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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. The question is how long has this animal been a tour guide, probably a self employed nutter who convinced her he was a responsible, respected experienced guide, but he was nothing but an opportunist sleaze bag
  2. Ladyboys certainly do. Indians tend to love to show off gold while touring, you would think they would have learned something by now.
  3. I tend to agree with you, I've travelled around Thailand on big busses and found the driving good, maybe a private bus, I have had trouble with them and would never get on one again. As for mini vans they are suicide rides with mad drivers, you sometimes strike a good one but most are lunatics, sorry to say.
  4. No alarms to alert the driver, this could have been a disaster, especially if the lpg went up with all on board, very lucky the motorist was able to stop the bus. Road transport safety authority should be kicked in the butt, shows a bad flaw in vehicle testing and safety.
  5. Plus the sunglasses and poor road marking, he should be compensated
  6. Also don't be irrisponsible and walk on the ones lying along the footpath, or touch the ones along the walk overs, or you could end up with a big hospital bill.
  7. One less visit to the local bar and one less bar fine should compensate for the tax penalty, if introduced to pensions.
  8. Thais love Theatre, that's why Thaksins in one. It's probably quite stressful to keep up with the pressure some people are trying to put on him and could make it harder for him to get better.
  9. Because of privacy, we will never need to know what he pays for, none of you know how much I pay for my power bill
  10. The private money changers, so far never asked, but the ones in malls, rich something, I forgot the name do ask
  11. I agree with you but Pattaya seems to be getting worse, but saying that Auckland nz is crazy with. Murders and shops being ram raided by young kids every night and big gang and meth problems
  12. What happens when you put passport in if you over stayed, does machine swallow passport
  13. Suppress illegal activities by Chinese, does that mean closing down illegal gambling dens, and Thai police can't do this, where's my face? I'm glad that the plan has been scuttled
  14. I think there's so many politicians in parliament that they have to come up with ideas to make themselves seem useful, it's amazing phenomenon world wide every govt is full of these people, most of them are egotists and many are dangerous.
  15. It was a blank gun, but still illegal, I think he was a show off, trying to look big time, maybe the head is a blank as well
  16. Yes he does, and I hope he's not the one that initiated it, many strange ideas have popped up from this government.
  17. Will they police Chinese casinos and gold shops?? Or pick up the butts off the beaches after each tour bus leaves
  18. I think you're right, they will soon learn to paint a white line on the street and get patrons to see if they can walk a straight line, this is far cheaper, they can get the bar girls to stand each side of it to be judges and prevent the customers from being run over by motorcycles.
  19. Yes and 2 ladyboys sat beside him, one each side I would say, then one distracts him and the other grabs the wallet, he will learn quickly from his experience, maybe, but many others are going to to be financing pick pockets for a long time, forget taxing pensioners, just increase the fines on those caught, or make them purchase a book at the airport on arrival about how not to get robbed or scammed in LOS
  20. My wife will write all the numbers down on paper, fold them into squares, put them in a basket and try to get the cat to knock one out, then she will try to buy lottery tickets with those numbers
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