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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 9:28 AM, gk10002000 said:

    Logic does not apply to anything over there.  One immigration official says one thing, others do another thing.  One person's policy varies from administration to administration, from coup to coup.

    Is there a possible motive to do with the new government?.

    The only change we won't see is the status quo prevailing.

    Imm agents are still alive and well.

  2. 3 hours ago, brommers said:

    Oh shut up you idiotic control freaks. And get on with dealing with the ruined health of the millions who are being poisoned by the catastrophic air pollution in the north. Trying to impose petty mind control measures like banning logos is simply a metaphor for the overbearing attitude of a ministry that is bereft of real and practical measures to protect the health of the people.

    Another tea money excuse only implemented when the boys feel hungry.

    ''Whats the beer like mate?'' ''Have a Chang, it's good mate''. hey you! pay now 2500 BHT you can't say that.

    How much money could they make if they enforced wearing helmets, speeding and introduced speed cameras??.  

  3. 18 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    i thought Germany had to give Poland back.

    right, one thing I was told in my early days in LOS, was don't go into a Thai karaoke bar, don't walk down a dark soi, and don't listen to Tuk Tuk drivers and taxi drivers trying to take you places you don't want to go to.

    However I have been caught out, in pat pong I went into a bar to watch a show, never been b4, sat down had one beer then went to leave and charged 1000 BHT for the beer, they let me go as I rang my Thai wife who was shopping and came to the rescue.

    I don't know of many expats who have not been caught by some scam or drugged, one guy I knew was a doctor and lived in LOS for 20 years then got drugged by a high class girl who sat down at his table in Sukhomvit, ect ect------

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    They can, maybe, ban sales during Songkran, but as far as consumption goes, there are two hopes of stopping that.......................................... Bob Hope and NO Hope ! 

    Exactly, no hope until they get real and change the traffic behaviour, the new government could easily do this from previous knowledge and use attitude adjustment camps.

    They could use the whole of Thailand as the area for the camp.

  5. 6 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    This thread has certainly exposed those many people who appear to be some of the most balanced people on the planet. Because, and for whatever reason, irrespective of nationality,  they appear to have a chip on both shoulders when it comes to acceptance of compliance requirements for the Thai immigration  criteria.


    I wish that it could be made clear what the visa rules will be.

    At present I'm in NZ waiting to return to LOS.

    The feedback I get is confusing and I have heard that the status quo  still prevails regarding getting an agent to do your visa.(the envelope is alive and well)

    There is a lot of corruption in the visa trade and many that are involved will not like the loss of jobs.

    I still can not figure out why Big Joke never lists Russians as a problem, we all know about the African countries scamming but the Russians are at it big time / mafia /prostitution trade.

    I have been in small BK hotels in the past where the Russians had a whole floor and disco for their working girls.


    Unfortunately LOS is a magnet for undesirables, people with family like myself having a wife and child probably get better consideration because they have to be responsible for the care of them when in Thailand.

    Not to say that all with family are good citizens.

    The majority of European, the colonies included are good citizens, and it now seems not wanted.

    There is nowhere to go now except to Vietnam or Cambodia, I hope that common sense prevails and the rules get sorted.

    The internal problem of corruption, along with forged passports, ect, is a money spinner.

    That, may never be dealt with and all the poor nice people contributing to Thailand's economy can get out.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    The bureaucrats in Brussels have absolutely no say in the matter.


    British Establishment? People like Jacob Rees-Mogg.

    3.30 am in the morning Thailand and the Brexit is arguing on TV.

    It is sad that politicians call referendums that are not legally binding , spend a fortune on them, then waste millions of tax payers money, terrorise the population financially just to get what is good for the rich and not the poor.

    Greece was a prime example.

    The first thing that happened after the Brexit result was the crashing of the pound.

    This pissed all the expats off, it also sent the aussie and the nz down to very low levels and that remains at present and peeves me off.

    If Britain exits Brexit I would place my money on the currency stabilising at a higher rate.


    Politicians are creating havoc with Britains economy, terrorising the people who are now almost rioting, as what happened in Greece.

    Then a second referendum will be called and there will be NO BREXIT>

    Madame Merkyl wins again, Britain won the war but has lost control of there finance.

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  7. On ‎3‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 1:00 PM, vogie said:

    All we have here is mob rule, and mob rule will never replace elections or a referendum.

    When Greece threatened to leave the EU a while back the financial terrorists boarded up supermarkets threatened the cash supply ect ect ect, that is what is happening to Britain, the currency crashed first and now the politicians are scuttling the deal. 

    It will be bad for citizen Joe to stay in the EU. In the long run Britain will be better of rid of the financial terrorists.

  8. On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 3:29 AM, Just Weird said:

    Clicks and advertising revenue!

    It is a mystery, and one that we all would like to know about.

    In TV's defence I would argue the above, however I am greatly annoyed that many links on this site lead to virus/trash and I will not click on any of them now.

    Also sensationalism is rife and topics do tend to go haywire, such is life.

    ''The time has come the Walrus said for democracy to go to bed''. 

  9. On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 5:42 AM, elviajero said:





    According to the new rules it’s 2 months, but I suggest you plan for 3 if you can.


    You need to keep minimum balances of 800K for 3 months after the extension starts, 2 months before the next renewal, and 400K during the months in between.


    If you want to use the income method just have your annuity paid into your US account and make monthly transfers yourself to a Thai bank account. That should be accepted; however, immigration might want proof of the source of the income. 2/3 months of transfers should be enough prior to the 2019 extension application.

    Reading your post about income method, I think your right.

    I read on a previous forum from a Thai government article that you can use this method.

    I previously said that why can't you, not verify income from your pension fund provider and  Tax department.

    The pension office will give me a annual printout as well as the IRD.

    The bank will provide you with an official printout for any investment earnings.

    If your pension is transferred to your Thai bank account from your country of residence bank, if you have all the documents, printouts and it is the required income amount then that is how I understood the Thai government article to read.

    The you should be ok.

    Can anyone verify this??


    I have heard that the witch is still alive and the pre- existing method, still is being used.

  10. 21 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    You obviously believe the Pitbull myths?

    I love dogs, had mainly labs all my life.

    I hate seeing wild mangy starved, rabies infested soi dogs all over LOS.


    I hate seeing idiots with pitbulls, these idiots are everywhere all over the world that allow pitbulls.

    I have seen a pitbull club turn up at the Kings park in Hua Hin and challenging each others dogs while holding them back on chains and encouraging them to fight.

    These idiots should be banned, and unfortunately the dogs have a terrible record of violence due to this and are banned now in many countries.

    One of my best friends had one for 4 years when it severely mangled and crippled his arm, permanently, for trying to stop it attacking a pet rabbit at his brothers house.





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  11. 4 hours ago, DJ54 said:

    If the drivers version is correct he was dead headed (empty)

    back after dropping off load. 


    Don’t know how strict Thailand is on commercial trucks safety

    checks etc.


    Noticed on tv news last night one of the pick up type trucks

    blew a tire and rolled or drive into the ditch. The rear tire was 

    blown and retreads. Wouldn’t think those would be safe in the hot weather. Retreads should be illegal on commercial vehicals carrying 





    I/we all know from experience that trucks on Thai Roads and not just Thai roads, 75 logging trucks were put off the Rd in Northland NZ this week due to issues involving safety/ condition of vehicles and log book entries.

    Thailand was to introduce log books about 2 years ago within a few months, where are they??.

    Not blaming any one here, though I myself find it very difficult at night on LOS roads to see trucks as the road marking are sometimes non existent and the trucks have no, or poor rear lighting.

    That can be the opposite, with them having lights all over them, in all sorts of colours.


    My worst fear is passing them as they drift across the road quite often.

    Then you get Thai drivers overtaking from the inside lane trying to beat you if you about to overtake from the right lane, this practice is rife.

    The truck may have pulled out in front of them as they overtook , or they may have just not seen it and drove straight into it, we do not know, we all know that trucks are a nightmare as well as bikes and idiot fast drivers in smaller vehicles.

    It scares me driving in LOS and I drive defensively all the time.

    A truly sad  loss of life.

    May they rest in peace. 


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  12. On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 3:19 PM, NCC1701A said:

    while not this dramatic I have seen a young bar girl here in Hua Hin become almost unrecognizable (in a bad way) in just a few years.

    Also seen a young bar girl in Hua Hin go from nice and healthy to a total wreck on that juice they buy for 20/40 BHT, which I smelt the bottle and smells like rocket fuel.

    Seen a close relative of the wife dye from drinking that stuff for just one year.


    Sadly this girl looks like she has been abused (scarring around the head) and or been involved with some horror people, a lot of damage inflicted here by herself and her friends probable.

    She said she had no friends now.

    I certainly hope she can recover she looks a lot older now but still retains good looks which she can recover.


    Not only Thailand but victims like her are everywhere all over the world and NZ has a shocking record for homelessness.

    Addiction is a shocking disease which people tend to blame the person for, but would never blame a cancer sufferer for their illness.

    There but for the grace of god go I.


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  13. 23 hours ago, colinneil said:

    While i feel sorry for this young man, it appears he just decided i will go to Thailand have fun.

    He arrived on a one way ticket, clearly no thought to visa requirements, had insurance but invalidated it, because of a one way ticket, and riding an mc without a license.

    Family thinks no problem we will get others to pay for his stupidity.

    I think his enlightenment was premature.

    Something going on here in the poor mans head, possibly he had escaped into paradise.


    Crowd funding is a fortunate thing, although not designed for acts of stupidity.

    In saying that, it is all very well in hindsight, probably most expats in LOS have no medical insurance, I see most riding around with no helmets, to long in the LOS sends one Tropo.

    I am guilty myself having spent many yrs in Thailand without medical insurance.

    Sadly many can not afford it.


    New Zealand on the other hand has an ACC (accident Compensation Policy) for tourists which covers medical accident, a policy which many want to see ended, and a compulsory travel insurance required to enter the country.


    • Like 1
  14. 21 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    As far as I can tell, the financial requirement fraud problem is essentially an immigration "internal affairs" problem. Fire corrupt officials and ban visa agents except for those who can't make immigration trips for health reaasons, and the entire financial fraud problem would end overnight, with none of the idiotically inefficient paperwork needed to verify bank balances on a year round basis. Big Joke: put the fear of God in your subordinates, not in peace loving and law-abiding senior citizens.

    Quite right.

    last year while getting my Visa stamped, which was on it's last renewal, my wife was beside me and the imm lady dealing with my visa chatted to her for ten or more minutes non stop.

    She then took us outside and continued to chat then my wife said she wants to give you a retirement visa for one more year.

    I did not need this as was returning to NZ for a few months and would get another non O from the embassy in NZ.

    The imm lady said no problem when you come back come to see me anytime but I speak only to your wife and no need bank paper or police clearance only need 25k BHT.


    So  the moral here as all of us are wondering is-- What will happen internally as your post says.

    I would hazard a guess that the brown envelope party may prevail.

    This may take time to settle, however in the longer term we may see some easing up of the financial requirement detail.

    I spoke with the Thai consulate in Auckland NZ yesterday and they said they can no longer issue Non O from their office.

    They said you have to apply through the Thai embassy in Wellington and you can courier documents for a multiple entry 12 month Non O.

    The requirements for married application are, copy wifes passport, copy birth cert of children if any.

    Copy marriage cert, bank statement for past six months.

    No need of bank funds in Thailand .

    If your not married I do not know but will find out this week and post more info.

    Probably the same in other countries.

    Seeing I return home every year at Xmas it is easier to deal with the Thai embassy direct and only costs 25k BHT for return travel home.

    Cheers all and be careful out there.



  15. 21 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    And minister of health.

    Are you sure the picture is the police or the Tobacco lobbyists group??? 


    E Ciggs are better than tobacco smoking, not any where near as harmful.

    They are looked upon by the health sector in NZ as being a step to weaning off the terrible real smokes.

    Although they do not condone smoking E ciggs.

    The problem as I see it and do many on TV, is that they can not control the TAX on E ciggs and juice.


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