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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Dont forget Andy McCabe and Rod Rosenstein!
  2. I see they / them are still allowed to misrepresent Trumps name , while others are forced to represent Biden and Harris name ! They / Them shouldn’t be allowed on my threads.
  3. Lawyer up Jimmy! Lawyer up everyone in Jimmy’s world, especially Mueller’s crew ,who never passed the Durham smell test! Who gave the order to wipe all the phones on the Mueller team! So much malfeasance!
  4. So far the lefts propaganda machine, legacy Msm hasn’t even bothered to cover it. A Google search only produced this far left site. They must be coordinating a spin.Just like when the two IRS agents WB came forward to expose the DOJ& Fbi cover up of Young Biden. https://www.mediaite.com/news/trumps-fbi-reportedly-launches-investigation-into-james-comey/#
  5. Treasonous criminal activity if proven! https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim
  6. its never been done in the USA, go after a Potus ! Trump fired many Inspector Generals except for Horowitz. I think it was with intention, to use his findings to further the argument that Corruption was rampant! There was no predication. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/no-ig-horowitz-did-not-endorse-the-fbis-predication-for-the-crossfire-hurricane-investigation/
  7. For all those who were subjected to weaponized agencies, accountability is coming! Millions of dollars will be spent again uncovering the malfeasance perpetrated by these corrupt SOB. Why? So it won’t happen again!
  8. I just got the goose bumps reading your post. Do you think I’m over reacting? Just thinking of all the weasels that were involved in Spygate & the coverup .
  9. You’re a patriot,I don’t have to tell you ! What went around is coming around! The feeling is orgasmic !
  10. Revenge cometh , accountability too ! Comey’s book tour will come back to bite him in the a&&.All those files,all those Fbi 302 reports, emails pertaining to Spygate,buried waiting for the likes of the Dream Team to investigate.
  11. Its so delicious , accountability ! Jimmy will get to see what it feels like to get persecuted ,constitutionally & predicated. Rudy & Mike Flynn must be creaming in their jeans right about now! God Speed!
  12. Even former Truck drivers have more intelligence than former government leftist bureaucrats !
  13. Oh Jimmy boy the pipes the pipes are callin! Allegations of a Covert Operation targeting Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Using two undercover female agents (honeypots) to infiltrate the campaign! https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/breaking-fbi-launches-investigation-into-james-comey-mace/ Story based on a report by Trending Politics and Washington Times
  14. You got to wonder why they didn’t go federal judge shopping? The left resistance trying all the tricks in the book.
  15. $40million a week goes to the Taliban. The Gop propose the “No Tax dollars for Terrorist Act” and they get opposition from the activists pretending to be journalists.
  16. Have ever wondered what the opposition represents ?The people you’re debating from different cultures, countries ,Socialist Marxist, Maoist , Islamic Terrorist .
  17. Remember his Presidency ,it was in Peril ! Now the Dem party is acting out forming resistance groups through out the country similar to all third world Marxist/Socialist parties. Democrats in Congress receive lowest approval rating in Quinnipiac poll history. https://san.com/cc/democrats-in-congress-receive-lowest-approval-rating-in-quinnipiac-poll-history/
  18. I ‘d report you for the fake AI pictures , but Im not allowed to use the report feature! But I can put you on my ignore. Off you go!
  19. Thats all the left has spin, attack and rinse. Frank Luntz prediction dreams, GOP Pollster Delivers Some Really Bad News To Trump After Debate Disaster Frank Luntz revealed how the debate will "cost" the former president. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/frank-luntz-trump-debate_n_66e28d10e4b055a0b2a515ad
  20. Back in the day Someone who helped broker peace after cities burned & hundreds of thousands were killed would of been put on a list for a prestigious prize! If only the globalist elites stopped advancing eastward poking the bear. If only is finished ,time to make amends.
  21. Lefty teardrops,Reid but but my show had value. Don Lemon chastised M. Kelly after Reid got canned.
  22. Kinda like the left activist pretending to be journalists we’ve seen over the years . If they don’t like the news narrative they / them ignore it.
  23. This is they/ them attempts @ thinking! Sad reality and weird phenomenon!
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