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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. We went to the wife's village for songkran. Each area has their day for playing there. We play 14th and 14th only.

    Normally no issues but this year one of the neighbouring village's turned up to cause trouble and one started waving a gun around.

    My crazy sister in law told him to grow up and piss off. And surprisingly he did. I told my sister in law never do something so stupid again. They have already lost a brother to a gun we don't want to lose another i told her.

    Before that we went to the neighbouring village to play because our niece was in the Miss Songkran competition. A couple started drinking and playing water with me. We had a good laugh on Sang Som and spraying each other.

    I later found out the male of the 2 went on his bike after came off and now his face is disfigured.

    Just 2 incidents this year in a normally small trouble free area.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  2. How many of the regional wars (not started by western powers) in this area do you know about ? I have absolutely no idea of Thai history and the fights with their neighbors. Why because its not important for us to learn.. same goes for WW1 WW2 for them.. it largely did not affect them. (sure the japs came here and the Thais switched side at the end of the war but its not a big thing like ww1 and ww2 for us)

    Many more Thais, Laos and Cambodians died building that railway than the western powers suffered yet their govt let it happen.

    It's important for Thais to learn about this to show that the big man is not always right. But then they celebrate their one victory against a battalion of French soldiers with a great big monument in the centre of Bangkok.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  3. I remember George W stepping out of a plane wearing some military uniform (evaded conscription) and declaring the Iraq war was now ended. All that war based on false WMD propaganda served to create IS/ISIL/DAESH, makinge George W words less than prophetic. Hopefully they can finish the ground war quickly. Then we have to wait for all time as the loonie remnants blow themselves and civilians up around the world. The war against Islam loonies will never be over.

    Kids need educating to leave the sick cult. Sadly where they breed a new threat is happening. Islamic schools that teach segregation and hate. TheUk has loads of them. And Catholic schools are told they are too Catholic.

    The world is screwed even once IS are defeated.

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  4. The European rightists thought that a Trump victory would propel them to the same. The sad part is that American voters actually thought Trump was going to change their life. Instead they are beginning to find out that he has sold them a bunch of snake oil and nothing will really change. 
    Voters in the EU will not be so fooled as we are already seeing. the UK is a special case because they see a direct threat to their culture from unfettered Immigration. I doubt the EU will break apart but individual countries may seek further loosening of regulations.

    Trump isn't allowed to change anything because the lefties block and challenge him every step.

    The judges in the courts are paid off by Soros and the Democrats.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  5. I think you hit the nail on the head with the mention of patriotism. Brexit is all about that - a large number of people who struggle to accept the fact that British exceptionalism is nothing but a myth, and has been for a century or more, and they think that by rejecting Europe, somehow we will ascend above our mediocrity and become imperious once again. Once this proves to be a non-starter and the UK continues to decline, what else have we got to rail against?

    My god you have a very low opinion of your country.

    Where is your pride man?

    The UK is currently the 6th largest economy in the world yes before the Brexit vote we were 5th but due to the uncertainty of the deal we might get the markets built in the potential for a bad deal.

    I expect to see sterling rise by 30% over the next 2 years as we see we won't get shafted by Europe and if as expected the whole EU machine comes crumbling down expect that rise to be around 50%

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  6. "toeing the line" nope its just that many of them keep getting their facts wrong as we have just recently seen.  However please explain  what is meant by OUT. Is that the OUT we were promised by many of the Prncipal Brexiters including Johnson where we would retain access to the single market despite leaving the EU or the OUT as the PM has said where we leave the single market. Did you pick up on the link I posted earlier where 9 out of 10 poll wanted the UK to retain access to the single market irrespective of whether they voted to remain or leave. What camp are you in or don't you give a damn?

    All campaigners when asked confirmed we would leave the single market, the customs union and so on.

    It's going to take a lot of negotiation but it's not in the UK's or Europe's interest to provide the UK a bad deal.

    I think something along the lines of we pay for access to both these. However we then get to restrict free movement and can pick and choose the migrants that come here unlike the poor screwed over German people.

    When you remoaners keep harping on at the one fact you have, which is we aren't out tomorrow then you have no basis for a civilised debate.

    Nothing will really change for 18-24 months but I'm glad that pretty soon the UK will once again be masters of our own destiny.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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