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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Major problem here is that no one will likely be held responsible for these deaths. This will primarily come about because there seems to be very little or a nonexistence of any public health and safety, anywhere in the country.

    There seems to be an over abundance of 'mai bpen rai' and bribery going on. Because of this these poor families, although they now have the answer, they will never see a lawful conclusion to these deaths.

    So very sad. My condolences to all that were, are still being affected by this tragedy.

    Biggest tragedy is the Thai culture is now better known across the world as an uncaring irresponsible society.

    I watched the 60 minutes programme here in NZ twice last night and it showed the survivors explaining what they ate at the night market and they all ate different dishes and none ate fish so the food poisening theory was out the window straight away.

    60 minutes went to the hotel as tourists and found the entire fifth floor being cleaned.

    60 minutes crew then sneaked into the room and took samples.

    The results and symptoms of death concur that the probability of death would be symptomaticly similar to chlorpyriflos poisening to the degree of 100%.

    The parents say that they were naive to belive it was food poisening.

    you say in your comments no one mayever be held responsible for this.

    The victims families should now apply pressure at government level in there own countries to get an official enquiery.

    Further to that the findings should be on the front page of all the newspapers in thailand.

    An official enquiery is now needed,the blame will be shunted around as you say and no one will be prosecuted.

    It is now up to the thai government to conduct an enquiery into the use of poisens and introduce a severe penalty if caught useing them

    The media can apply pressure in this case after all it was media pressure that embaressed action being taken on child porn being sold in sukhomvit rd.

    Then the week ministers of governments should be pressured to put the thai government under pressure for an enquiery.

    Watching the interview it was so obvious and has been from the outset that the coincidence theory was a sick joke and that a cover up was well in progress.

    Thailand has to act on this one and they will only do so if pressured by us,the media the families and the governments.

    Very sad for the families my codolences to all who suffer.

  2. something very sashimi fishy going wrong here 10k a gun holster ,guns not the normal trekking pack stuff here (gps and chocolate bars ect) seen one of the cops in the pic he"s on the bus check points a lot going up to masai seen him on visa runs. So whats it all about?could be a contracted hit even or a deal gone wrong funny that one of the japs was wearing a gun on the trekk??? for shooting birds maybe? very strange but a drug encounter of some degree more likely maybe more will come out soon interesting.Self defence is plausable at this stage maybe when the wounded man tlaks if he talks we might find out. I didn't know you could pack iron on trekking tours unless your afraid the tour guides a loose canon.

  3. Ok, where to start. He bought a 10,000 dollar jet ski three years ago. Depreciation in the first year alone is 40% with limited use and in very good condition. This was a rental which is never properly treated by renters and im guessing never made it back to the factory shop for its regular inspection and up keep to keep it in warranty. Do you think this guy uses new parts as well to maintain it or scavenging other crafts to maintain. Just a guess but probably the cheapest he can find and hammer in place. IF you look at the skis they are all in extremely poor condition and definitely not maintained. As for the "kill" switch which is designed to inhibit the spark which will kill the motor turning the ski back to the rider. It should never proceed in a straight line always making a come back for its rider. Usually these thing are very easy to service but must be done regularly for riders safety. So what im trying to say is that the model is old and and has not been maintained to any but Thai standards. The ski did not return to the rider and proceeded at high speed into the rocks. The police negotiated the settlement! HAHAHAHAHAH . In the list of expenses he states he has to pay his staff. Poppy cock! You pay staff any way. He has to feed his family! No shit, this is not a variable and should be taken into consideration when you open a business. THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE PROPER INSURANCE! The owner of the business failed to maintain his assets in a way that properly insures the safety of the client. Jet ski owner should not be paid but in fact should be penalized and made to pay any and all current and future medical expense. My point is that you can buy a nicer ski used in good condition for around 3,000 dollars. Why 6,000 for a beat up piece of shit that almost killed the guy. Oh thats right the "Police" negotiated. I tell you one thing if a Thai rider would have been injured there his whole family would have been at the door of the owner for medical expenses asap. Amazing boobs! 00blink.gif

    Exactly, could have bought him a much better one second hand for a lot less, yet again tourists with no experience in Thailand will suffer.

    Insurance is a joke! then its up to an official complaint from whatever embassy you belong to but then you might be on holiday in the hilton for a long time trying to sort it.

  4. A good reminder of the serious side of Songkran, however, i just cannot get my head around what on earth The Nation was thinking with regards to the photograph.

    It's called the fear factor. In Hawaii and some other places in the states the high schools for Graduation will put a mangled car in front of the school to remind the young adults not to drink and drive. I have seen it here in Chiangmai as well but with a fake person bloody and mangled. it is just to scare ie. fear factor. Question is does it deter the people from drinking and driving?

    Should be more of it, place pictures of the mangled taxi vans and bodies around where they sell the tickets and then introduce the death penalty for drivers of these when they kill people then hang the pictures of the excecutions of the drivers beside them --- if they ever do anything about them.

  5. How about mandatory use of meters in taxis - meters which are rigged to a light on the roof which indicates whether the taxi is available or already working, a system in use in many countries. Easy to enforce by BIB who will love the extra tea-money, no rip-offs of customers, and much easier to identify available cabs.

    koh samui have taxis with meter signs and lights but they forgot to put the meter in.

    Also some taxis all over thailand have technical problems with meter called "sorry meter no work".

    plant earth tells tourist to barter in thailand so maybe they could write a chapter on how to avoid a rip off taxi or tuk tuk its called walk away and try another taxi you will win.

    Apart from the bad guys ive met some awesum taxi and tuk tuk drivers that are great and they are around .

    I generally give the good guys a good tip they are worth it.

  6. Please, no offence to the many good people(thai&expat) living in Phuket.

    But why on earth any one would want to live in a place with such over inflated prices

    and losey service is beyond me.

    Definately an attitude problem in Phuket sorry to say a bit anti falung if you speak fluent thai you would not believe what,s being said behind your back everywhere even from the street vendors.Cant understand why many citys in Thailand dont have metre taxis but the answer is as comments above have said the tuk tuk mafia dont want them.

    Taxis in Koh Samui have meter signs but no meter when you get in and your at there mercy unless your a bit street wise.

    One Songtel driver in Koh Samui wanted 1200 baht to take us (4people) to a restuarant about 5km away, a normal thai fare of 30 bht so we just moved on to the next one and settled for 50 bht each so I feel sorry for the tourists that don"t know the ropes but som num na ( serves you right ) if you to stupid to know. Cant blame people for wanting to survive but the tuk tuk mafia in Phuket are over the top as said they will sit ther all day rather than take a lower fare I find this everywhere in thailand to varying degrees so I just walk around and another one will take you eventualy som num na to the one that sits ther waiting for the rip off.

  7. Suthep looks more indian than Thai.

    What do Thai's need foreign election monitors for ?

    Surely a group of well respected citizens could be selected to do it.

    America can't run straight elections look what happened with George Bush in his rise to power.

    Here in NZ clean and green oh yeh! We can sway an electorate to vote against its own candidate to get another minor party a seat in MMP style elections giving that candidate seven seats which will put the party that swayed that electorate into power with the scumbag that their electorate voted for in a coalition.

    Crooked democracy at work.

    So let the Thais do there thing and monitor it's own election because the rest of the world aint got to hot a record.

    If all was well in this world psycopaths would not be allowed to rule for years--- loook at the 2 to 300 million the US just spent shooting missiles at one recently.

    March on democracy.

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