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Posts posted by BrianCR

  1. Before I learned of the 7 day grace period I was "fined" 2000 baht for being TWO days late with a receipt issued in Chiang Mai! Also when they first introduced the 90 day reporting you may remember there was total confusion as to when it would be formally applied. I decided that, as I was not a terrorist, and had no intention of becoming one, I would refuse to comply with the reporting. I actually got away with it for nearly three years (as then, the system was so lax and confused) until one visa renewal (in that Soi off Sathon) the delightful officer noticed that I didn't have the reporting documents and sent me to another room. Another delightful lady looked at my passport and said "mi ben rai", charged me 2000 baht and put me back on the radar.

  2. To be a risi the first step is suññatā ( Voidness, emptiness) no delusion etc. You are ready and free to accept the "message" of Dhamma.

    The "message" comes like a flash and you know what you have to do.

    I thought I had that "flash" till I realised I had been hit by lightening! After having said that I do believe that Buddhists in general take care of each other more than so called religions!
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  3. I am thinking of opening a school for western monks. It will be a one year course (with Ed visa) and will cover all necessary subjects such as: beg and be rich (4 weeks), hiding the assets (3 weeks, includes special lectures by government officials), investing in Gold Buddhas (5 weeks), the hooker and I (how to get your female supporters to support you and , let your robes conceal the truth (how to play Santa Claus whilst being the devil) - 49,990 including a visa and begging bowl! Any takers?

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  4. Even with a simple article like this the Phuket News cannot get it's facts right !! If you do a border crossing by car, bus, bike or whatever (elephant) you'll get a 15 day visa. ONLY by air do you get 30 days.

    You won't! You'll get a 15 or 30 day visa EXEMPTION!! For a visa you'll need to visit a Thai Embassy. It's amazing how facts get mixed
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  5. In eight years of teaching at the same school here in Thailand I have seen many education ministers come and go. What changes have I seen? NONE! Sure, there have been some very cosmetic changes. The one word a day project was discussed and then forgotten. The tablets have been a huge joke. There has been no change in cirriculum. The hours of instruction has actually increased. The hoops foreign teachers have to jump through to stay legal have increased. I could go on listing problems with the education system, but I don't want to bore you all. It is a mess. I doubt anything will change much as the elite would rather keep most of the population ignorant.

    Good post..... but who are the elite?

    Are they as BrianCR says every factory/ business owner or what?

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    The "elite" of Thailand are anyone with a substantial amount of money, no matter how it was obtained. Having this, you don't even need manners. You can be a really corrupt, dishonest person but, because of the substantial amount of money, at a slight nod of your head "ordinary" people will fall on their knees and hold you in reverence! One reason why nothing much will ever be done in the education and other ministries!
  6. In eight years of teaching at the same school here in Thailand I have seen many education ministers come and go. What changes have I seen? NONE! Sure, there have been some very cosmetic changes. The one word a day project was discussed and then forgotten. The tablets have been a huge joke. There has been no change in cirriculum. The hours of instruction has actually increased. The hoops foreign teachers have to jump through to stay legal have increased. I could go on listing problems with the education system, but I don't want to bore you all. It is a mess. I doubt anything will change much as the elite would rather keep most of the population ignorant.

    Good post..... but who are the elite?

    Are they as BrianCR says every factory/ business owner or what?

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    The "elite" of Thailand are anyone with a substantial amount of money, no matter how it was obtained. Having this, you don't even need manners. You can be a really corrupt, dishonest person but, because of the substantial amount of money, at a slight nod of your head "ordinary" people will fall on their knees and hold you in reverence! One reason why nothing much will ever be done in the education and other ministries!
  7. It's not like Muslims are so highly regarded in Thailand.

    The Thai immigration official might have been close to or related to someone killed or maimed by the southern insurgency.

    I think that you should travel around Thailand before making a blanket statement like that. Northern Thailand, especially Chiang Rai Province has a large population of Muslims, Christians and Buddhists all of whom mix together and show regard for others. Not all Thai Muslims live in the South and even after saying that many who do get on with other religions. I don't see what religion you practice matters much here, what is reported is the fanatical few wanting independence and not caring who they kill in order to get it!
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  8. I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

    It sounds like you are too young to remember when Thailand (I think Admiral Kraivichien was the Prime Minister) used to refuse entry to anyone with hair longer than an active duty soldier, on the grounds that they looked like "hippies." Actually, now that I think of it, that policy was still in effect when Chatchai was Prime Minister, and might still b on the books, although obviously not enforced.
    I can assure you sir that I was here well before Chatchai became Prime Minister and not only have I never heard of this rule but in the early 1980's there were some long haired westerners walking (staggering) around
  9. I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

    Okay BrianCR - on YOUR next long-distance flight, we will seat you next to this "don't-judge-a-book-by-its-cover" guy - see how YOU like that ! ! ! !

    When in Rome ! ! ! ! !

    This 'Medical Student' needs a shave and a bath and one helluva lot of deodorant !! !!

    He looks like 1/2 Man; 1/2 Possum FCS ! ! ! !

    Freedom of Religion: YES ! ! !

    Freedom of Hygiene: NO ! ! !


    You must have a pretty big nose if you can tell his hygiene from a distance have you thought of becoming a sniffer dog?
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  10. I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

    Nah......someone who dresses and looks like a terrorist deserves suspicion before respect.

    Terrorists don't consider you to be a person, so why would you say people are still people?

    Suspicion before respect.

    People can't be judged just by the way they dress and it would be fair to say that people wishing to get away with a crime would possibly change their appearance. For example someone who wants to be a terrorist would know explicitly that he stands much more chance of doing the job if he DIDN'T look like the perceived idea of what a terrorist should look like!!! Anyone who seriously believes that you can tell a person by what he is wearing really doesn't understand much about the human race.

    Many years ago Jean Paul Getty, who at that time was the richest man in the world, had a habit of (shall we say) dressing down. He went to a rather expensive London hotel where, the doorman refused him entry because of the way he was dressed, the next day Mr. Getty bought the hotel and sacked the doorman!

  11. A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

    And the ear medicine man gave her an earful also.

  12. The health ministry set up the meeting after Thailand's government asked it to address concerns about the financial burden on the country's state hospitals, which are required to provide foreigners with free medical service, Pradit said.

    Free medical services for foreigners at state hospitals.... when did that start then?
    It actually been here for a long time, for the time being the cost for SSO is 336 THB. pr. month
    Wrong it's 420/750 baht per month depending on salary - 420 after 60 years of age and I've paid it since it started and am now paying the retirement amount, 420 per month!
  13. Everything should be balanced in that Thailand makes millions from tourism so has to expect tourists to be able to use their hospital facilities at a fair price and cope with the odd idiot who has no money or insurance. Not make people prove they have or buy insurance on arrival. Also to help the married or retired falangs why not let us pay into their system so as to get healthcare the same as Thais if we should so wish to do so. Certainly not asking for it to be free. After all us expats do pump money into local economies.

    George, in my opinion you have the best posting on this site, as I posted earlier the Thai Social Security System cost between 420/750 per month (depending on salary earned) is available to both Thai and Western employee's and covers ALL health problems not just in government hospitals but many private as well. When you pay your fee's you get a yellow ticket printed from a machine as proof of payment (it takes seconds to print out). Tourists and others arriving here without insurance could be sent to a booth to join this system (only medical not pension) where they pay a small amount (depending on how long they are staying) and the receipt is stapled in their passport (the printed receipt bares the name and passport number anyway). Any medical problem go to a hospital and show your passport and the receipt, the hospital treats you and claims the cost back from the Social Security Fund. If you wish to extend your stay you simply go along to the nearest Social Security Office where they can extend it. A two week stay could be as low as 250 baht and one year 5,000 baht. If you have travel insurance you are exempt! With this everyone (rich and poor and even the family dog are covered!
  14. How many of you without insurance would be willing to pay 3-5K baht/month to participate in the Thai national health insurance program without pre-existing conditions? ie. full coverage.

    When did you dream those figures up? The Thai Social Security System that you are referring to charges employed Thai or Westerners between 420 - 750 baht per month depending on salary! It covers full medical treatment including prescriptions/operations/admitted and non admitted persons and a full return on all your payments when you reach the age of 60. Also regardless of income the monthly fee drops to 420 baht from that age on and, you can reclaim all further fee's paid every six months from your local Social Security Office, regardless of which office you made your payments as they are all computer linked

    There is no medical and preexisting conditions are also covered!

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