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Posts posted by BrianCR

  1. Social Security cover only up to 60 years of age? I was told by the SocSec Office, that you are covered, as long as either your employer pays up or (if you quit) as long as you pay voluntarily the monthly (but reduced!) dues. As for the maximum working age, there is no restriction, not for Thais, not for Foreigners... But of course you can quit any time, at any age. SamM.

    You can't join the SS system after you reach 60 years of age, however after that age your monthly payments will reduce to 420 baht per month and you will receive a refund of the money that you paid in previously.

    Interesting to note that most public schools are getting very reluctant to take on new teachers over 60 years of age

  2. Three wise monkeys in the store? Shocking but not unexpected. Echoing another topic on here, the complete indifference of a lot of Thai's to any problems or issues but their own or people they know well.

    It's not the Thailand of even 3 or 4 years ago anymore, is it?

    I think you are right. Something has really changed. I'm off tomorrow. I am not going to leave my kids here to live in this system.

    Maybe other people don't see it or don't agree with it, but as far as I am concerned since just before 2010 the corruption, arrogance, thievery, bad attitudes, xenophobia have just gone through the roof as far as I am concerned. And it's not just simply that things are reported more often, I'm talking about what I "see" day to day. It's as if with the change in Govt, everyone's got a free pass to be a complete ass now.

    The interesting point is where do you see it? I move around quite lot and I seem to miss it all!
  3. "One of the business owners whose workers were rounded up was able to show valid work permits for six of the suspects."
    So! He was arrested and charged with employing illegal immigrant workers? No! Well why the hell not?????????
    PS. I love the uniforms of the arresting officer and good luck to the illegals!

  4. Are you all seriously trying to destroy, your host county? Most of your comments are totally bizarre and nobody with a brain is even listening to you! Thailand has always been corrupt and possibly always will be but, you whingers and haters just upset every normal persons day! You have no way in a million years of changing anything so, why not get a life, or just keep getting drunk on Beer Chiang, hating your bar girl, and allow "normal" people to enjoy their lives here in Thailand!

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  5. Whatever he say's or does the man is anything but an idiot. It takes a lot of careful planning (for the good or for the bad) to get in his position and he, sure as hell, is not going to lose out on that now! Something that does confuse me through is how certain posters know the inside story? How do they get this information? I'm really serious when I say that I would like to know. Not guess work mind, the real inside story!

  6. The Government does not finance house purchase in Thailand. However, the Government Housing Bank offers low interest loans to all Government officers (including teachers). At one time I bought a house through this same bank and rented it out with no problem for some years until I sold it!

    Note: Government Housing Bank branches can be found in most city centre streets and can also be used as a normal retail bank

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