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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Lol The official condemnation of the Iranian sponsored terror attack on their people and other nationals on Oct 7th by hamas. https://www.nationthailand.com/blogs/thailand/policies/40036156 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/thailand-government-amateur-hostages-israel-hamas-war-3911871
  2. Its a biden campaign narrative thats being echoed by the leftist Msm propaganda machine. Biden camp posts graphic with Trump pictured next to Hitler ! A December 2023 article in Politco shows the evilness in the bidens attempt at pushing a false narrative! https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/20/biden-trump-hitler-post-00132774 Since this article the Msm latched on to it ,in a desperate attempt to pursued voters that Trump is hitler . If Trump was hitler where are the bodies from 2016. - 2020. Actually its bidens left who has pushed hitlers dreams of extermination of a race.The world has seen it on college campuses throughout the USA with signs calling for The Final Solution . There you have it folks, bidens machine colluding with their media friends to facilitate & influence public opinion, so fatiguing methinks https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/anti-israel-protester-seen-holding-final-solution-banner-at-george-washington-university-nazi-phrase-genocide-world-war-ii-palestine-israeli-gaza-ceasefire-war-campus-protests-columbia-university#
  3. biden’s & dems worse nightmare ,the Kennedy name and his access to being on the ballot in battle ground states. RFK Jr.'s 'clever move' to help earn ballot access nationwide: Allying with little-known parties https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rfk-jrs-clever-move-earn-ballot-access-nationwide/story?id=109872197
  4. Trump sure did open the door and exposed the Washington Establishment . And the way foreign business interests are conducted! As Potus there was no wars-and his economy was breaking records until the virus came and shut down the Country. I think many on the left are fatigued not so much of Middle America Americans , methinks. They tried everything to expose him too, All the dirty tricks from spying on his campaign ! Hillary starting the Russian hoax by hiring Steele and his dossier. Msm media love affair with The Mueller investigation that failed and then hiding hunters laptop story ! Two impeachments that failed in the Senate! And now the current scam of 4 dem prosecutors arresting him in what many feel is attempts at election interference. But despite the Marxist attempts at political persecution Trump is winning in the polls in a 3 way race.Why cause his opposition is weak and the world is on fire , under his watch. https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/HHP_May2024_KeyResults.pdf
  5. Trump still ahead in a 3 way according to the poll. But Democracy is at a dark moment! biden a pro democracy ranter refuses to recognize Jr. participating in the debate. Trump wants him in the debate. Presidency in peril! https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-doesnt-mind-rfk-120837778.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIYLyL135-6DWvh3giVeIJ0G_XQvf1ExD6RrlfREAgsjeNyom-DKw_CjToLguciM5VZCbSJb02RB1r86CalkSKWEyVlOei_UOB6CqJEFwQVOx4nVVfVMT07J5xybxaaKvy5hwczb2Xg7VnmfoakRVFtLwWNMiaqRZGD0DN5VDL1G
  6. What does a cow say! Sorry for the confusion mate
  7. He must have a few October surprises left in his bag of Washington Establishment exposure! God Speed
  8. Topic :Potent Cannabis ! Alcohol is another subject so is the ridiculous sick story time Events pushed by progressives . I dont think its creepy to have laws to prevent harm to minds of mush . Call me old fashion!
  9. Vatican city got some nice big walls’. Take them down Pope . Practice what you preach .
  10. All children’s brains are malleable , mush, easily influenced, pliable ,especially here in Thailand. Parentally they are coddled , lack structure . The mush is just a phrase to describe how impressionable children are socially. Yes, Children have to be protected from progressives & a culture of mind altering substance abuse . methinks
  11. If Satan came into your house and kidnapped your family, how would you react ? Would you negotiate a peace with the terrorist Satan who is hell bent on the destruction of your existence!
  12. Publicly! He’s playing both sides! The prosecutor’s announcement prompted Biden’s most outspoken remarks in Israel’s support in months, with the president accusing the ICC of drawing a false moral equivalence between the country and Hamas, a militant Islamist group that has run Gaza since 2006. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/20/biden-icc-warrant-netanyahu The evil bias Guardian activists pretending to be journalists cant even bring themselves to say Hamas Terrorist!
  13. All the terrorist groups & their supporters are to busy right now with other pressing matters. methinks
  14. Jack and his hoods tampered with evidence and brought incriminating Props to the Mar a lago raid. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13391525/fbi-trump-mar-lago-documents-court-indictment-president-investigation.html
  15. jack be nimble jack be not so swift! Fingers in the cookie jar moments . In a rush to GET TRUMP , a illegitimate dem prosecutor better be on their A+ game methinks. “Special counsel Jack Smith’s team acknowledged mischaracterizing the issue at a recent hearing in the Trump classified documents case, but said the reordering was not significant” “Smith’s team revealed in the filing that FBI agents carried printed “classified cover sheets” during the Aug. 8, 2022, search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and used them to replace any classified documents they discovered in cardboard Bankers Boxes that littered the former president’s residence”. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/03/mar-a-lago-trump-classified-documents-00156124
  16. Calm heads will prevail ? biden will probably ask for flags to be lowered to half mast in remembrance to his distinguished diplomat , who govt sponsors terrorism and terror proxies. In the meantime Khamenei who is evil , has the bully pulpit!
  17. bidens presidency, where his radical left supporters must be addressed before what use to be a normal commencement ceremony ,in my country! “What we won’t allow is disruptive behavior that prevents the ceremony or services from proceeding, in a manner that those in attendance can partake and enjoy. So, for example, prolonged shouting down of the president as he is speaking. I have also made a decision that we will also not ask police to take individuals out of commencement in zip ties,” Morehouse College President David Thomas said last week. https://nypost.com/2024/05/19/us-news/biden-mocked-for-apparent-small-showing-of-supporters-in-dem-city-nobody-cared/
  18. Never found out the owner of the cocaine in biden’s WH house . Despite having the most sophisticated investigative intelligence services in the world. Trumps demands sounds reasonable .
  19. Sounds like a Thug! Anybody else they’ed be in jail! Tip of the hat to the IRS whistleblowers who helped uncover the DOJ trying to prevent another famous dem from criminal thuggery .
  20. Bingo! Thats one way of cleaning out the rats nest of bloated bureaucrats & government employees,3 terms . Just imagine ! I’d like to see a new name for the WH perhaps, The TRUMP HOUSE! Also worth mentioning is his 1 day dictatorship of Executive orders! Role back all of bidens nonsense orders.
  21. It aint gonna stop! Revolution is the lefts goal in the west! Look at the signage ! If there was a ceasefire and terrorist hamas was appeased , the extremist on the left would find another cause. Chants of Death to America is real and stronger more than ever. Methinks
  22. Put Portland on the list! Destruction costing over 700k The estimate does not include expenses for replacing and repairing any damaged technology or furniture, and PSU President Ann Cudd said on Wednesday that she expected the full cost to surpass $1 million. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-state-university-protest-library-occupation-damages/283-e3c8a742-398f-4315-9ba3-7d0b91b057d2
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