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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. nz closed its consulates and kept the embassy open with little staff and put visa fees through the roof, if you wish ti visit the embassy which is in Wellington you have to travel a long way book hotels ect its become a nightmare
  2. Totally agree, I think if it came down to the wire the people would revolt, it would put street venders and village people out in the cold, dont think it will happen ,it would be a return to slavery.
  3. I have brought my son in on a NZ passport, because his Thai one was expired, I renewed it at BK was done in half a day, but if I had not he would be an overstayer. I doubt this guy if he is half Thai ever got a Thai passport, it should be done as soon as possible after birth. I heard its very difficult is you leave it to long and try when older, thats what I have heard from many of my wifes Thai friends who never got passports for their sons.
  4. He may be half Thai, but may not have a Thai passport, maybe to evade military service or its hard to get if the father is Thai ,its easy if the mother is Thai the embassy told me this when I got my sons Thai passport. But we don't know if he is of Thai extraction, the name sounds Thai. If the mother was Thai the embassy excepts the birth certificate translated into Thai, but they say if father they want DNA sample of proof. Then the parents might have parted ways, who knows maybe some one will through some light on this.
  5. What was the prize money for winning?? you wouldn't pay a bribe to win unless you were going to get significantly more, she was duped but also stood to gain from paying a bribe, is that a crime??
  6. Some parts of BK have holes in the footpath that have been there since I first came here in 2003, but there are many streets that have been upgraded, a massive task to fix all of BK, but most streets all over Thailand have the same problems . Sewerage is the nasty one with smells coming up all over the country.
  7. Wouldn't that be nice, they sure deserve to be put up on Murder charges
  8. Sorry they took 15% tax on interest, pension arrived a few days later, I updated my book and they had taken tax on interest, NZ pension is not taxed yet.
  9. No, just came back and applied for non o, but when my pension arrived the BK bank took tax from it
  10. I'm surprised that the insurance companies are going to pay considering that the bus wasn't legally fit for the road, however I am pleased that they are going to pay . It's small money for the loss off innocent children.
  11. They took tax from my pension already and I have not been here 180 days this year
  12. They must be sick in the head to think that they do not need to comply with safety rules, no respect for children's lives is a disgrace, step up the safety inspections, and where are the log books promised about 2 years ago, drivers can drive for hours smoke and drink energy drinks to stay awake ,it is a disgrace.
  13. Kiwis love vegemite, I thought Aussies like marmite??
  14. But if you own a home the Govt will take it off you if you go into aged care, they will gradually get it from you, if you live long time in care your kids will get nothing , but if you don't own your home they give you care for free, hence setting up a family trust early can prevent this.
  15. i agree I've seen imported baked beans at $10 a tin, if we did this to Thai products they would not be able to export them. Its just greed, like raising the value of the Bhat for high season, pure greed.
  16. I agree but Thailand has so many people working on the streets it would be mayhem, I don't think it will survive, at least I hope not , it will turn the world into a mad and crazy place.
  17. The big banks are driving for this world wide, it will cause riots in Thailand, NZ is already in the middle of a battle to stop it happening it would be total control over what you can do, I think that if we don't stand up to this the world will become unbearable, you will be controlled by Govt and banks with how you spend your digits. And how you get them, they will be able to take whatever they like when they like, it's a horror story.
  18. We stayed there and stopped paying rent until it was used up. It happens all the time my friend just got the police to talk with her landlord and the Police supported her, but no money yet over 50k Bhat I told her don't move until you get it but not listening.
  19. I wonder if they will spend much in the dope shops??
  20. No good for Thai economy, only good for chinese owned business, and smoking on the Beach.
  21. Will the Red Bull Bratt be invited to race.
  22. Yes time for the PM to step up a notch
  23. If the driver knew then he's implicated
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