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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Using 50 year old busses loaded with ilegally installed gas cylinders is man slaughter or murder This might depend on the bickering of how fat your envelope is
  2. No,these are side effects of his terrible illness.
  3. A pittance , all I can afford, chicken feed , attempted murder drunk driving look him up and fine him to repatriate the victims 2 mill would be cheap.
  4. Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is not know several high ranking doctors have told me that beer consumption and smoking may be a cause. Lack of vitamin D is also another suspected cause, according to many medical experts which you can easily find on the internet,
  5. You can get a sixty day extension from immigration but it costs more, I am currently doing this and applied for a non O at the same time my person handling this works at immigration she is not an agent but does visa work from home and does all the forms and photo copies for you, she told me two prices for extension and the sixty day was about five k the 30 day 2 k. Your correct that stupid airlines do not know the visa rules, to compensate for this I bought a cheap ticket to Cambodia less than 100 dollars to avoid the hassle , he could always use it and get a sixty day extension but it's cheaper to pay immigration for the extension ,rather that pay hotel fees and transport back to the LOS.
  6. when I lived in Chiang Mai a few years ago now, Burmese used to hassle people walking home from Tapei Gate. They even killed someone on a bike with a machete . The police did nothing much until all the bar owners got together and paid the police to patrol the area ,they came into the bars and signed a book every few hours , i think it cost 300 Bhat a week for each bar but it cleaned the Burmese out.
  7. It's the same mentality as on the road . They think they are big time driving a small bike with big noise Tourist attraction come to Thailand everyone can now drive stoned and drunk you can burn to death on a crapped out bus or be run over by a idiot while swimming
  8. A good example of what would happen is nothing, looking at the red bull brat and the frame up of the Burmese 2
  9. Correct, someone said this bus ran on petrol???
  10. She could say she smoked some weed and she forgot to pay
  11. Only high level THC weed would do that, just goes to show you it's not controlled
  12. The sewerage has been a problem as long as I can remember
  13. I'm sure he was genuinely sick
  14. Yes they should be contained in some sort of fire proof chamber they could also install a fire extinguishing system that would go off if fire broke out, ships have cylinders that flood fires, but they can also kill you if your caught in the room, there may be some sort of chemical extinguishing system they could install that would flood flames as soon as fire started probably only in double decker busses and have no passengers below. In NZ you have to be certified to install LPG and CNG.
  15. My wifes father was killed by a drunken police driver, lucky for her there were heaps of witnesses and my wife stood up to the police and they caved in and gave her 300,000 Bhat. Not much and the cop got off.
  16. Thats been going on for years, so nothing has changed except I thing the Russian Mafia are not afraid in this country, and can hand out gifts much appreciated.
  17. something was wrong kept telling me it was not posted, sorry about that.
  18. Maybe one step closer to cashless society, there are people everywhere selling fruit sweetcorn from the back of pickups, changing location every day, I dont think this is going to happen in the jungle, maybe in BK but not in the back streets. And how are they going to collect tax if they have no clue how much they turned over, ruining Thailand everyday, soon just chinese and Russians coming here and Indians to BK. Maybe an influx of hippie culture smoking dope and backpacking around, spending zilch.
  19. Well if he thought that he could be a bit senile
  20. That's what I thought
  21. The PM has mentioned this, I hope she steps up the game. Its the most disgusting thing I have seen in Thailand and I've seen some horrors. All involved should be charged with murder or manslaughter. Where are the log books also that were promised by the previous govt, drivers of trucks ,busses and Taxis can drive unlimited hours, drinking energy drinks or whatever to stay awake, I've had cab drivers fall asleep at the wheel nearly crashing on the way down to Hua Hin. I had to get the guy to a seven and buy him some energy drinks and coffee to wake him up and then I had to watch him all the way keeping him awake. I hired him the day before when he drove me from the airport, he was a good driver so I asked him to take me to Hua Hin the next day, he drove all that night he told me , I said to him you can't do that again you kill yourself or other people . I give trucks and busses a wide berth and the mad car drivers that approach you from behind the cut in front os you, when i see them coming I get out of the way. Thailand really need to wake up the roads here are crazy and getting worse, my Soi is like a formula one race track now , it was quiet b4 Covid but its changed now to mad. I really feel sorry for the parents of those poor children, may they rest in peace.
  22. And they are not old enough to get a pension, must have income from Australia
  23. part true only, but what I posted is true
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