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Everything posted by george

  1. This site use AI assisted auto posting of selected threads here on AseanNow Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/ASEANNOWThailand Normally it works fine most of the time. 😂😂😃 But today I nearly splashed coffee over the keyboard when AI somehow attached the wrong picture, or whatever happened. Lol 😎
  2. Don't worry. This is a routine we must do after every software update. Your info will be visible as soon as the process is finalized.
  3. One thing: The water heater in the bathroom has an earth cable, will try to locate the rod outside, if any.
  4. Thanks! There is a local ground anywhere near the computer.
  5. Hello in the Electric Forum! I get smaller electrical shocks when touching my computer at another location than home. The power outlets provided is "Thai standard" un-earthed: My computer (Apple) has this power cord. It's very uncomfortable with the small shocks I get. (tried alredy with a un-earthed "Thai" extension cord). What do I do? (I am not able to change the outlets at this location.) I could cut the third prong on this connector, but doesn't If I install an UPS (un-earthed) would this help? Any easier solution? Please advise 🙏🏼
  6. The blue banner informing of ongoing search indexing is just that, our announcement.
  7. The forum database is about 290 GB in size, so this needs to be done when we upgrade the forum software.
  8. Allworks just fine. I suspect your browser. What browser are you using? Mobile or desktop/laptop? Try with another browser and let us know.
  9. This site claims that this is fake news. https://hubnetwork.in/fact-check-vladimir-putin-suffers-cardiac-arrest-here-is-the-truth/
  10. This notification thing is nothing we can change right now. I am taking notes and we will look at it next month, when next minorv update will happen.
  11. Not sure how you mean here. No more posts/reactions ??
  12. Germans are very precise 😎 Or am I wrong here?
  13. Rounding up to "15k" seems to be the new normal (?) on Social media. Sorry, I can't be of any help here.
  14. I'm following this discussion. I could open a support ticket if you guys can produce a screenshot or two, describing the issue. 🙏🏼
  15. We are using the latest X API (formerly Twitter API). They are changing the policies and goalposts every other day. Headache! We are waiting for an update of that API. What a mess. And I can't get hold of Elon..😎
  16. I can not reproduce this issue. Can you please explain in detail?
  17. Why would you expect to get a notfication of a "page you have open"? Not sure I understand your question?
  18. Please email from the email address you used when you registerered that account and send your request to [email protected] with Attention: George
  19. UPDATE: You can now delete your notifications, if so desired. Sorry for the delay, it took a week until we received this bugfri version from the software vendor. Hope this helps 🙏🏼
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