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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. As they say some of the most beautiful women in the world are men from Thailand.

    As for him/her what do you expect. His reaction is absolutely normal and expected from someone deceived this way.

    This is not homophobia at all.

    In regards to Russia new laws, much ado about very little and has been greatly distorted.

    1/ No Gay Pride parades. Not a huge deal at far as I am concerned.

    2/ No dissemination of information on gay life style/sex to those under 18. Not ideal when you are

    trying to curb the spread of HIV. but nothing extreme

    In many states of the US it is against the law to have "unnatural" sex. but no protest here. Many countries in Africa

    homosexuality is punishable by death. Not much condemnation there. The USA was 50 years behind Europe in ending

    slavery, 20 years behind Europe in its acceptance of homosexuality (Republicans are still not there but a majority are)

    Russia is just 20 years behind the USA. Many of Russia's best male figure skaters are gay with a capital "G"

    They are not baned from competing. Look at the Russian ballet. No problems. Just no Gay Pride marches and no

    handing out information to those under 18, big deal.

    • Like 2
  2. "Caretaker PM Yingluck to consult govt's legal adviser over poll delay"

    "Dear election committee, please give us more time until at least the end of July, so we can resurrect our amnesty Bill again, and collect more money money money to votebuy our Isan folks again with more white lying populist policies. That's how we will win against the nasty nasty Suthep and Abhisit and the nasty nasty Anti-government folks and stay in power,... and I get a special trip to Hawaii,... Sponsored by our beloved voters and taxpayers," giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

    Yingluck does not choose the date of the election and she does not want to change it. She is under pressure from Suthep as is

    the Election Commission. They have sent out memos saying they are amicable to postponing the election because this is what

    Suthep wants. The first step for Suthep is push back the election, giving him more time to get her to resign from the caretaker government.

    Then he can appointment his council with himself as the head or at least the puppet master and once and for all end democracy

    in Thailand. He wants a Fascist State and is working hard to bring that about. The election date will probably not change as the date

    chosen is in the constitution.

  3. As is typical, believe everything negative, put down everything positive. Not really sure what the numbers

    are. Should be easy to come up with them from immigration. Everyone passes through the gates. Often

    plenty of complaints about the lineups. However governments do lie. Just look at the Greek/ Iceland numbers

    before the crisis. American government about surveillance programs. Believe or don't believe it will not change

    things. Some places are very busy on my visits about town, others are less busy. I have not seen any

    that were dead as I see in the off season.

  4. Wear your woollies, snuggle under a couple of blankets drink something hot before going to bed.

    Save your rarely used winter clothes/bedding for the next cold snap later in the year or next year.

    18c at night here, sleep with the window wind open, on top of the covers. I like it cool but

    I am used to it. But I do understand Thais are not acclimated to it and older people will suffer

    greatly. Just need to be a little more organized.

  5. No such thing as bad weather, just poor choice of clothing. I don't thing they will enjoy the weather much

    as they complain like hell when the temperature drops to 18c at night. I am sure it will be a great adventure

    for them and I hope they can contribute and inspire other Thais to seek knowledge and experience

    outside Thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. Just stay the course, you are doing the right thing. Keep sending money to the grand parents. Try to sneak

    in and out when you can. Sounds like you have the support of the grandparents and sister in law.

    Hell hath no fury ......... the ex will move on eventually when she has a new love in her life.

    The kids will know the truth about you and what you have done for them. Best of luck with your

    trials and tribulations.

    • Like 1
  7. now dont shoot me down, but hear me out first.

    im neither for or against the reds or yellows or browns or blues, or whatever the fancy calling themselves today.

    i have no interest in a political system i can not vote for.

    but i overheard a funny conversation in our village last saterday.

    a girl in the shop was talking to the shop owner, saying that sm yellow protesters would go to protest to the leaders homes because they have not been paid.

    she said her sister was among them, and they had been promissed 700 baht per day.

    i dont know if this is true or not, but the plot thickens me thinks.

    lot going on we know jack about.

    now fire away.

    When did you hear this? The Yellow shirts haven't protested in three years.

    whatever u wish to call them sir, they,re still the same bunch. call them what u want, it makes no difference to the fact.nitpicking comes to mind

    Sorry but this being an online forum, we tend to disbelieve people who tell about overhearing someone else doing this and that.

    Like I can say I heard a red shirt near my soi who said he was directly paid by Yingluck 750 baht to throw those bombs. So the plot thickens.

    Of course both sides pay there protesters, why do you thing the anti government protesters look more like rice farmers than

    Thai middle class Bangkok residents. The pot calling the kettle black, Suthep complaining about corruption and vote buying

    by the Red Shirts. No difference between the two parties except for who they share the spoils of corruption with. The King

    is the only person that has both the moral and ethical ground to stand on.

  8. Seems hard to file insurrection charges against him if all he is doing is leading protests to delay the election's that are with in the law. If it was illigal to delay the election then they would have a case to stand on.

    In filing these charges it is the PTP's way of saying we do not want to reform. The government is saying we want to keep up with the same corrupt system.

    Do you really think that is true when he advocates occupation and damage off government offices, demonstrators on both sides

    have died and he advocates against democracy. Do you really thing he experienced an epiphany and wants to end political corruption

    or is it more likely he wants to seize power because as he says " the farmers don't understand who they should be voting for"

    Of course he is guilty, the question is can it be proved in a court of law. His past experience would indicate he is to well connected

    to be convicted.

    • Like 1
  9. It is easy

    The reds came for a war

    The reds had weapons

    The students had bigger weapons

    A few reds got whacked

    The reds surrendered and went home

    The police did nothing

    Case closed

    They can investigate all they want, the truth will never be known

    one thing for sure though is that the police were pathetic

    Showing up two hours ofter it all started is less then impressive

    There should have been a massive police presence before the reds arrived

    That does about sum it up. Everyone forgets the students are generally well armed as they are used

    you fighting with rival schools. Both sides were spoiling for a fight and the got it. The students

    came out on top but the Red shirts got licks in. Dole out the appropriate compensation and move along.

  10. if Thailand want to heal, their is only one solution: put Abhisit and Suthep in jail for long time, for the murders of 90 people in 2010!

    Can you tell me what you think about jailing Thaksin for his extra judicial killings both in the 'drug wars' and in the deep south?

    Do you honestly believe that Abhsit and Suthep murdered 90 people? How many of those killings were red on red or black on red?

    Can you explain why the reds stole huge amounts of arms from the military and let me know if anyone was killed with these weapons?

    Can you tell me why Hun Sen helped the reds by smuggling weapons and ammunition over the border from Cambodia?

    Could you tell me the meaning of the speeches by the red leaders in 2010 (available on You Tube) in which they encouraged their followers to burn and commit violence?

    If not .... why not?

    You seem to be in possession of so-called facts about Abhisit and Suthep so why do you not have facts about Thaksin?

    Let me know, please.

    Of course they should all be in jail. Both parties are guilty of what they accuse the other of. Both parties buy votes, both are corrupt, both

    are responsible for killings. Any one who thinks Suthep wants to eliminate government corruption has it only half right. He only wants

    the corruption ended by the Red Shirts as the Red Shirts only want amnesty for themselves and not the Yellows. While I can't

    say I like any of Yingluck's policies she did give the Yellows shirts the same amnesty she was pushing for he brother.

    Thailand deserves better than the choices they have at the moment. Hopefully the future will bring better options.

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