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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. I have a TW and a young son who has dual citizenship thai/nz, I will be living in thailand permanently in a few months, I want to buy a house and know most all the usual rules for ownwership, 49%, company ect lease isnt a bad option if your single.

    Im wondering if you have a child with thai residence, can you set up a trust and buy a property and have it in trust until the child reaches a certain age 20/21 tyrs old.

    Im told by my TW's friends that Thais cant own land until they are 20 ???

    Does anyone know if it is possible to set up a property trust for a thai child, trustees might be tricky- do they need to be resident holders or could my older children who legally are brothers ect be trustees or overseer's of the trust?.

    Must be a few faluungs that have explored this possibility so like to hear your views

    Thanks a lot


  2. Safe Thailand has definitely ended. No one seems to have any answers as to why Thai people have become so violent, especially to tourists and farangs. Thai friends say 'thai on thai' crime hasn't changed, we just didn't know about it. They say what has changed is that Thais are no longer scared to attack a farang/tourist. Unfortunately this will dent tourism figues.

    Well someone woke up, ive been saying this for the last 3 years, my thai wife says the same, not nice people around her home town (hua hin) ive noticed it in BK a lot maybe im wrong, but opinion rules the roost, not opinion polls, this blog is people and people dont tell crap, only exagerate a little at time in good humour usually, thailand is gone to mafia controlled maniacs, unfortunately they come from europe, ruthless crimials now traffic women and drugs, the spin off is that the heads of the small thai guys swell up , they become pimps with attitude , and copy cat and demand higher rewards, police have to be rewarded as well, why do african street girls have a free reign in sukhomvit rd outside Nana, now I know! the police r colour blind.

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  3. having been a victim in pratunaam a few years ago when a bike snatched a bag from my thai GF, I would make a posting in lonely planet to tourists, dont carry a bag! at least the gf didnt have cash or cellphone in the bag they were in her pocket, however they did get her bank card which she cancelled within an hour.She was stressed out after and I was a bit as well as these guys past us and turned around and came back past us at speed and snatched the bag that quick they were gone in a sec, there were wittneses but the cheekies had covered the no plate with their hand as they road off.

    If girls need a bag carry a small one not a great giant show piece with the kitchen sink in it, keep your money and phone in your pockets like my thai gf did as she was wise to the snatcher's.

    Having said that im in NZ at present coming back to thailand soon, and my thai gfs friend got her bag snathced here, but again being thai and street wise no money in the bag just make up, bag snatching is becoming rife in good old clean and green NZ as government plunges the country into debt slashing jobs and wages as corporates close down manufacturing plants and import goods and sell Nz land to overseas investors,The worlds gone CEO mad paying themselves huge bonuses even while loosing money, I cant wait to come back to the land of smiles where crooks can still cop a lead cocktail if they are to out of hand, but here the crooks wear suits and are rampant corporate maniacs and out of control and crime is going ballistic .

  4. This has been going on forever, and suddenly an example of a harse sentence, some pretty harsh comments on here as well, but nothing will be done about the trafficking Ive seen guys trying to get minors into hotel rooms in Pattaya, the rececption called me while reading the paper to ask if I thought the girl was the one in the photo copied id picture that this guy was trying to get into his room, I said I dont know the pic was not good . they let the guy take her in, I suspect she was about 13 its rife in the land of smiles you guys all know this ,I know of one guy who was set up by a mother her under age daughter and her police boyfriend and relieved of 100k bht in buri ram, they were running a nice profitable bussines.

  5. Just another day here on the island of crime and death. RIP to the many.

    Just another day here on the island of crime and death. RIP to the many.

    There was a time that a comment like that would make me angry. Now, I agree with it. Can a day go by without a death, beating, robbery, arrest or illness? When my friends ask, "is it safe living in Thailand?" I say, "You can find trouble anywhere if you look for it...and the place to look is Pattaya and Phuket."

    I even understand the frustration of Expats who invested there. They recognized a while back that the area was at a crossroad. Either become a safe fun vacation spot for people and families who has money to spend, or more of a "Spring Break" party till you puke cesspool for whores, drugs and booze.

    Well, clearly, the jury has returned with the verdict...and as more of this news becomes common place, so will the perception that the island is Soi Cowboy with sand. Not exactly what honeymoon couples, nice families and retires think of when they travel in today's world (yes, i know that statement will get some wise-guy comments .. enjoy)

    It is a big world, with lots of beautiful beaches, lovely native cultures, food and experiences.

    Who needs the crap they dish out there? Fewer and fewer of one type of person, and more and more of another.

    And i am not saying "Party People" are bad...but they are fickle, and will roam to greener (cheaper, safer and more fun) places more quickly than quality family travelers...and sooner than later.

    Sadly, the incidents in this article could happen anywhere, any time...My comment is not specific to these events...just, as cloudhopperr suggests...a daisy chain of bad news and misery coming from one this place.

    I live in BKK, and have never been to Pattaya (and never will)..and the last time I went to Phuket (more than 10 years ago)...it was really quite lovely.

    Exactly 10 years ago lovely now overseas mafia terrorise the place, even jomtiem beach which is where familys used to go has had russian girls executed on the beach, getting worse all the time should not be one night in bangkok anymore ,should be one night in phuket or pattaya is enough now and get the hell out of the hole.
  6. Very hot topic for those whom have travelled in the Kemi Kazi express, especially my self who have been in one having an accident and having had to pull a mad driver up once before we all died, after that I stopped using the suicide bus.I wrote to the media making a few suggestions to no avail, the media did not even reply, I guess its in the hands of Bhudda when you ride with these crazy lunatics.

    The driver ran because he was probably on something(we all know that possibility) but probably will be suffering from shock when arrested and was walking around in a daze!. What needs to happen is the media need to print a few full page photos of the gruesome details to embaress the authorities into action. The driver should be strung up for stoneing where you buy the tickets and left to rot, I bet that might have an effect but no we cant go back to these primitive ways just fine the truck driver for stopping to quickly and give the driver a new van to drive.

    My sincere condolances to all who suffer from this tragic event.

  7. 10% interest until payday is not too bad. Typical rate for the Filipinos, i would have thought. I am sure that the guy did not know about the maximum rate of interest law. Ms Alpay was his Filipina secretary, i read. Are there so many Pinoys in Phuket, 500 ?

    I think my calculations are correct, according to me, he was making over 30,000 USD a month from the interest, 15 million baht @ 10% interest per month. Loan sharking

    probably just a mistake He thought the max allowed was 15% per month so he was still cheaper.

    Thai loan extortion is happening in every village usually around the 5% mark many lenders get burnt one friend whos GF was lending got a couple of repayments by airmail late at night when the GF put pressure on the borrower and now hes lost face so never pay but no more airmail hopefully, its a way of life the farangs that are smart stay away from but then this guy had a neech market (he thought) maybe the wife speak to much or not nice to man with brown shirt..

  8. I spend a bit of time in pratunam and have a friend who lives there now for over 40 years amazing he has thai residency and his european passport is gone he has to apply for a visa to go home, one day while sipping on the old bear sing he pointed out the peep holes in the building opposite the resturant we were in, he told me pratunam had been a gambling den since r and r days long before the regent and Bayoke were built he remembered them as rice paddocks mind you hes 80 now he said all the back streets are full of little dens with peep holes and there I was looking at that building for years and did not see the peep holes, the local police befriended me over the years also and drink at this restuarant, sometimes they are packing iron and walk out with full bottles of JW black label my friend sometimes says "I think we leave now.

  9. Yeh right I have had to pay off one guy only 100baht for driving in the right hand lane.

    You got off cheap as well! I reluctantly took a Thai taxi from a guest house to BK from Jomtien one day and got stopped at the toll gate in BK and thedriver asked me for 200 bht to pay the cop sorry, wage compensation authority

    Then afterwards the driver said that the nice policeman told him that was cheap for him as a ticket would have been 400bht but cop forgot to tell the driver that he should pay .

    Oh but he did bollick the illegal taxi driver and told him he better not see him again.

    On one hand the police are underpaid but on the other would this stop if the pay increased?? probably not so works well in some instances.

  10. First, RIP to the woman, and condolences to her family. Very sad and unfortunate for such a young like to end in such a way.

    Yes. I am very surprised that the BIB have actually called it a murder. Normally when a foriegner is found deceased they try to come up with some cock & bull story other than murder. I guess the evidence in the case is just way too compelling.

    Probably a non compliant russian girl who wouldn't do as she was told by the russian mafia infesting the prostitiution trade in Thailand

    RIP if you are a victim I hope international media bring it to the worlds attention and the scum bags get caught.

  11. I can't get over the hypocrisy I see on threads such as these.

    Never slipped a copper 200 baht?

    Never bought ripped off software or movies at Pantip or on the street?

    Never taken bar-fined BG? (where do you think a portion of the bar fine goes?)

    Never bought her a 'real-fake' hand bag for her?

    You've all benefited from the same corruption, yet you come on here and whinge.

    EXZACORY ! I know that b4 the local bars in chiang mai started paying the police to continue late night checks (signing the book at each bar) that crime and muggings for tourists was bad and has been quite an improvement since, I think we all have some benefits from slipping the odd baht to the underpaid police and the pirate cd/ the real crimms are the politicians in this world who screw us all.

  12. kiwikeith

    A guy on one of the other forums said that "Thai's are not violent". I guess somebody needs to adjust his opinion to include people outside his home.

    Anyone who makes that statement "Txxi's are not violent" must still be coming thru immigration on his first visit"

    Maybe these are not Thai's. We have a culture of poynesians in New Zealand that think they are Negro gangstors they talk like them and act like them and drive around with boom boxes deafening themselves with rap and acting like jerks the poor soles dont know their real identity.

    I suspect the same same happening with young Thai's sad world its becoming.

  13. This story need to be shown overseas, and Thailand need a serious black eye over this. I do not care what the circumstances are, this is completely unjustifiable. The only way changed happen here, is if Thailand loses face worldwide. The tourism industry is dying on the vine, and the TOT continues to spin out the false figures. An informed source told me that the island wide occupancy rate in Koh Samui in June was 20%! That is the lowest rate in the past 20 years. Something is happening, in a big way, and every Thai I talk to has their head in the sand, in regard to the issues. Where is the Anna Hazare of Thailand? Do the Thai people care, at all? Does the government care, or even acknowledge these issues, in the slightest manner? Who is going to be held accountable for this latest travesty?

    Intersting spidermike, my thai wife said after returning to hua hin last year after a few years away," LOTS of suspicious characters lurking around Hua Hin now ,never see like this before"

    In Bangkok african girls lined up in the street in Nana no Work Visa in the face of police.

    Lots of tourists got scarred away from the red shirt era and now lots of russian mafia in BK and lots more arab and indian tourists espscially in BK.

    Thailand changed then and needs cleaning up sorry to say but to many mafia now running the crime and combining with thai.

    Personally I used to enjoy a few days in pattaya and phuket but now I could not be bothered with the mafia infested plc's.

  14. I'm sure Mrs. Trotnow's brother can reveil the motorbike taxi driver and maybe even the gang of assaultants - - NOT

    Risking your life for THB 100 is meaningless. Downing the driver was not very smart...

    Stay away from the Patong rat hole.

    Ex zac cory!dumb!! to knock down a mafia member and the wife didnt help the poor old ATM man it sounds at all.

    So learn the ropes in Thailand negotiate b4 taking a Taxi get a new wife and brother in law and take a compulsory course in how not to get beaten up when drunk in thailand for as you say a meaningless 100 bht and stay away from the rat holes of phuket and pataya.

  15. Not in our lifetimes.

    Try to stop sex tourism! Give me a break. Men from all over the world come her for Thai girls and some for boys, and many for golf. Take the girls out of the equation and what will be the result?

    For a family beach holiday there are many places to go.

    Easy to do! close down phuket and pattaya .
  16. I agree, I know for a fact people who get robbed every single day of the week and I'm sure it amounts to more than 1,000,000 baht per day that's stolen. Maybe not in one go. but still. But what I really can't understand is the stupidity of people who think leaving valuables lying around the house is what is concidered safe. Would you leave 1,000,000 baht or even better yet say $30,000 just sitting on the kitchen table even if you've lived in the house for 20 years. You wouldn't do it anywhere especailly in an unsecured house (It was if he got in that easily).

    It's like the 20 odd different people I know in california who had the car broken into, and their wallets and purses stolen that was sitting on the passenger seat. Som Nom Nah

    how many times have you heard this story does not matter where you are it'sstupid to leave anything that valuable unatended i dont bother to own gold chances are it will get lifted one day along with some gbh, som mom na! is right sorry about his loss.

  17. Oberkommando, as you seem to know about this case better than the OP, can you tell if said person was involved in a Koh Samui real estate firm? I'm not suggesting anything, but the name rings a bell or two.

    No idea. I was only privy to what concerns this particular case. :jap:

    why not get thai visa to post a pic of him then all will be happy. plenty of this going on here in new zealand with chinese as well as thai we have english schools here that they study in (supposadly) then work of the debts for there keep and fees at night in the massage parlours.(run by mafia that does not exist here!)

    Then if girl very lucky not get caught and sent home she marry with customer live happy and after three years she can fleece him for his house.

  18. There is one bar in Patong that may fit this profile, in Patong, it has Russian girls pole dancing in it. There are a few go-go bars that do the big bill at the end scam just like Pattaya, Bangkok, Vegas, Soho etc etc, buyer beware.

    A 'crackdown' is hardly required.

    Well maybe thai police are color blind, what other reason can they not see that white girls are working in bars and black girls are soliciting in the streets in bangkok or maybe they teach english during the day or are students and are just having fun at night.

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