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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. They could be cheap to run, plenty of gunga around to fuel the boilers, and the crew would always be happy on deck
  2. They didn’t lock him up and throw away the key, they locked him up and gave him the Key.
  3. Releasing medical information on Mr Thaksin would be a breach of privacy, we must have faith in the medical system, the Govt and police seem to recognise this.
  4. QUITE right, gun problem is worse since mosque shooting in NZ,and gun crackdown, shootings daily now, mainly gang related, with illegal firearms, smuggled into the country.
  5. Yes, you must confess first, this lightens the load on the Thai police
  6. I agree 100%, shame on the Thai police, this must be an important person or has a bit of money, so the police do nothing, go for it mom, nail the pr____k
  7. Kitty, as in money, the Kitty, not crap, no problem over crap.
  8. He thought he was being stalked, 14 years old, paranoid? Maybe he was stoned out of his head, what gun law prevents this, prey tell. Kids are now out of control smoking gunga in schools, including private schools, my son told me, they are smoking at 9 years old, in the toilets. Thailand is now a cot case for children, what hope do they have if they can ruin there lives smoking dopey Anutins drugs as young as 7. More mass shootings on the way, and car and bike accidents, robberies, and a future generation of dumbed down potheads.
  9. New recruits will cotton on quickly and no link's to upset current officers games
  10. Probably brought his medical records with him, from the best doctors in the world, so Thai doctors wouldn't doubt them.
  11. Maybe just a smoke screen, as they didn't want him to become chief of police
  12. I think your right, he's got to be out of the limelight, but he can still help, by advising with his experience which is valuable to the police force, just as another high figure is about to do, or become PM Incognito.
  13. He's already a hero in Usan, unconditional love from them to him
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