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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Total BS, I've never seen kiwis wanting a scrap after 3 bottles of piss, where did you dream this up from.
  2. How do you know, they could have been acting in self defence, could have been a drunk cop overacting and turned his gun on these two, looks like thesudued the officer and were holding his gun, they were not pointing it at him, I'll bet the cop was on something.
  3. The neck brace keeps his neck straight, taking pressure of his carotid artery, he's got artery problems were told. There you go, he might need this for some time, poor chap.
  4. I had a friend years ago who I took to Thailand, It was his first time, he started groping girls in the old beer garden, I told him, it's not good to do this to these girls, they don't like it, and it's not good behaviour. Next day I told him to go his own way, I would not show him around Thailand with me.
  5. The dog would be put down in most countries, they are also banned in many. They can never be trusted, my friend had one that was very good natured until one day it nearly severed his hand, Maiming him for life as he took the dog to his brothers house, the dog attacked a pet rabbit in a pen and the owner tried to stop it, then his beloved animal turned vicious on him.
  6. At Suvarnabhumi airport yesterday I was almost mowed down several times by Chinese groups carrying signs storming around the airport, many buying bus tickets for Pattaya, had to get my ticket for Huahin and get away from them, had to wait 3 hours for the bus to depart, the food court was push and shove, gave me a headache, but huge numbers at the airport yesterday.
  7. I would love to see the wording of the reform, it seems to never make the news, but seems to get blown out of proportion, that we won't know unless it's published.
  8. His attitude got him to the altitude very quickly, a stupid man who's head is to big for his shoulders, he might enjoy some time in the Hilton to reflect on his behavior, probably banned from LOS for life, Som Num NA
  9. Qantas put a warning on my ticket to Bk must show return ticket b4 boarding in Auckland, because entering on visa on arrival, never had problem b4,even though I said I will extend to non o,can get around that.
  10. I was wondering that .myself, visa,.money ect, maybe holds a Indian passport, don't know if that helps
  11. Senior police Said they patrolled the aria frequently and they found no sex trading there ,and urged the 2 groups to settle out of court. In the no name newspaper today.
  12. Very clearly, the souvenir hunter recognized this and grabbed it to take home.
  13. A thai women through things at me when I returned a crook cellphone she sold me, she lost face and screemed at me, I grabbed another one she was comparing it with and ran, she threw the broken one at me hitting me in the head, good shot, I kept running and disappeared. These were in the day's of not having to show ID, she had put my Sim into the new phone already. I did not ever think of retaliation, I just wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible.
  14. If he's got a psychological problem, he will not be humiliated, only worse, his attitude seems to have rubbed off on his wife well.
  15. Ur right,,require police records of all Russian tourists, b4 issuing visas, and Swiss, and Chinese, and every other foreign person, trouble is police reports would be corrupt ,then all the good guys would be Subject to more visa restrictions. Russian mafia went into the USA and took on the Sicilian mafia, they were not scared of them. Australia has massive problems with Lebanese mafia and drugs. NZ has huge problems with gangs now working with Chinese mafia. The NZ government we're warned by Hong Kong British police that opening up to Chinese migration on a large scale would bring the Triads in. What happened NZ ignored the advice, now drugs and crime are huge and gangs work with the Chinese and the police cannot stop it.
  16. She might need to get her hair fixed at a police hospital for a few months b4 release
  17. People don't understand, Pattaya is now the R,and R holiday resort for Russian draft dodgers and the Russian mafia, who have always been around,but seem to have made a recovery since the war in Ukraine started, I hear there's plenty of Ukrainians around as well. Put their visas fees up 1200 percent
  18. So ,free tolls and a 600% increase in visa fees should fix it. The 2 women were dolled up and didn't look short of a few bhat, but I can think of some ethnic groups are very mean,and fight taxi drivers over fares, seen it myself whilst sitting in the front of a Songtel,and when this person asks how much to the night market, the driver said 60 bhat. Then 6 of them jumped on, so the driver had to tell them, no,60 each and they started fighting with the driver, who told them to get another taxi, they spoke English quote well, the taxi driver spoke broken English, we had a good laugh afterwards.
  19. Top quality security guard, with attitude, goes home gets gun and kills innocent people, probably on something, or just Ba Ba Bor Bor Maaaaak, I feel sorry for the victims it's shocking hi
  20. NZ was full of Thai overstayers, some here for 15 years, I knew many of them, through the Thai temple and friends of my Thai wife, Chinese massage shops were exploiting them and young Chinese girls who were coming to Nz on student visas, sponsored by money from these parlours and going to school in the day and working the debts off at night in the parlour. On top of that they were staying in Chinese houses paying exorbitant rents. Still going on today, but the govt cracked down on Thai overstayers and made it very hard to get in to Nz. Chinese seem to get in on student visas easy, just to fill the private schools up and line their pockets, it's corrupt as hell, corruption is rife here just sails under the radar a bit more than LOS.
  21. You can do that I think this fee increase is to cover the cost for the building they occupy, and their expenses. I will get my visas in los, it used to be very simple to get a visa here but they closed the consulate in Auckland during Covid and it's not going to re open, I spoke to the law firm that ran the consulate and they said it's all over no plans to open again, you have to go to Wellington to get documents for your Thai wife and son if needed and that's very expensive to do, things went mad during Covid.
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