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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Haters gonna hate.

    The same old the Jews deserve this because of Israel.

    Get a clue.

    There has been antisemitism for THOUSANDS of years of the history of the Jewish people.

    Why do you think the Zionist movement found traction in the first place?

    Sooner or later the majority finds Jews too "different" and either persecutes them, expels them, or commits genocide against them.

    History tells us that. It is very clear.

    As Netanyahu said to holocaust survivors recently, then we couldn't fight, now we can.

    The haters of Jews will always be there as long as there are Jews. They will ALWAYS have an idiotic excuse to "justify" their hatred.

    Jews inside and outside of Israel know that.

    Yes that DOES mean that in the long run even American Jews aren't necessarily safe as non-Jewish Vice President Biden recently spoke about.

    You put the reason for anti-Semitism throughout the ages on the Jews being merely "different"?

    If you really believe that, you're delusional.

    Now let's go back in time to before the beginning of Zionism. Jews had still been persecuted on and off for centuries. Would you care to suggest what the reasons might have been then and whether or not you consider said reasons valid justifications for antiSemitism?

    P.s I suspect there is a strong correlation between rising antiSemitism and economic problems. I put it to you this is far more likely to be down to the human tendency to look for a scapegoat than it is due to the actions of said scapegoat.

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  2. Congress approved a toothless bill this week in this regard because they couldn't pull together 2/3 for an over ride. Its now back in the hands of the ayatollahs who will not sign anything anyway, so I'm not even sure why there is discussion about it

    And the nuclear first strike is all Israel has if they allow the ayatollahs a bomb.

    Debka today reports the Russian decision to deliver upgraded ss300 missile technology is a red herring for two reasons

    1)/ they are unable to train the Iranians in their use

    And have given up which means they would have to send teams to operate them which means dead Russians on Iranian soil and

    2)// they don't have any to spare anyway as they need all they have to deter upcoming us led aggression in xpexted soon

    3/ The Israelis can jam their radars anyway.

    P.s First or second strike deterrence has to be considered through the optic of whether great suffering is desired for ones own people. The insane Iranian twelvers do.

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  3. The Palestinian authority are so useless in protecting Palestinians that they have effectively shrugged their shoulders over the slaughter going on in Yarmouk refugee camp. The hypocrisy of various international organizations is there for all to see too.


    Of course had the Palestinians been assimilated by Syria, as Israel did with 750,000 refugees post 1948 then we wouldn't be seeing the deaths of what amounts to third and fourth generation refugees.

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  4. Latest from Khamenei, there will be no intrusive inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities. Add this to the list of diametric opposites with respect to the statements made by the U.S and Iran. It would not be accurate to state the deal is unravelling, for that would presume some points of agreement were actually knitted together. The so called deal is as amorphous as knitted fog.

    P.s Kerry also warns the U.S won't stand by if Iran interferes in Yemen. Another bluff the Iranians will call, following their interference in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Bahrain, to name but four.

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  5. This is a great example of the sovereignty of US states, even if a person disapproves of mj. The Feds have their Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) which for a long time has tried to regulate the states. To some extent they do but not to the major extent.

    In the 1930's there was federal prohibition against alcohol but today I don't think they'd get away with it. There have been too many Supreme Court rulings in favor of States' Rights.

    I like a less powerful centralized government so I enjoy seeing states kick butt on the Feds here when the Feds tried so hard to stop this.

    Slightly off topic, but allowing devolution of power and freedom of action to local levels actually increases the overall quality of life by giving people choices. Thus people flock to Denver, which is in marked contrast to the E.U where a centralized bureaucracy erodes local rights to self determination.
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