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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The old couple with the umbrella , stands out the most for me! Your thoughts?
  2. Im not into German politics but this has gone unnoticed! Your thoughts! All three parties in Scholz's centre-left coalition suffered painful losses while the nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD) and a new anti-establishment populist party booked record gains in the eastern states of Thuringia and Saxony on Sunday. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germanys-scholz-worried-by-far-right-surge-regional-elections-2024-09-02/
  3. There is nothing I can say to you that would change your mindset ! You’re living in a bubble! It’s almost election time and the $—t will be hitting the fan!Like always!imo
  4. They always attack the owner , Murdock ,It very tiresome! Anything thats not center or left of is considered not trusted . They did this with the Hunter Laptop when it was presented on the NEW YORK POST! The left everywhere censored the Post story! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13803071/Tim-Walzs-brother-warns-Democratic-VP-hopeful-not-type-character-want-White-House.html
  5. Its a big issue! Maybe the press should go interview her dad! Get some hints. Maybe ask if he’ll play a part in her administration. “He's now been retired since 1998, and holds the title of emeritus professor. He now works on "developing public policies to promote economic growth and advance social equity." https://www.daily-sun.com/post/530857
  6. The Pilgrims Tried Socialism and It Failed https://www.aier.org/article/the-pilgrims-tried-socialism-and-it-failed/
  7. Do you think the establishment will use passive aggressive Intimidation to silence him? It kinda puts him in a Whistleblower type status ,the way you make it sound .imo He’s on the fence as it is!
  8. You have a way with words! Kinda like scripture! Well said
  9. She ticked the dems box that's for sure. In 1952 dem primaries Truman lost NH and stopped running for re election.Kefauver won the primaries . During the Convention the delegates voted Adlai Stevenson as the Presidential choice , who eventually lost to Ike. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries The party chose not the people!
  10. “Now shall we discuss the attack on the educated, education in general, call for doing away with the Dept. of Education to have parochial interests decide what can be taught? There was a reason to adopt a public education system in order to advance the country’s interests and beat back ignorance. Indeed, the election decides if we devolve into 50 states with their own residents rights or if we remain a country with American citizen rights …” Come again! Another lost cause 😞 If educators & education is working why these disturbing stories below? https://www.illinoispolicy.org/1-in-6-chicago-third-graders-can-read-at-level-signaling-dismal-futures/ https://www.singoutandread.org/our-impact/illiteracy-is-a-national-emergency
  11. He has a host of advisers Jerry , you have WP and officials, of unknown political bias!
  12. So now we got Gold Star Parents who blame harris/ for their kids death and harris & unknown officials criticizing who they can invite to grieve , with them!
  13. More nonsense from “ officials said” on a site i can’t access ! It ok Jerry ,the Speaker intervened!
  14. Judging by the photo you’re another who reads between the lines! You must be worried , like so many others! The greatest Republic country the world has ever seen, is witnessing the twilights last gleaming imo
  15. Go tell Congressman Isa who instructed them on protocol Jerry!
  16. “We asked Trumps team to take pictures & videos” . Go blame the gold star parents Jerry! quote from the last segment of the video
  17. We invited Trump .They contacted their government liaison Gop Congressman Isa to “make sure they were following protocol!
  18. Common sense it use to be a virtue ! So are you ok with censorship! You’ll just turn a blind eye for the sake of party , ideology & not causing debate?
  19. There will always be a struggle with political correctness! The left pushes & pushes for their control , their agenda! its always been this way https://www.npr.org/2021/07/09/1014744289/cancel-culture-debate-has-early-90s-roots-political-correctness
  20. Recognizing Dems ,of years ago possibly ! But these dems who support a marxist activism aren’t the party of JFK , the party of liberalism that I grew up with ! The party who believes in DEI with skin color& ethnicity holding sway over character . Their use of censorship, weaponizing agencies,the legal system , through dem lawfare & media to persecute political opposition parties & leaders. NYT is delusional.imop “For example, equity is invoked to justify explicit racial allocations in medical school admissions, doctor hires, and distribution of medical treatment. Letting race override competence or science literally risks lives”. https://www.realcleareducation.com/articles/2023/02/10/the_equity_delusionand_its_marxist_roots_110821.html “Congresswoman Stefanik: “And it was not just meetings, not just censorship of stories like the Hunter Biden laptop story. We also now know that the FBI paid Twitter over $3.4 million of taxpayer taxpayer funds to censor these stories before the 2020 election”. https://stefanik.house.gov/2023/2/icymi-stefanik-exposes-fbi-doj-corruption-in-first-weaponization-subcommittee-hearing-this-is-the-definition-of-election-meddling
  21. Its September 1st, Early voting starts soon! Swing voters are holding the keys to the WH!imop Jeff Walz said according to the story he was never informed by his brother that he was to be harris’s running mate. He mentioned Ideology,character and “we’ve just become a third world banana republic”,in reference to the harris pick! Jeff needs a platform, don’t ya think?
  22. source: "Why did we want Trump there? It wasn't to help his political campaign," Mark Schmitz said in the video. "We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn't get a call." I thought this was a in your face moment for the Gold Star Dad!
  23. Thanks Mike, The article says he was apprehensive in getting involved Mike! I sure hope he shares his experience , and not get caught up in the hype!
  24. She does well for SJW CAUSES! Everything else is a fugazi imop
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