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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I have been down this road before mate! Be careful and don’t get confrontational! I know it’s easier said than done! Once you find the cause of her behavior you’ll be in a better position mentally to decide your next course of action. Cheers and good luck
  2. Not a joke , Would you want your countries leaders living area littered with hard core drugs!
  3. This could be a harmless I don’t want my significant other to find out that Im doing something he doesn’t like such as gambling issue. He needs to find out or it will devour his thoughts!
  4. My Mrs said if lady have gik, its time to leave!She also said I dont understand Thai ladies. They have nothing before , find falang , get money and be bad . You better findout but dont get confrontational ! Its gonna be difficult and costly trying to recover what you put into the property! imop Hope its a gambling issue and not a gik one those giks have been known to make matters worse ! Good luck
  5. Judge Doughty, who was an appointee of former US President Donald Trump, said the plaintiffs had "presented substantial evidence in support of their claims". "Evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario," Mr Doughty said in his ruling. He added: "During the Covid-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-66106067# Starting to see a familiar pattern imop But have no fear America , imop bidens Doj is reviewing the ruling, according to this story
  6. biden needs to address this publicly! He needs to explain to America that the White House area is a drug free environment ! Imop
  7. He’s performing a service ! A tip would be most appropriate, for fuel or lunch. It goes a long way into the future when you might need assistance ,for whatever. Imop
  8. Happy fourth of July to you too! 247 years ! Just a baby in the grand scheme of countries! Have a barbecued cheeseburger on me!
  9. Your wife has a addiction! The same as if she was doing hard drugs! She needs help! Family and professional assistance!
  10. Violence in my country’s urban areas are at pandemic proportions ! Although this is a very broad geographical demographic there are many similarities mentioned https://sites.tufts.edu/css/the-new-normal-urban-violence-in-the-21st-century/
  11. This was a brilliant scheme by the left leaning conservative Judge Roberts! Nancy at one time was so popular in the lefts eyes! She was a god figure imop! Why did he include this statement in his decision? Me thinks to quell the radicals on the left imop Kinda like see here ,even your mentor Nancy says its Congress responsibility not The POTUS.
  12. Yes, forgot to mention that I already met the Doctor and that the hospital performed a ultrasound . Also forgot to mention that Im having several required preliminary tests a couple of days earlier at that hospital. Thanks for your advise.
  13. Im going next month for the procedure! Forgot to ask the Dr , so I’ll ask you. I will be staying at the Le Siam Hotel 300 meters up from the BNC . Could you have walked this distance ,post op?
  14. Hes got a lot on his mind since the House majority changed hands!imop
  15. Debate ! He’s the leader of the pack. Ahead by double digits! Nothing to gain and nothing to … When he wins New Hampshire and then South Carolina it will be time to start writing his acceptance speech for the Gop party convention! https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-lead-over-desantis-grown-222518830.html
  16. The scandalous information that came out recently in the news has been possible because of the House GOP majority oversight investigations of The bidens! They aint gonna stop nor should they! Americans dont trust some of the institutions !
  17. MEtv use to give almost 9 months. I use to do this from 2013 to 2019 . I jumped the broom into matrimony after that.
  18. We had a tiff with the dog people next door! The dogs father( my wife calls him , Pau Ma) threatened my life so we went to the police and the AMPHUR! The Amphur is the way to go and bring along your police report! Dont get into a verbal or physical confrontation with her! Women in general always have the law on their side imop Chok dee
  19. Nancy Pelosi ex speaker and leader of dems in the house of reps once said, “People think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness,” Pelosi said at the time. “He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.” https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/john-roberts-cites-nancy-pelosi-student-loans-18179103.php
  20. Those 3 justices were all confirmed by the Senate according to the letter of the law, the Constitution!If they were radical Conservatives they would of never been confirmed! Imop
  21. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." MLK Love that quote imop, A parent should heed this every time they spend money selfishly ! Imop Put your children's education first !imop
  22. The most bazar twist to the damming statement below besides all of the other scandalous testimony by hero’s in the IRS investigation was originally they were brought in to investigate a amature online porn platform and from there they started peeling away the onion! “ The House Ways and Means Committee released bombshell new whistleblower testimony Thursday claiming that Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on $8.3 million in income and the Department of Justice denied attempts to bring charges in other states” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12227091/Hunter-Biden-tax-probe-began-investigation-amateur-porn-ring.html
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