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Everything posted by Antiparovian

  1. Probably enough if you get a bit of Sun as well
  2. I'd Iove to hear the writer of the report Peter Roche explain mathematically and in detail "Statistical Significance".
  3. 100% agree. Go for the Agents first. I wish there was am Agent reporting hotline.
  4. Where do you live? 10,000U a day should enough.
  5. Stop them all if you have a decent diet. Big Suppla relies on your health fears and vunerability. It is a 180 BILLION USD market. A huge con. BTW I am a retired Consultant Physician.
  6. Who watches this YouTube shyte?
  7. All tourists wearing these things deserve immediate deportation.
  8. Ride from Chiang Mai to Nong Khai. Then Nong Khai to Vientiene.
  9. AN more reliable !!!! You must be joking
  10. Ban all Russians from entering the Kingdom. Places like Phuket would become nice places to visit again. Now it's a no no for me
  11. Most of The Tour De France cyclists ride at around that weight. They are elite super fit athletes. Bet they have tons of stamina in the bedroom too.
  12. Your refer to your bumgun in the bathroom as if you have several in different places. Have one in the bedroom as well ?
  13. Spend a few weeks in Laos. Most beautiful Country.
  14. They deserve a very firm spanking. I volunteer.
  15. Make sure ground is soaked before laying the sods and water x2 a day. Best to do in rainy season.
  16. Thank goodness they maybe cannot play in public. Noise pollution from the TWAGs ( Tourist With A Guitar ).
  17. Wonder if the monk had a 5 knuckle shuffle later.
  18. Agree. Sex with a whore from a bar is boring. Probably even more so for the tart.
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