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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. here you are then.... I knew that the talk of 400,000 stay-away tourists was a load of old keech.

    still wondering which budget they filched these funds from though, to inflate the income. whistling.gif

    They are talking about all asian Countries and Pacific and Thailands forecast for next year, not the indivual growth of Thailand for 2013. I have been in and out of Thailand on 2 trips this month since the riots and have not seen it this slow since the protesters shut in down in 2008.

    So, are the UN statistics correct (and the Thai Tourist Authority is lying) ??

    or, are the UN figures wrong, and the TAT is telling the truth ??

    if the TAT is lying, then does it mean they make the tourist figures look low so that they can get a bigger budget allocation next year,, (thus perhaps making some tourism officials getting their new cars!!)

    or,, is it somewhere in the middle, where TAT is always exaggerating their losses and the UN statistics are not so great either ?

    I assume that the UN gets its data from immigration? (not from the TAT).

    did thai immigration release any public data about "Arrivals" ?

    then again, you have no idea if anyone at immigration is in cahoots with people at the TAT !!

    - are there any other benefits to making tourist figures seem lower than what they really are ?

    I have read three different sets of numbers. The TAT says international arrivals are down about 1,400 a day over last year over

    the protest period. The AoT reporting airport usage says number of people flying is up over last year but not as much as predicted.

    This number includes domestic flyer's ( this time frame is also over the protest period) The hotel association is the group quoting

    400 thousand fewer travellers and occupancy rates 40 % below normal. For me I have no confidence in this group/number. For the

    airports it is a straight forward number. For the hotels I am not sure how they collect the numbers. If the association calls hotels

    in the government office/ protest area the occupancy will be well down. The hotels in Phuket have been complaining that occupancy

    rates have been dropping for the last 8 years. Nothing to do with the political unrest and probably more to do with the huge increase

    in the number of rooms that have been added to the pool of what is available. Lots of building in Thailand of both hotels and condos

    will not improve occupancy rates.

  2. anyone in Pattaya?i just come of the phone to a mate of mine staying in Pattaya telling me its packed,all the bars full,

    a bit concerned as i arrive in a few days and dont have anywhere to stay,thought it might have been easier this year to find a room

    as all the talk of doom and gloom.

    any feed back would be apreciated

    Pattaya is packed????? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Your friend wears some deeply rose tinted glasses?

    Always difficult to really gauge. Patrons are always busy moving from bar checking out what is on offer so to speak. So it can be

    packed one minute the wide open 20 minutes later. Also there is a big difference between weekends and Monday/Tuesday. With

    so many bars and hotels there are always rooms available. Maybe just not the particular one you want and weekends can be tight.

    As for the bars, I think they are busy, but they always want more business as they are not solidly busy. As I said, patrons like

    to move around and check out there options.

  3. I understand Thaksin's criminal wrong doing. Suthep's as well, but I don't know of anything in Yingluk's past, shady or not.

    So while I am no fan of her populist schemes and the amnesty legislation, she was elected democratically and the amnesty bill

    got Reds and Yellows off the hook not just her brother and the Redshirt members. While not perfect democracy is the best form

    of government we have. Suthep if he really wants to end political corruption he should work toward in in the framework of

    democracy. However I am a bit of a cynical and think he wants to stop corruption by the Red shirts but keep things status quo

    in the Yellow camp.

  4. Personally I don't get it. The King is a man of the people and beloved by everyone. He has always cared and

    helped the farmers and has done a great deal to help the poor all his life.

    In the anti government group there were certainly no Bangkok elite in the rank and file. In the leadership yes but

    none marching on the front line. In fact they dressed in farmer type hats and other than wearing yellow shirts were

    indistinguishable from the red shirts in there actions. Same Same no difference.

  5. For some unknown reason ratings agencies and analysts rate the baht and economy as strong. Can't understand

    why but they do. Greece, cooked the books to join the EU, they continued to cook the books in get more agricultural

    subsidies from the EU. It eventually does catch up. I understand Thai banks do the same keeping bad debts on the books

    as full assets from the 97 collapse just as Nortel, and World Com did. Just not sure when there accounting schemes, rice

    pledging schemes, and the systemic corruption will catch up to the baht, but it will eventually.

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