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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. Please tell me how it should be done.

    Invent a time machine, go back to school and come back with proper qualifications.

    Just remember Ronald Regan was a "B" actor with Alzheimer's and many consider him the

    greatest Republican president of the 20th century. Really all she needs is vision and integrity.

    Unfortunately those qualities seem lacking in any Thai politician so far. sad.png

  2. I'm sorry but what is a 'political scientist'? As Richard Feynmann said (look him up) 'if it ain't got maths it ain't science'...

    So are you saying biology is not a science? Some may put it differently, if it has math, its mathematics.

    There is a lot of statistical analysis in political science, does that math qualify it?

  3. TAT says different week in week out.

    The numbers that I read from the TAT were only marginally different. As I recall the number of tourist arrivals was down

    about 1,400 people a day. This number is only slightly different and could be explained as locals who are not

    considered foreign tourist arrivals have not changed there travel plans and are using the airport so they figure

    in the numbers slightly differently and thus the numbers are still up slightly. I know that Suvarnabhumi Airport

    is not the major airport of LCCT of domestic airlines but I think the numbers are close.

  4. Democrats are in a bit of a corner at the moment. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they do stand, and they lose, and Yingluck/Thaksin are still in charge, we will just see a repeat of the last few weeks all over again.... except possibly worse.

    If they don't stand they will be seen as trying to force the Armies hand and of being undemocratic.

    Democracy in Thailand is very broken (yes I know it is elsewhere as well), clean and fair elections don't happen. Letting things run as they currently do, that is not going to improve. For this reason we should not hold Thailand to our western standards of democracy. Maybe Thailand does need a regular kick up the rear by the armed forces until those in power come to the realisation that this is going to keep happening until they stop being a bunch of corrupt selfish power hungry bungholes.

    Not sure I understand Suthep is absolutely clear. He under no circumstances wants an election. He wants to create a Fascist state

    of Thailand were a council headed by him will rule the country. He is very clear on this point, that he wants an end to democracy because

    the Thai people just don't understand who they should be voting for. While I may think he is a wing nut I do appreciate his honesty, (in this

    instance) clarity and candour. The Thai people deserve better than either of these two main political parties. Both are equally corrupt and

    just fighting over there share of the pie and how to minimize the other guys share.

  5. The guy is crazy, hopefully they arrest him on Thursday.

    He is after a civil war apparently.

    As opposed to the megalomaniac, sociopathic, criminal, avaricious alternative, who is after destroying the country?

    Which would you prefer?

    The problem is both the comments apply to either side. Let the Thai people decide which megalomaniac crook they want

    to leed the country, Up to them.

    • Like 1
  6. UDD pro government rally in Udon..........

    attachicon.gifredshirts Udon.jpg

    How do you negotiate with terrorists?

    "If you choose Suthep's side, you choose absolute dictatorship," Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikuea said at a press conference Wednesday."

    Why would anyone listen to Nattawut the terrorist....

    http://youtu.be/jvbUVCopKec Redshirt Ordered to Burn Bangkok (Nattawut Saikua)

    Always difficult, the USA says it does not negotiate with terrorists. Just look into Iran-Contra. We say we don't but really we do. All the time.

    The Germans called the French underground resistance movement "terrorists" most see them as freedom fighters. Nelson Mandela was convicted

    of terrorism, and he was guilty. He spent 27 years in jail. He had to get special waiver to travel to the USA in 2008. Yet most, even at the time

    view his struggle to end apartheid as just. Terrorism is often a difficult call in the micro view. In the macro view it often changes. Todays

    terrorist is tomorrows freedom fighter. Was Nattawut fighting for democracy and trying to topple a government installed by the military?

    Let the Thai people choose what they want. Either side, up to them.

    • Like 2
  7. I would rather have dictatorship under a leader who has vision and leadership and knows how to run the country than have it run by the current bunch of brown nosing fools following the commands of the puppet master fugitive. Actually we are pretty much under a Thaksin dictatorship for the most part as it is, and PT were making moves to solidify that position. That is how this whole protests movement started. But he has shown his only interests is what he can squeeze out of Thailand financially. Remember JFK's famous words 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'. We need a leader who follows this credo and Thailand can shine !

    Do you really think Suthep is the dictator" who has vision and leadership and knows how to run the country".

    Are you really comparing him to JFK. Do you really think Suthep will put the country first based on his track record?

    • Like 2
  8. Great article but I am not sure the protesters are marching to eliminate corruption. They are on one side or the other Yellow or Red.

    They want the other side to end corruption in its ranks. They want there side to get into/retain power so they can benefit.

    From the last pole I read 70% of Thais believe corruption is OK as long as it benefits them. From the rice pledging scheme and other

    farm produce subsidy schemes to the car tax rebate scheme, these policy's do not benefit the country as a whole but groups of people

    and industries. Suthep as leader is no bastion of honesty and integrity. If both groups were marching together I would believe the article.

    As it is I believe the article is a pipe dream at the moment.

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