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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Its where one can go to share ideas, opinions and debate without being heavily censored ! I joined when he took over!
  2. Never forget! It must be memorialized ! Imop Im convinced the Gop Oversight committee will bring more light On the Scandals Imop More the better!
  3. I feel sorry for biden ,not. the left will be trying to use the poor bidens ruse imop It ain’t gonna work. The scandals are real and the political fodder that’s associated with it, is working ! In a recent June Harvard /Harris poll Same poll 57% of voters believe biden took a 5m bribe. https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/HHP_June2023_KeyResults.pdf
  4. This is the guy who was involved in a heinous act of mutilation and dissecting of another human right! They do burn here right!
  5. “Hunter wrote in emails retrieved from his abandoned laptop that he had to provide “half” of his income to his father, who met with Hunter’s foreign associates from China, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, including during his vice presidency”. In a pre-taped interview with CBS News that was released during the hearing, Ziegler said that “any time we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions related to the president, it was, ‘That’s going to take too much approvals, we can’t ask those questions.’” https://nypost.com/2023/07/19/irs-whistleblowers-talk-alleged-coverup-in-hunter-biden-case/ Imagine what the IRS Criminal Investigator’s would of found if they weren’t reassigned off the case by the department. According to testimony,They wanted to search the drug addicted sons storage facility but was thwarted by one of the us attorneys, on the case. They wanted to question bidens grandchildren but was thwarted from doing so! Stayed tuned more to come!
  6. Good luck Im scheduled for a rezum procedure on the 8th of August ! My biggest concern is having to have a catheter ( doctor recommended 2 weeks) in me!
  7. She was successful in establishing violations of the Mann act by using shock and awe, criminal charges referred.imop “between six and 10 criminal referrals“ to the Justice Department related to President Biden’s son, including evidence that Hunter Biden violated the Mann Act – a federal law that makes it illegal to transport women across state lines for the purpose of prostitution. https://nypost.com/2023/07/20/ultimate-white-privilege-guy-hunter-biden-may-be-hit-with-10-criminal-referrals-comer/
  8. She did warn people though, before she exposed the truth . Greene warned viewers that :“parental discretion is advised” and cautioned that “the following images are disturbing” before she exhibited photographs of the now-53-year-old first son engaged in graphic sexual acts with a series of women”. “During her line of questioning, the congresswoman was attempting to establish whether Hunter had violated the federal Mann Act of 1910, which prohibits the transportation of women across state lines “for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.” https://nypost.com/2023/07/22/hunter-bidens-lawyer-files-ethics-complaint-against-marjorie-taylor-greene-after-she-flashes-his-x-rated-pics-at-hearing/
  9. “we the people (#wtpBLUE) @wtpBLUE @wtpBLUE is a grassroots GOTV organization dedicated to electing Democrats who will further our liberal values”. Just so everyone knows.
  10. on occasion I use Wise Ach . I fund wise through there usa partner(Evolve Bank). Bank of America ach to Evolve , which shows up in my Wise account 3 days later , than transfer to Bkk bank. Majority of the time I use Charles Schwab debit cause its free I made it a mission to have 4 or 5 options to get money here! Good luck
  11. This article was pre 1023 posting. That being said digging deeper into ANOTHER scandal would be appropriate imop Dersh alluded to this!
  12. Interesting opinion from Dersh! in the Hill ! “Extortion or attempted extortion is a high crime akin to bribery and thus — if proved — would be a constitutional ground for impeachment if it had been committed by a sitting president during his presidency. But what if it had been committed earlier”? “But we won’t know that unless the current allegations, which include claims of incriminating recordings, are thoroughly investigated”. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/4069794-republicans-may-have-a-case-for-impeaching-biden-this-isnt-it/ Digging deeper seems appropriate! Must get all the ducks in a row , so to speak.
  13. Rise and fight ,resulting in protests, riots and massacres! Grow up , get educated, become representatives !Change the rules
  14. Joe biden is a liar! There I said it! “Biden consistently asserted that he possessed no awareness of his son's business matters abroad” https://www.wionews.com/world/biden-addresses-allegations-denies-lying-about-sons-business-affairs-609077 During the hearing rep dem Goldman the star of dem prosecutors unknowingly provides incriminating comments that proves Joe is lying about his awareness of hunters business dealings! The lunch meeting : 3:13-:4:13 If only the Irs wasnt stymied by the doj,these criminal investigators for the Irs could of possibly connected and confirmed more incriminating malfeasance! Damming testimony , the Gop has enough to impeach now! Imop
  15. legal is always acceptable! There is power in numbers! Violence is not democratic! As time goes by the old die and the young live ! What your suggesting is Radically unacceptable!
  16. Food for future elections ! These young Thais have a better chance next time , there will be more of them.They need to get more senate seats ! Find or create loop holes in their parliamentary constitution ! imop
  17. FBI told Hunter Biden investigator to duck Committee questions, bombshell letter shows! https://nypost.com/2023/07/18/fbi-told-hunter-biden-agent-to-duck-house-committee-questions/ Wow! I would love to see these Whistleblowers sideline / and sunset the “consistent with longstanding practice” clause and tell the truth , THE WHOLE TRUTH so help them! God speed Gentlemen
  18. 1Took my wife and Visited the states! 2Took my Thai family to Phuket for a holiday! 3Had cataract surgery , both eyes! 4Played guitar at the Guitar center in LA, Calif 5And lastly Got a prostate massage in Udon That's about it !
  19. Have no idea what your talking about ! You must be confused again with another scandal that the biden crime family is accused of!Please keep up !
  20. Stay tuned to the hearing this week ,Swing voters in my country are about to be schooled on a small part of the inner workings of the Washington establishment! https://www.newsweek.com/hunter-biden-allegations-could-serious-scandal-legal-analyst-warns-1808733
  21. Thanks to millions of Americans who voted the Gop in the house to take the majority ! They have begun oversight & investigated the malfeasance, corruption , possible criminal acts to protect the bidens! More to come this week at the hearings! GOD SPEED! Breaking yesterday former supervisor agent for the Fbi has confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblower testimony!
  22. “They are so underestimated, and they keep getting it right,” said Jim Messina, former president Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign manager, who has been one of the people privately advising Biden’s team to ramp up gradually! Wow that news story just broke, bidens team to ramp up and this unscrupulous character contributes big money! Imop “Onetime guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’ donates nearly $700K to Biden campaign fund”. https://nypost.com/2023/07/16/epstein-linked-linkedin-co-founder-reid-hoffman-donates-to-biden/
  23. “Not that I have any information to prove it.” Cohen a convicted liar ! I understand why he’s being interviewed! This is sad way to try to change public perception !imop
  24. Last I checked , the electoral decides who is President , not Wall Street!
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