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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Here is commentary from the UK's daily Telegraph.


    Goldstone’s mea culpa should be welcomed for its better-late-than-never candor, but the damage his notorious report has caused Israel on the world stage cannot be exaggerated. For two years, this document has served as a byword for rogue statehood, a cudgel taken up not only by rabid anti-Zionists but by seemingly dispassionate observers of human rights and international law to further Israel’s de-legitimisation.

  2. Well on the foreign policy front we have appeasing Iran and probably turning Egypt into a fledgling theocracy, not to mention fighting alongside the Taleban for the first time since 1978.

    Fiscally we have an explicit policy of dollar debasement which can only result in a debt default through inflation which would make most banana republics blush.

  3. Islam does not deserve any respect

    acts such as this driven by UK Islamic leaders like Andy Choudary are disgraceful

    he should be deported and all his followers

    the UK is too much of a politically correct pussy now to do so

    i lament the old days and applaude Enoch Powell for being right way back in 1967

    Enoch Powell eh? Yes he was villified for what he stated, though I doubt he had in mind the nature of the true threat to emerge to western civilisation would be based on a fundamentalist religion determined to destroy our society to make way for a global Caliphate. I think Henderson had it right with his Clash of Civilisations paper, with reference to Islam he wrote Islam has bloody borders, as those in the South of Thailand will be aware, or anywhere a Muslim population comes into contact with infidels for that matter.

    The issue is far bigger than fanatics goading each other, there is a game plan to undermine western democracies from within using their democratic processes, welfare systems and human rights laws against them. I hope people wake up and see the danger.

  4. respect is earned and given

    its not intimidated out of you or demanded as a right

    Islam is the religion of fear and they have no damned right to threaten to behead or boil me in oil because i don't agree with them

    but what do i know, i am just a low down shit on the bottom of a muslims shoe infidel...................

    Respect such as extremists burning poppies and union jacks on rememberance day, or threats to bomb the forthcoming royal wedding? Respect is one way with radical Islam, there is no negotiating with them.


  5. Whoops, Kabul we have a problem! :intheclub:


    Geert Wilders steps up anti-Islam rhetoric

    Geert Wilders has stepped up his anti-Islam rhetoric by describing the Prophet Mohammed as an "insane, paedophile, rapist murderer" just two weeks before the opening of his trial on charges of inciting race hatred.

  6. I'm afraid the U.S haters conspiracy theories are blown out of the water if any of the following is true.


    The United States has quietly withdrawn its air and sea assets from Libya and virtually ended its military intervention against Muammar Qaddafi's armed forces. This action over the weekend exposed NATO and its leading powers Britain and France as badly short of the air and sea capabilities necessary for halting Muammar Qaddafi's military advances, enforcing a no fly zone over the territory he controls or maintaining a sea blockade on Libyan ports

    It also leaves France and the UK in a tricky position.

  7. In a perfect world, it is great to say that we won't have to conform to others. However, you don't poke a rabid dog. Now we have 5 dead Nepalese guards and three other UN employees. Was the grandstanding in Florida really worth their lives? Do you think the family of that Norwegian pilot thinks her death was worth it?

    If I could find the individuals who perpetrated this violence, I would persecute them and put them in prison for the rest of their natural lives. But I cannot condone what that pastor did. Why throw fuel on the fire?

    As far as the comment on people who had nothing to do with the burning, that was a poor choice of words on my part. Even if you burned the book yourself, that should hardly be a death sentence.

    Viewed in isolation yes it was a stupid act, but was the Danish newspaper publishing the cartoons the same, was Salman Rushdie writing the Satanic Verses, or the Miss world contest being held in Nigeria?

    Pandering to extremist religous fanatics only encourages them the only difference is the link from cause to effect is not quite so direct as a score of Coptic Christians discovered murdered close to Christmas for just practicing their faith.

    I predicted what would happen when the Quran was burnt, the fact it was so predictable proved a point, we are dealing with a cult of fanatics who have no place in the civilised world, the question is what's to be done about it?

  8. People can and do change their minds due to their own honest reappraisal of what's gone before based on new evidence. Christopher Hitchens for example was a fixture of left wing publications in his early career but he started to see a danger in the west's appeasement of militant Islam following the fatwa put out on Salman Rushdie. Perhaps there is no convoluted conspiracy involving the Mossad and farm animal pictures but merely the cognitive dissonance caused by believing simultaneously that Israel was guilty of targetting civilians in tandem with numerous films of Hamas using human shields could no longer be maintained.

  9. These are Goldstones words ;

    The former jurist also criticizes the UN Human Rights Council's anti-Israel bias, saying that he had hoped that the report could "begin a new era of evenhandedness at the UN Human Rights Council, whose history of bias against Israel cannot be doubted."

    He happens to be Jewish and these are words that suggest that he has always been aware of Anti-Israeli bias at the UN. It all smells to me but what do I know. such a strange turn around.

    Perhaps it should not be viewed in isolation. Recently a U.N motion sanctioned a human rights raporteur to examine Iran's failure to follow the Universal human rights declaration, also the UNHCR very recently moved to prevent blasphemy arguments being used to prevent criticism of Islamic nations human rights legislation. I'll admit that if the inherent bias withing the U.N was eliminated it would be harder for Israel to ignore it's motions and for the U.S to veto them but it could also hopefully be a sign that moderate Muslims are attempting to take on their extremist brethren in a more overt manner.

  10. Plain and simple. At the moment the Palestinians, particulary in Gaza, see Hamas as the lesser of two evils between them and the Israeli government. Israel has tried suppressing Hamas by force but it simply hasn't worked. If Israel got smart and worked on a 'hearts and minds' campaign with the Palestinian people then they may find that it will be them that will oust Hamas for them. That is what is required in Palestine more than any other country going through the process. A popular uprising. Never going to happen by Israel continually using excessive force in a pride saving tit for tat bitch fight. . NEVER . It is time for Israel to grow up and show itself to be the more mature out of the two. Not continue on this road that shows them to be an lowly equal to Hamas. :ermm:

    No it's neither plain nor simple. Hamas may have initially come to power by the ballot box, but Islamic radicals don't actually believe in democracy so participating in an election was a tactical decision and does not mean they will ever be prepared to risk losing power through the ballot box - look at the charade which was the last Iranian election for another example.

    The current flare up in hostilities is entirely down to Hamas trying to deflect attention onto Israel in view of they themselves being deeply unpopular, the same tactics used by middle eastern despots. I actually agree with you that Israel would do well to keep a low profile, but things don't happen in a vacuum and every terrorist attack on Israeli citizens boosts the right wing at the expense of the left. Israel also has proportional representation, which gives a disproportionate say to some of the fringe parties, who will be demanding action along the lines of the Cast lead reprisals.

    Hamas of course will be actively seeking escalation as they are essentially an extention of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt.

  11. Though welcome, why actually stop at the Goldstone report. Everything the UNHCR has done reeks of the most obvious bias against Israel to the extent that the previous U.S government boycotted it. So the hate and propaganda apparatus set up within the UN has rightly resulted in repeated U.S vetos of biased motions against Israel, which has resulted in hatred of the U.S by liberals and their friends the Islamofascists.

  12. Good to see confirmation that the infamous Goldstone report is confirmed to be flawed, and from the horse's mouth as well.

    Meanwhile it looks like 3 more terrorists have bought the farm, which is as close to collective farming as Hamas will ever likely achieve.


    After nearly two months of rising tension, Israel and Hamas have taken a step towards a full-blown military confrontation: Before dawn Saturday, April 2, an Israeli air strike killed three senior Hamas Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades gunmen in the Gaza Strip in an operation described by an Israeli army spokesman as pre-empting a major Palestinian terror-cum-kidnap campaign scheduled for Passover. A fourth Palestinian was seriously injured by the airborne missile which struck their car between Khan Younes and Deir el Balakh.

    The Hamas Brigades warned Israel its "dangerous escalation" would have "consequences."

    debkafile's military and intelligence sources predict that the war confrontation which Saturday brought closer to realization will be unlike any previous Israel-Palestinian showdowns in the sense that it will be less the product of the old Middle East order and fall more under the influence of the radical elements rising out of the current Arab unrest, especially in Cairo, amid the decline of Western influence. Hamas may also resort to jihad against "the Israeli enemy" as a distraction from the rising disaffection of the Gazan population against its increasingly repressive methods of enforcing ever stricter Islamic decrees.

    So it would appear that not just the despots use Israel as a distraction from their unpopularity, Iran and now Hamas evidently do the same.

  13. According to wikileaks the Turkish military can scarcely disguise their contempt for Erdogan, and frankly I can see why with his fostering ties with the theocratic lunatics in Iran whilst being intransignent with Nato and downright provocative towards Israel.

    Turkey and Iran do have something in common though, which is a relatively well informed and potentially secular populace if you got rid of the Mad Mullahs I think Iran would cease to be a problem almost overnight and many other middle east problems would diminish too. All the more reason not to become embroiled in Libya.

  14. Am I being too cynical to conclude this arms shipment was perhaps meant to be found. If the Iranians really wanted to make sure something got through to Syria they could simply load it on one of their navy vessels.

    I'm sure that Iran will receive lukewarm condemnation over this and it evidently is not worried by sanctions so perhaps it's trying to encourage Israel to board another ship in international waters because we all know the shit storm that follows when they do that.

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