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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. There is a saying in Brazil that it is the country of tomorrow, and always will be. Sounds like LOS is in strong competition.
  2. Guy on a minibus Bkk->Pattaya (years back) telling me he was a software engineer doing the digital nomad thing, and how life is great: he can sit on the beach drinking screwdrivers while working. Gotta wonder about the quality of the stuff he produces. I didn't tell him that though, as he would certainly have a witty retort. But he was an all-around schmuck. There were these 2 young fellows on the ride and he started giving them advice they didn't ask for about dealing with the ladies, clubs and barfines of Pattaya. The joke was they were obviously a gay couple, but he didn't realize it even while they were not responding to his sage advice. A memorable character.
  3. Sounds like BH is still believing in the BRICS hype of 20 years ago. I always saw it as a joke. Buffett has always touted the long-term strategy, but this looks like a timed investment: my guess is they see some kind of economic healing on the horizon, which means a growth spurt. As always, it's going to be a matter of when to get out. From things heard in recent years I don't know if Buffett is as involved in the fund as he was in days or yore. Argentina? I wouldn't dare. They borrow billions, those is power steal it, the people get pushed deeper into to poverty and those running the gov't plead for the loans to be forgiven. When there is no foreign entity to bilk they'll steal from one pocket and stash it in the other. I was last there around ten years ago when the exchange rate with USD was 4 pesos to $1. Just checked the rates, today it's 104:1.
  4. I don't mean to upset you, but TiT, pride looms large and she has your address. I wouldn't have tipped either and would have tried to get out of leaving a rating. One day I was hanging out in Bkk with another expat. We stopped at an exchange kiosk for him to exchange money. The lad in the booth was chattering away on the phone. My pal asked the lad a question, but he was too busy with his phone to answer. The expat then told him to forget about it, to give him his dollars back. He did. I liked the way the expat handled that one, even though his predilection for controlling conversations and situations sometimes gives me the urge to strangle him. Consider that most of the women who clean hotel rooms and make beds had never even seen that type of bed until they took the job.
  5. Already drank it all? Could have bought a warehouse full of MD 20/20 for less!
  6. The job is now to pump it up and get others to invest, driving the hopes price up. In the U.S. crypto is being mass-marketed to the "Joe Sixpack" types via sports events etc. Some sorry souls who don't even understand how compound interest works are going to put their $$$ in it. And that could bode well for those that ride the the wave and bail out when it peaks. Of course, you won't know when it will be peaking until afterwards when it crashes, like the stock market did in 2001. And then there is converting the crypto currency into actual money, not quite as simple as exchanging foreign currencies: ask any of the people who talk up crypto how this will be done and you will get either an oversimplified answer or something that may not make very much sense. And then there are all the different coins that are not interchangeable, good luck with that. Just because "crypto is up today" does not mean it pertains to the particular coin you hold. Imagine going into a shop, picking up an item that costs $9; you give the storekeeper a $10 note, and he takes a piece of paper and draws a piece of currency with a marked value of $1. "What's this?" He tells you it is his own scrip, you can spend it in his shop whenever you like. In fact, sensing your reluctance, he says "I'll make it $2! If you give me another $10 I'll give you 20!" And so on. Caveat emptor.
  7. Because you are calling the police to tell them you're being chased?
  8. Sounds like some low-life whose gf left him and he needed a new woman to beat up. I wonder how much he got for the phone. She packed up and hauled *ss right quick, thinking "enough of this place!"
  9. Used to follow his column about 20 years ago. I enjoyed his stories about aspects of LOS no one else wrote about, like his own personal investigation of corruption. What I didn't like was his headlines usually were about changing the bar closing times in Nana, like it was the most crucial thing on Earth (I think that stuff was written by a pimp who worked Soi 4 he was pals with). Then some fellow took to attacking him (in print) and lost track after that.
  10. Thai schoolgirls decorate their notebooks with pictures of pin-up boys who kind of look like young Keanu Reeves. I can think of other races/ethnicities in other parts of the world that scorn intermarriage while at the same time consider marrying certain outsiders a prime catch. On the other hand ginger Ed Sheeran seems to be swoon material in Japan, go figure. Maybe the girls want to see what red hair down there looks like.
  11. Are Thai women really the most beautiful in the world? Hey, this is the 21st century -- a woman is any person who says they are a woman. That's a lot of competition.
  12. For years we've been hearing that white will stop being the majority at some point in the future. I've wondered how this would be handled by those who take their whiteness too seriously. Well, here it is. No more "Remember the Alamo," forget the Alamo. Coming soon: a re-imagining of the US Civil War War of Northern Aggression, it was really about Droit du seigneur for the Yankee overlords. (Hey, in an environment where they believe in lizard people, the second coming of JFK Jr and underground concentration camps no suggestion is off limits!) Book Banning in the Southern USA There's more to it than that. Texas influences most of the textbooks used in the rest of the US, a little searching of the web will give a better picture of why this is than I can spell out here. This might be a good place to start.
  13. Speaking of offensive names that need to be changed, it's time for Whoopi Goldberg to go back to being Karen Johnson. I always thought her name was a cynical slam. (apologies for the digression)
  14. Maybe LOS and Florida are in competition. Here's this fellow shooting at another car, sort of -- he's doing more shooting than aiming. https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/new-dashcam-video-shows-car-shot-at-11-times-in-road-rage-incident-on-i-95/
  15. Classical is my "music soothes the savage beast" stuff, calms me down. Fave pieces: first 2 movements of Beethoven's Ninth prelude to Tannhauser (Wagner) when in need of strength and determination ...ok, so those aren't actually soothing. Cavalleria Rusticana Mozart piano concertos A thumbs up to Enso String Quartet I recently started a "composer of the week" initiative to expand my scope, but it looks like it will be by the month. Or longer ???? Starting off with Mahler. If someone has on-line radio stations they like I'd appreciate some mentions. I'll start if off with KQAC in Portland, Oregon (USA).
  16. He came and he went. When it's my time I'd like to exit the same way.
  17. I wonder how many of the victims were able to get the charges cancelled. Some cards have built-in "fraud insurance."
  18. Does this mean Fox News is being banned in LOS? That would be a shame after that hard-hitting reporting of the revelations of M&M's advertising.
  19. Thais warned! You can't use your phone while driving even when stopped in traffic or at the lights This headline should read: RTPF gets a pay increase
  20. This album was recorded at several performances over several days, Thanksgiving weekend 1969. I was at one of them. The band members made several disparaging comments about their record company (RCA) that night. Anyway, I like this one track much more now than I did 50 years ago.
  21. Let's not rush to judgement now. Any mention of what music the farang were playing? It could have been The Eagles, which would turn this into a case of justifiable homicide.
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