bridges,airport access . With Chants of death to America , god only knows what brew ,evil has concocted! methinks
  3. Emotional ,heart wrenching, stomach turning.It brings thoughts of murder victims(old & young) screaming out in fear , while crying out for their mommy! I dont want to watch
  4. I noticed Tucker in the land down under ! I think a interview is on the horizon with the Goat Whistleblowers ! Methinks
  5. Barrett , Kavanough are gop ghost activists! Alito descent opinion was right. Justice Brown said during arguments that the government would be hamstrung, the same lady that couldn’t comment on defining a woman during her confirmation hearing! Idiot methinks Sad day for Free Speech ,big brother watching over your shoulder,similar to the Uk methinks. Roberts court had another leak! https://nypost.com/2024/06/26/us-news/supreme-court-prematurely-posts-opinion-permitting-emergency-abortions-in-idaho/
  6. Major Major news ! Even Cnn said many radical dem politicians ( my term) are gonna be looking over their shoulders . Bowman got crushed , I think by 17 %. “If they are successful in defeating Jamaal, every member of Congress” will be looking over their shoulder, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Saturday at a rally for Bowman, asking whether “the billionaire class is going to spend millions of dollars against me in my campaign? … Look what they did to Bowman in the Bronx.” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/23/politics/bowman-latimer-new-york-16-primary/index.html Many more to come hopefully .Open borders,Critical race theory , DEI and Gender dysphoria politics) are all radical far left projects methinks
  7. Just so you know@TedG Marxism is a social, economic and political philosophy that analyses the impact of the ruling class on the laborers, leading to uneven distribution of wealth and privileges in the society. It stimulates the workers to protest the injustice https://m.economictimes.com/definition/marxism#:~:text=Marxism is a social%2C economic,workers to protest the injustice. Bowman is a member of the Socialist democrat party , same as Aoc. Many not all Dems are tricky with word definitions , to disguise their main objective , they are anti capitalist. Bernie Sanders was called a communist by Bill Clinton politically mgrJames Carvel. James Carville hits back at Bernie Sanders after criticism: ‘At least I’m not a communist’ https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/13/politics/bernie-sanders-james-carville-criticism/index.html bowman , aoc and sanders just had a rally in the bronx
  8. Fewer knives means fewer knife homicides , less knives means less crimes. Can you get a sense of the logic methinks
  9. some of the former 51 intel agents we’re still contracting with the agency when they signed off on theLaptop from Hell. Treasonous (methinks) Some signatories were on the CIA payroll, while others had special access to CIA facilities. Morell, before Congress learned of his CIA contract, acknowledged, "It’s inappropriate for a currently serving staff officer or contractor to be involved in the political process. https://www.businesstoday.in/world/us/story/spies-who-lie-how-cia-helped-biden-spread-fake-news-in-2020-us-elections-to-beat-donald-trump-434756-2024-06-26 Dem senate leader Schumer “ mess around with the intel agencies , they have six ways from sunday to get back at you”
  10. It will take years for the Northeast & the Left coast ( California & Washington state) to recover from bidens dems far left agenda ! ! Bowman is a radical socialist and a Israel Oct 7 massacre denier! A Far left activists ! One down many more to go! https://www.timesofisrael.com/not-just-bowman-and-congress-israel-hamas-war-also-impacting-nyc-local-races/
  11. Bowman a New York dem member of the radical left coalition of bidens party lost in a primary election! A sign of whats gonna come for many cultural Marxist who support biden & his chaotic Administration! Methinks https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/06/25/squad-jamaal-bowman-loses-most-expensive-house-primary-history/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/06/25/squad-rep-jamaal-bowman-unseated-by-latimer-in-pricey-new-york-primary/
  12. “Sad to see her supporting the Commies though, but nobody's perfect”. Thats the rub for me , my friend. Simple terms: When the apple has rot , dont cut out the rot and eat the rest, dont accept the apple and throw it in the garbage! methinks
  13. A whopping 79 percent of Americans suggest President Donald Trump likely would have won reelection if voters had known the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop—that it was real and not “Russian disinformation, ” as intelligence officials aligned with Joe Biden falsely led the public to believe, a new national poll reveals. same source
  14. I think TDS’ers wont accept this ,prove me wrong! Shock Poll: 8 in 10 Think Biden Laptop Cover-Up Changed Election Most following the story want the AG to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the laptop-related issues. https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116258/documents/HHRG-118-FD00-20230720-SD011.pdf
  15. I don’t get to see these comments.
  16. Populist’s, It aint my country but globalism has reshaped cultures of western civilization ,IN PARTICULAR by allowing mass migration of immigrants from disadvantaged countries , into communities of the west. Here below is a negative article on Populism !Do you see how it transcends into scaremongering . “If we are concerned about populism, it is because of the possibility of its collapse into authoritarianism” Nigel & reform from what I can see, desperately want to hold traditional values up in the UK, while the other parties want to hold up EU socialist globalists agenda. Elites & Politicians establishment vs Traditional values nationalism methinks https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/is-the-uk-facing-a-populist-takeover-or-just-politics-as-usual/
  17. Julian Assange one of the most trusted news sources for exposing the infamous 6 ways to Sunday cabal of political intel misfits! Good timing Mr. Assange! methinks
  18. biden called for a purge to the border . biden team of authorities cut razor wire and sued Texas ,to stop them from barricading weak spots in the fencing to facilitate this crisis! Over 3 years he facilitated 7 million unvetted illegal border crossings .the senator that was one of the sponsors of the bill complained after ,that the illegals still would be seriously unvetted and that the WH is fudging the numbers. Trump was right when he said they aren’t sending their best! 2 illegals were charged with rape and murdered Of a 12 year old in Tx. They are facing capital punishment. Border Patrol sources say that most of the migrants are still being given court dates and released into the US — despite the Biden Administration’s claim that the new measure would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into border towns and major cities. https://nypost.com/2024/06/18/us-news/42000-migrants-crossed-border-since-bidens-executive-order/
  19. "I think that they're definitely going to vote for Donald Trump, because we can't afford to keep subsidizing the illegals who are coming here. … People are proudly stating that they're going to vote for the first time in their lives, and they're going to run to the polls to vote for Donald John Trump," she added. https://www.foxnews.com/media/chicago-voters-send-message-biden-ahead-visit-city-completely-fed-democrats This issue is bidens water mark downfall! He owns it! Illegals crossing the border and getting into minority communities stipends! methinks
  20. The hard left hate the fact that biden is trying his hardest in pivoting to the middle 4 months away from the election! We see this with his soft talk approach to his pro hamas wing of the dem party as they create chaos in cities all across America! methinks
  21. So your remark brings to mind the word Propaganda! I first learned of this term in school , history class , pre WW 2 ,under Goebbels. He was a master at manipulative news, just like the left is! Trump is hitler and now he’s taunting communist tripe ! Its a election year in case you didnt notice! methinks
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