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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. The pendulum swings back and forth. While the new broom Suthep sweeps clean at first as everyone can see the failures

    of the rice pledging scheme and the self serving reconciliation legislation that will end over 25,000 corruption cases and pave

    the way for Thaksin to return Suthep's personality and agenda comes out with each of his speeches and demands.

    He is a fascist who wants to put an end to democracy in Thailand and put himself in charge. End of story.

  2. What protests? I live in Bangkok and you wouldnt even know there was any trouble. You only notice it if you live in the government district around the palace and monument intersection.

    Who are they going to replace Yingluck with ? A decent moral PM for once. No chance in the world. The next gov will be just as bad as the former.

    Nothing changes in Thailand.

    Of course you are correct. You have a fascist with a party name that includes democratic in its name who is equally as corrupt as Thaksin

    but just not as successful at raiding the public purse (YET). His proposal is to do away with democracy and put him in charge. If not the head

    of a new council the puppet master. (ie. Thaksin ). The people deserve better, but as log as 70% of Thais believe that corruption is OK as long

    as it benefits them, things will never change.

  3. As things improve in the US and the FED tapers the USD will strengthen compared to all currencies except the Yen. USD goes to 34 baht.

    The unsettled Thai government and the rice pledging scheme will do nothing to improve the Thai baht.

    As things continue to improve in Europe the Euro and Pound will strengthen another 5%.

    Australian and Canadian dollar will tread water in relation to the baht maybe improve by a baht

    Just the musings of a deluded TV reader.

  4. Personally I see both sides being equally corrupt. The biggest difference being the Thaksin group do a better job of

    paying off the farmers to put/keep them in power. I don't think anything will change quickly while 70% of Thais believe

    corruption is OK as long as it benefits them. In the mean time ex-pats can enjoy the benefits an unsettled government

    has on the baht exchange rate.

    • Like 1
  5. Lots of demands going around, Y.S. you resign so we can set up a peoples council, police you arrest S.T. and throw him in jail.

    Farmers demand to be paid for there rice, Yellow shirts demand the rice pledging scam be ended. On and on, like children

    in the schoolyard. Tourists will soon grow tired of the unrest. Those who have already booked will come but those who have yet

    to book may choose another destination.

  6. You guys make me laugh. Just finished a skype call to a buddy who is filming a ski cross event in Nakiska Alberta, Canada.

    Told me it was -35. At between -35 and -40 when you take a cup of water and throw it into the air it freezes instantly

    into a cloud of ice crystals.Looks like a puff of smoke. I am sure you can find a demonstration on youtube.

  7. Donuang is only one of the possible arrival points. Start adding in other airpots and border crossings and you could find the numbers far greater.

    Once again you're seeing politicians manipulate the poorer masses as a means of hobbling the middle classes and small business, which will only make things worse for the poor, while allowing the rich to seize more assets.

    Welcome to Amusing Thailand

    Take away the number who are arriving from domestic points on their way to domestic points and the number of visa seeking renewing crossings and your figures would go way down.

    Probably not true. The numbers quoted last year compared to this year, takes into account both domestic and foreign tourists.

    So the numbers being being down 3.4 % is accurate if you believe the TAT. People have to understand there are both domestic

    and foreign tourists. For example the #1 tourist destination country is France with 83 million arrivals staying at least one day.

    Many more people are in transit to Spain, Italy, Germany, etc. However only 30% of Frances tourist revenue come from the

    83 million foreign tourists, 70 % comes from domestic tourists. As for Thailand with a 3.4 % decline in numbers is that because

    of the effort to restrict zero baht tourists from China? Who is more likely to cancel/postpone a trip a foreign long distance traveller

    who planned and booked his vacation months before the unrest or domestic tourist who have not yet booked and can more easily

    push dates back to a more settled time. Anecdotal evidence from a couple of bars were it is empty one minute and packed 20 minutes

    later as patrons mill about checking out what is on offer from bar to bar is not a credible source of information to prove or disprove

    the numbers. That is my opinion anyway.

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