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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. So lets see, here we have a plan to blow a church to kingdom come on Good Friday and in order to cause the maximum amount of anger and no doubt reprisals it was part of the plot to film the whole thing and also invite foreign cameramen as well to increase the exposure still further. It kind of puts some misguided Pastor burning a Quran into perspective does it not? :ph34r::crazy:

  2. It is possible that some of the boys who are being issued these play toys may need some safety instruction as well as live fire instruction, prior to being turned loose for playtime.

    Thanks for the reminder of the original topic. Palestinian terrorists score an own goal and blame it on the Israelis seeing as every death and injury on either side is useful for Hamas making this a good each way bet for them.

    P.S I note they even tried to blame the murder of the Italian peace activist on Israel but couldn't get that idea to float.

  3. This is pure speculation at the moment, but when does a limited military skirmish with political overtones become something more?

    Given the premise that the army to a degree acts independantly to the politicians I would start to suspect that any forthcoming election (and perhaps democracy) will be put on ice if the clashes escalate.

  4. Back in Oz again and the first story I see in the local paper is about the plight of Borneo's orangutan being displaced by logging to clear land for palm oil plantations.

    Nearly fell off my chair when the article went on to say some of the beasts were being shaved and forced into 'prostitution'.!!!At first I thought it was a media beatup but now that I think about it, the last time I was in Pattaya strolling down walking street I think I might have seen one of them pole dancing in a bar.

    At the time I thought it was a drunken Russian but now I'm not so sure.:ermm:

    I couldn't possibly leave that unchecked, but <deleted> you are right!! :blink:


    Pony is an orangutan from a prostitute village in Borneo. We found her chained to a wall, lying on a mattress. She had been shaved all over her body.

    I want to cry.

    If a man walked near her, she would turn herself around, present herself, and start gyrating and going through the motions. She was being used as a sex slave. She was probably about six or seven years old when we rescued her, but she had been held captive by a madam for a long time. The madam refused to give up the animal because everyone loved Pony and she was a big part of their income. They also thought Pony was lucky, as she would pick winning lottery numbers.

    Next time someone piously complains about western decadence I shall laugh in their faces. :annoyed:

  5. If there is any consistency the U.N should be calling for the removal of Assad, you could hear a pin drop where the Iranian media are concerned I note. :ermm:


    After the bloodiest day in the month-long uuprising against his regime on Friday, April 22 - with at least 75 dead and hundreds wounded by live gunshots, as well as scores of people missing – Saturday threatens even greater violence. debkafile's reports exclusively that Bashar Assad plans to send his entire army out to stamp hard on the fury accompanying the funerals.

  6. Whilst I think the U.S and western Europe are well on the way to transcending racial discrimination Russia still has some way to go. However, though the remarks were very unwise it would appear to be a crime to speak one's mind, and as you say he was probably reflecting the attitude of many of his collegues.

    As for protesters venting their fury at such statements I remember a UK politician called Norman Tebbit making his 'cricket test' remark in 1990, when asked whether British citizens of foreign origin supported the English cricket team or that of their native Countries. This caused a big furore at the time and he was accused of Xenophobia, however now in 2011 we have indeed progressed and the question would be whose flag do you burn to vent your anger? If that flag is that of your host nation then frankly you don't belong there would be my opinnion.

  7. They are from Afganistan. Was reported in Australian media. Some were transfered from Christmas Island after the fires and riots there. These people have now relinquished any rights to stay in Australia. They came ilegaly trying to queue jump and then commit criminal acts whilst here. Should be towed back out to sea and sunk if they tried to re enter Australian waters. Australia has enough criminals and don't need to import boat loads of them.

    Wasn't being a criminal once the ticket to get to Australia? :whistling:

    Btw. How do the Anglo-australians behave in Afghanistan?

    Why are you only concerned about the Anglo-Australians? Do you have a problem with white people? Australia is not an Anglo Saxon society but consists of people decended or from all corners of globe. There are men and women serving in Afganistan who are decendants of many different races and cultures they even have muslims, catholics, jews etc. Why are you only asking about those of Anglo Saxon decent? Extreemly racist of you I think.

    I guess Australians are on trial for having their own immigration hostel burnt with a bit of original sin thrown in to justify it. :whistling:

  8. I'm not sure where I stand on the death penalty, but it is clear that failing that those convicted should be locked up for a very long time indeed, which is what happened. In the Pakistani rape case the accused were in the main aquitted in spite of clear evidence to their identification.

    Justice should be universal and apply equally regardless of sex, race, gender preference etc. This is patently not so in Pakistan.

    P.S I think we were warned not to use wiki links as they can be edited by anyone, though I will take your posted link as accurate for the purposes of this reply.

  9. More outrageous misogynistic behaviour from a bunch of savages. Even AlJazeera has to come down against this one.


    Human Rights Watch, a New York-based rights group, expressed dismay at the court's decision, saying that the attack on Mai had taken place "in full public view and the perpetrators were publically identified".

    I await the condemnation of this disgusting verdict from our left wing friends. :whistling:


  10. 8 Million Coptic christians live in Egypt. If Egypt becomes an Islamic state as oppose to a secular one there is the potential for a humanitarian crisis worse than the Sudan or East Timor here. It can't be repeated enough that to encourage Mubarak's departure was extreme folly.

    not to worry. The EU will take care of these Christians. They can claim refugee status. I'm sure all those folks holding anti western and anti Israeli rallies in London won't mind if a million or so Christian refugees show up for tea.

    Don't forget:

    " The two victims were Muslims."

    Anti-western rallies? What is that? You mean anti-war protests or what?

    The two are one and the same, but I think you already knew that. :annoyed:



    The black flag incidentally is the flag of jihad so these protesters are in effect islamofaschists, so I think we could conclude what their attitude to an influx of Coptic Christians would be.

  11. bangkokeddy, it seems to me that your view is that there should be no borders and people should be free to move about the world whenever they want.

    An open border policy for you is it?

    Yes that's the policy of the liberal far left, (except if those would be immigrants happen to be Jews), furthermore if your forefathers ever did any colonizing you carry that original sin on your shoulders and should unquestioningly support sundry illegal freeloaders irrespective of whether they have any desire or intention to integrate or have any respect for their desired host society.

    Coming to think of it the most potent recruitment aid for far right nationalism is the PC policies of the liberal left.

  12. If you don't let me live with you in your house at your expense I'm going to vandalise your property until you agree? Is that about it?

    Sooooo true. It is like someone kicking in the front door of your house and just wandering in. demand that you and the family get of the sofa to make room for them. Send you off to work each day to support them whilst they lounge around the house all day, raid your fridge and drink all your beers. Then they complain that you are late home to make dinner and massage thier smelly feet.

    You could also add change the laws of the land to suit them and protect them from 'discrimination' whilst allowing them to continue their intolerant misogynistic, homophobic and racist behaviour in deference to their so called religious beliefs.

  13. The Australians really should have learnt their lesson by looking at what the once Great Britain has become, full of every low life scum you can think of and all in the name of multiculturalism which i and everybody else never had the chance to vote if we wanted it or not....by all means help these poor, persecuted people but in their own country

    Yes agreed. The liberal left have done more to undermine freedoms and British society than Adolf Hitler ever managed. Only the other day an ex-serviceman was jailed for 70 days for burning a Quran, whilst some of our new multi-cultural influx are fined a paltry fifty quid for burning union jacks and poppies on rememberance day. :realangry:

  14. Most Australians seem to be very politically correct - as long as the issue is about other countries.:D


    I think we can safely conclude that if said assylum applicants were able to construct rockets and fire them into residential areas it would not help their cause either, even though by seeking freedom from persecution back home they could be termed 'freedom fighters'. :whistling:

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