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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Arab League wants Gaza no-fly zone

    Amr Mussa to ask UN that same sanction imposed on Libya be implemented against Israel.

    Arab League Chief Amr Mussa said Sunday that the organization would ask the United Nations Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Gaza, which Israel has pounded with air strikes in response to rocket fire.

    Condemning what it called Israel's "brutal" aggression in Gaza, a gathering of the Arab League's permanent delegates chaired by Oman called on the UN to convene its Security Council.


    Just as I predicted, pure stage managed pantomine and an inevitable precursor for moaning to the U.N. :boring:

  2. Every time the reds go off on a violent binge (and apart from last year there was Songkran 2009) and the publicity goes bad, out comes the 'fake reds' label. Now that they are using the tactic in advance of a demonstration is just a measure of the extent of their defeat last year. Also, they know that the accusations of being a violent red mob with different lengths of leash held by Thaksin has affected red morale, so the warnings are as much to gee up the troops as for external consumption. Nobody outside is buying but hey ho.

    The preemptive 'fake reds' claim is a development of existing tactics at least. :rolleyes:

  3. "pork parties"? how original. :whistling:

    Try that in front of a synagogue than you might realise what you are and how we should call these patriotic party goers.

    Jews don't block the streets praying, for the most part they try to integrate, besides which their numbers are tiny compared to Muslims. Wearing the Burqa was seen by the French as divisive, hence the forthcoming ban. Praying in the steet is provocative, if a building was hired on a temporary basis for such purpose who could complain?

  4. Denial is always easier than facing the truth, especially when the truth happens to be ugly.


    After talking to a former teacher he made his way up a flight of stairs to classroom three where students, mostly girls, were lined up. He shot many at point-blank range in the head and chest.

    Mateus Moraes, 13, told the O Dia newspaper that Oliveira had deliberately killed a number of girls but spared the boys. "He killed the girls with shots to the head," Moraes said. "The boys, he just shot to injure, in the arms or the legs.

    "I asked him not to kill me and he said: 'Relax, fatty, I'm not going to kill you,'" added Moraes. "As he reloaded the gun I just prayed. God saved me."

    And why target girls before boys, girls being 10 of the 12 victims? Perhaps because education of girls is not allowed according to fundamentalist Islam.

    And lets consider Brazil itself.


    “Without anybody noticing, a generation of of Islamic extremists is appearing in Brazil,” said Alexandre Camanho de Assis, who co-ordinates Brazil’s network of public prosecutors across 13 states.

    The papers also show that the US Treasury described the poorly policed Tri-border area, where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet, as a “financial artery” for Hizbollah.

    Yes their stench carries far and wide, helped by you internet jihaddists and liberal appologists.

  5. 1) Iran need a diversion from internal dissent.

    2) Hamas are doing some electioneering by proxy for the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, who Hamas originated from.

    3) Escalation now would diminish the chances of Hamas being pressured into following Oslo accords if they can keep the violence going until September.

    Point one is a little far fetched. Where does Israel fit into the escalation? Lets blame Iran for the spike before Israel. A little rich wouldn't you say ?

    Israel retaliates to escalation, it has nothing to gain by attracting attention to itself during the Arab Spring.

    Iran actively supports Hizbollah and Hamas and is looking to start a war, hence it's incitement and interference with the affairs of sundry nations in the middle east. A recent example is their attempt to smuggle chemical weapons from Libya to Gaza via Sudan.

  6. The true Thai stance won't be known until after the election, however the Military unilaterally stating their opposition to neutral observers show that any future government will have limited room to manouvre. I suspect having disagreed with the ICJ decision Thailand always intended to operate a scorched earth policy if Cambodia sought any financial advantage from the temple, hence no ceasefire, no obeservers and no tourists.

  7. Do you have a link to this incident ? I had a quick search and could not find it. Thanks.

    It's on some pro Israel blogs. More objective Haaretz has different numbers. What isn't in doubt is that some kind of escalation is occurring in the Israel/Gaza conflict.

    I agree 100%. The question is why? What are thier new objectives for this spike in activity ? Hamas has definately stepped up thier offensive ops on Israel. And Israel is hell bent on giving it back to them 10 times over. Hurt one of ours, we kill 10,15, or 20 of you. Not good for anybody. Something tells me that Hamas and its military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, are not singing from the same sheet of music anymore.

    1) Iran need a diversion from internal dissent.

    2) Hamas are doing some electioneering by proxy for the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, who Hamas originated from.

    3) Escalation now would diminish the chances of Hamas being pressured into following Oslo accords if they can keep the violence going until September.

  8. All the better for Iran to smuggle arms directly through to Syria and Hizbollah over land.

    Understand what you are saying but at the end of the day it is Iraq and the Middle East. Their business. Not the US.

    Do you believe it is Persian-Iran's business to interfere in the Arab countries?

    Sadr protesting for foreigners to leave Iraq is irony at its finest. He just wants Iraq defenseless enough so that his masters in Iran can take over and make him the Governor or whatever.

    Ain't that the truth. If the U.S committed to removing all their troops by the end of 2011, they will struggle to justify a reversal of policy, however if the Iraqi president requested them to remain longer in order to keep Al-Sadr from taking over then that could be sufficient cause to stay.

    It's basically a race against time in my oppinion, I think Armedinajad is very unpopular with large sections of Iranian society and in order to distract attention he needs a war badly, hence the pressing need to get free passage through Iraq. If thwarted he may have to take on Saudi Arabia as a consellation prize.

  9. "The recent Israeli attacks on the impoverished Gaza Strip since Thursday, which have caused a total of 18 casualties and dozens of injuries, lit the fuse for the massive demonstration. "


    This might speed things up in the region.


    Is that the same Gaza strip with the shopping mall and obesity problem? We all know the current escalation in violence is a direct result of Hamas facing unrest in Gaza, just as Ahmedinajad being unpopular in Iran - Ergo bring on the age old enemy as a distraction.

  10. Yeah, so the USA is the biggest terrorist. Yada, yada, yada. Let's get real here, there is a struggle between the west and the more radical extremist fundamentalist elements of the Islamic world (not Islam the religion but the radical anti-western political elements best represented by Iran's government). It would be nice if it wasn't violent, and it would also be nice if stupid mistakes weren't made, such as Bush's adventures in Iraq. But, really, which side are you on?

    I think that's already been established, the side shouting Allahu Akbar before shooting at civilian targets. Anyway Goldstone has retracted his findings so no Israel does not target civilians, unlike Hamas who do so almost exclusively.

  11. Quelle surprise, another moderate Iman murdered for opposing violence, following on from the same happening in Kashmir. Of course in order to better pursue their dream of a global Caliphate and a 'holy war' against all infidels the Islamic extremists need to also silence any dissenting voices from within Islam.

    The two incidents are linked by the same common agenda.

  12. The main problem is that France gets the wrong immigrants!

    80% of them must be African immigrants, muslim or christian, that bring huge families in and yield almost no economic benefit, burden the welfare state and cause criminality.

    South american pregnant women are assaulting French Guyana in droves to give birth on French soil, because then their babies are automatically French.

    The situation is disgusting, but unfortunately it is too late to do anything.

    Best the French can do is seal the borders for "culturally alien" immigrants and try their best to assimilate those which already hold a French passport.

    Already French elections are a two horse race between the right and the far right. I lived in Brussels about 15 years ago and even then there was tension caused by the central E.C policies and the local government who were on a go slow processing residency permits for North African migrants. Flanders in the north of Belgium had a far right party with the largest share of the vote. And so it goes on. Any society has a finite capacity for assimilating new immigrants and furthermore said immigrants have to be prepared to try and assimilate or cultural tensions escalate. If you are a house or shop owner who becomes a virtual prisoner in your abode for the duration of time people block steets by illegaly praying there then your rights are being trampled all over, hence the understandable backlash.

    Henderson's clash of civilisations is still frighteningly relevent in 2011.

  13. Al-Arabiya eh? I suppose Bangkok Eddy will be accusing them of Islamophobia next. :lol:

    An insane nutter could latch onto any hate agenda going, that is not the real issue, however the total radar silence from western news media show just how far the PC liberal lobby have hijacked free speech and disclosure, that is the issue. Anyway, we've got incoming in the form of a Dutch mall shooting, gotta go and investigate.

  14. I really should brush up on my English skills. I thought the story read that 3 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. Not that 3 Israelis were killed by Hamas. :ermm:

    How many times is it necessary to explain that intent is just as significant as the number of casualties. If the school bus was full and the fuel tank had been hit we could be looking at 50 dead and a cast lead 2 would be a certainty. As it happens Hamas have plenty of reasons to escalate matters now, the Israelis have none.


    Before dawn Saturday, April 9, Hamas inflicted its heaviest missile blitz yet on southern Israel. - acting now on guidelines from the Lebanese Hizballah. More than a dozen heavy Grad missiles were aimed at seven Israeli cities injuring 10 civilians. One exploded in the sand dunes of Palmahim, aimed at Israel's nuclear research reactor at Nahal Soreq, More missiles landed south of Kiryat Gat, Ofakim, Beersheba and Ashkelon. Sirens sent people running for cover in Gedera and Gan Yavneh. The two Iron Dome systems deployed last week intercepted six of the Grad missiles fired at Beersheba, Ashkelon and Ashdod. The IDF responded by targeting three senior Hamas commanders in an air strike in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younes.

  15. Ok, Let's play the motive and justification (sic) game again. :ph34r:

    What could the cleric have done to warrant someone killing him?


    Cleric who termed stone-pelting protests un-Islamic killed in Srinagar blast

    Yes as usual a liberal Muslim leader is murdered and the western liberal media so neuter the report that you would never know a moderate had been silenced by extemists for condemning violence. :(

  16. Any reliable source?

    This is the whole point, none of the Western English language media outlets is touching it, but local Portugese language publications clearly mention 'Fundamentalista Islamico' and the sister of the murderer stated he was attached to Islam. :ph34r:


  17. Few Americans are willing to take the medicine today. Tomorrow will require major surgery.

    You're not wrong there. Without constant intervention by the Fed buying U.S government debt the whole edifice will collapse, it's just a matter of time, I expect that looking over the precipice will do the trick and the doomsday clock will be set back a minute.


  18. Nobody going to bite? Well you get the same report from the BBC, Wall St Journal, Guardian, indeed from ALL the major western English language outlets. The critical fact omitted in an act of concious group self censorship appears here and was a principle part of the local Portugese language reports.

    Ok, We have a deranged individual finding a catalyst to go off the rails. But from the cone of silence in the western media we are obviously learning not to even mention Islam for fear of upsetting deranged lunatics even more. :(


    Jihad Comes to Rio: Muslim Kills 12 @ Kids School, Cites Islam in Suicide Note
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