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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Why do you bother to engage with the but but … Make your point and if they deflect , ignore it , debate someone else on the topic.
  2. Safe to say CC & his ex lawyer friend Chris wray,wont be in Trumps plans when he and others in the New administration clean house , come 2025 imop Trump put to much faith in CC and others first time around , rest assured he won’t make the same mistake this time!The Washington establishment is a tougher than anything he could of imagined! “House Republicans are taking their fight with the FBI and Justice Department to a new level — weighing punitive steps against both agencies that would have been unfathomable a decade ago”. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/05/house-gop-escalating-doj-attacks-00104475
  3. Just got a email from the US Mission in Thailand , warning of protests!
  4. “What motivates people is less the love of their party, but hatred of the other candidate,” said Lis Smith, a longtime Democratic strategist who worked on the Obama-Biden reelection campaign in 2012. “A lot of enthusiasm will come for voting against Republicans.” You see ,It really doesn’t matter who the right puts in there ! “ Hatred” lives ! This article speaks much about democrat dissension . Donors are scarce and the party is in panic talking about wanting someone else. The bidens dont have the basement , covid , and censored twitter platform to use this time in the 2024 campaign , that was very important the last time.imop
  5. Yes! She was screaming at the news on the Tv! Today she hasnt smiled at all! Shes very seldom sad or upset! Today she said , thank you to love me! I have to go and console her! She needs a hug!
  6. Where’s the world condemnation? Is this parliamentary procedure correct? I don’t know , just asking.
  7. there is nothing in the constitution that says a Potus term must end because of Impairment! He will stay until either the term expires,resigns , impeached /convicted or dies.
  8. You hit the nail on the head! Thanks “But the eastward expansion of NATO particularly inflamed Putin, who has claimed that Secretary of State James Baker and other Western leaders assured Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, at the time a unified Germany joined NATO, that the alliance would expand “not one inch eastward.” https://afsa.org/did-nato-expansion-really-cause-putins-invasion
  9. Hope not ! I want to see the full fury of the swing voter unleashed on his Abomination of a administration !imop Im going with experience and supporting people who believe in no wars and traditional family values ! ! I think the swing voters have seen enough!
  10. The indictment has been under seal and miraculously right after the news broke of his accusations, SDNY pounced. “Among his claims was that the conglomerate was paying $100,000 a month to Hunter and $65,000 to first brother Jim Biden, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world — and that the money was being funneled through another Biden family associate, Rob Walker. Luft also said that Joe Biden, then the former vice president, attended an early 2017 meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC, with his son Hunter and officials from CEFC — a sighting later confirmed by Walker, according to congressional testimony”. https://nypost.com/2023/07/10/missing-biden-corruption-witness-dr-gal-luft-hit-with-federal-charges/
  11. The court just denied the feds, stay.Free Speech lives and is protected from a tyrannical government who tried to censor speech and honest debate !
  12. True! But too early in the relationship for that ! For the consideration she’s got two kids . This drastically lowers the sinsot contribution ! Its in his favor. imop
  13. Time will tell ! Spend as much as you can afford to give up! Don’t let your smaller head do the thinking for you! A week in Issan ,with the famIly isn’t enough time to decide your relationship! You need to spend 6 months of living together with all of ups and downs before making bigger steps! imop chok dee
  14. So No mention of signs in the op ! Are there warning signs? If not its as you say it is, the local Governments fault! If there are than its the individuals. Cant fix stupid! Imop
  15. “Multiple sources told CNN that investigators have asked several witnesses before the grand jury and during interviews about the meeting, which happened about six weeks after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election”. https://www.nacdl.org/Content/BoardResolution~02-07-1998 “When it comes to high-profile cases, however, the leaks are almost inevitable and often go unpunished. "The general effect is on your reputation," said Ledewitz, a Duquesne University law professor. "Remember: just because it goes before a grand jury doesn't mean it's true." https://www.pennlive.com/politics/2014/11/the_open_secret_leaks_are_alwa.html https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-156-disclosure-matters-occurring-grand-jury-department-justice-attys Illegal leaks! The forces that be would be lost without this tool!imop So telling they are, wondering around aimlessly like lost sheep trying to shape public perception and opinions through the media.Imop
  16. Control tower , this is van thai air, ready for takeoff! they ought to put wings on them!
  17. The free speech amendment clause doesn’t mention the far lefts words that they use to censor speech that they don’t like such as ,misinformation & disinformation ,that are used by them to restrict and deny speech and expression! https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/first_amendment American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country. The government officials dont have the right to censor free speech ! That is truly fascist! https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/4/23783822/free-speech-ruling-missouri-v-biden-dhs-fbi-cisa
  18. I worried about that dreaded day when it first came up ! They are similar in age ! My wife went straight off for a hug and the biggest admiring smile ! My American kids reciprocated! What a relief ! My wife loves my kids and my kids are happy for me . My son said Ric, she treats you like a King. Cant ask for a better situation!
  19. Its been 6 years but I do recall my wife going to the Thai transportation authority to get a T sticker that has to be displayed on the back window. After all of that she said she didn’t want to visit Lao ,so We never went 555
  20. “General Bailey and General Landry filed their motion for preliminary injunction on March 6, 2023, citing more than 1,400 facts showing that top officials in the federal government coerced and colluded with big tech social media companies to violate Americans’ right to free speech. In the order, the Court recognized the States’ evidence of unconscionable federal censorship activities. The judge specifically found:” The article goes on to list a (12) bullet points! Extremely damaging evidence of corruption and censorship. https://www.ago.mo.gov/home/news/2023/07/05/missouri-attorney-general-andrew-bailey-obtains-court-order-blocking-the-biden-administration-from-violating-first-amendment
  21. America needs to know the facts John! A independent agency free from federal influences ,must conduct a investigation ! The agency’s under biden cant be trusted! Imop
  22. Hope the press releases the motive and “more details”. “Philadelphia shooting leaves 5 dead, 2 injured”
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