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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Apartment or a hotel?

    If he does this often, and his activities anger many of you in the building, you can all go to the management and let them know that it is one tennant or many to be leaving.

    I have lived in apartments here and the management has told people to stop making noise after midnight. I may have been fortunate.

  2. It is reall in your best interests to get a bike when here. Bikes are inexpensive enough, as they are brought in from Japan after being a few years old. The road tax in Japan is so high , that owners sell these bikes off pretty quickly. It is better to sell it back home, and buy on out here.

    Listen to everyone who is telling you what not to do, they know of many pople who have made the mistake of trying to bring a motor vehicle here.

  3. I have seen that beach road washed out at different sections on-and-off for years. It has recently been improved a great deal, and may last for many more years, or the sand might be washed away from the front and beneath, and then the boulders sink, and the road falls away again.

  4. There needs to be a better picture of the head for recognition. I have a feelinging that the Thai lady attacked the head and damaged it beyond recogniton. She was tough.

  5. Trans Air Cargo shipped one for my friend many years ago, and knew all of the procedures.

    First, he will have to de-register it.




    1 TAC House 3rd-4th Floor, Soi Ruamrudi, Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand


    +66 2 650-9030-59


    +66 2 651-4667-9, 650-9028, 650-9023


    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

  6. Just went in.

    Equipment is shown on the ground floor, but the upstairs area where the exercise rooms will be are not complete. The bathrooms and changing areas are attractively laid out.

    For the one year membership, they will discount the joining fee from 8,000 to 4,000 and the monthly fee from 2,999 to 2,399 right off the top.

    After a few minutes, they offered my gf and I one year for 19,999.

    I really bet that they would have come down to 12,000.

    Any offers made now may change as they approach opening day.

    One concern is if they close, will they refund membership fees?

    Or, might they simply inform members that they will have their memberships transfered to Bangkok.

  7. My mother thought the world of the from from the restaurant on 3rd road, but it was a little expensive.

    My gf and I drive by there three or four time per day, morning, noon and night, but rarely see more than one or two people in the place.... sometimes not even that many.

  8. To open an account, Siam Commercial first asked my mother to get papers from Immigration, and from the owner of the property where she was living... or.......... she could buy health insurance for 1,500 baht, of which she had none anyway, so she took the insurance to avoid all of the running around.

    I have had an account at SCB for 16 years. I tried to open an additional account. They would not do allow it. My friend walked in and showed them 300,000 that he wanted to deposit. They opened a new account right away for him.

    Sometimes, and some places, it is easy. Other times and other places, it is a pain. Go from bank to bank, and from branch to branch, and you will get someone to open an account for you.

    Good luck

  9. Please forgive my "ifs"

    If you are planning on buying a place to rent out, it would really be in your best interest to do something else with the money. Either you will have to work hard to get people in it, time and time again, competing against agents with websites and people working on them, and then managing the house, or if you get a good long-term renter, the rent will not be very high.

    If an agent says that he can keep it rented as a way to get it sold, do not believe it. Pattaya is full of empty units all year round, even in high season. Although the income for weekly rents is much higher than monthly and long-term, the trouble for only one house is great, and you can put your time to us in other ways that are more profitable and more productive.

    You could also look into buying and renovating an apartment building, and have very high occupancy rates, filling the units with ADSL, a small kitchen, etc. You would do well, and have consistent tenants, both short-term and long-term.

    Good luck with everything.

  10. PM me

    I taught in Saudi for eight years and my mother has taught there and in Qatar, so we have spent a lot of time in the middle east.

    I have assembled a CD full of public schools, pivate schools, universities, companies employing teachers for training, recruiters, etc......INCLUDING EMAIL ADDRESSES!

    If you would like me to send a copy of it to you, PM me.

  11. While eating at Sizzler in Royal Garden with my gf, a friend and his gf, three of our meals arrived within about 10 minutes. So, we waited for the last order. And waited, and after a while later, the manager came to tell us that the T-Bone was actually sent to another table and had already been consumed. She did apologize and asked us to wait another 10 minutes. As my friend did not speak Thai, and as the two women were rather docile in nature, except when it came to being paid on time, I thought that I should discuss the restaurant's responsibility in ths case.

    I asked the manager about a discount for the error. She then looked at my girlfriend. As this is not the first time that I have requested discounts for business errors, my girlfriend was well aware that I was not fond of the person whom I was speaking with to look away from me. There is no reason for this manager to seek clarification from my girlfriend. It was very simple. The restaurant had made an error and I was requesting that they take financial responsibility for the error. She then looked back at me and said that his meal order would be available soon. I asked about the discount again.

    I think that she figured that her time could be spent better elsewhere, that I was not going to back down, and also that her own nationals sitting at the table were not going to request that I rescind my request. So, she gave us a discount, a STAFF DISCOUNT which she said was 15% but came out to be 20% on the one meal (T-Bone at 750 baht).

    So, I must commend Sizzler on their customer service.

  12. It is better to weigh your options in Aussie, than trying to figure put what to do one your goods are here in Customs.... and you are at their mercy.

    A customs agent could decide he likes your sofa and make new fees everytime that you arrive to make payment.

    They can charge you whever they want to charge for any reason they choose.

    I really believe that you would be better off to sell, to store or to lend to your brother/sister, etc. your furniture rather than bringing it here.

  13. I agree with you on the stranded hiker thread.

    I remember watching government helicopters rescue hang-gliders on the cliffs at San Pedro in Los Angeles, and wondered how much it cost. I also remember, while sitting on my father's little sail boat, watching the harbor patrol tow boats to the boat ramp. I asked my father if it was free. He told me that it cost about $300. This was 30 years ago. I thought that it was not an unfair amount as towing a car woud have cost about $60 then.

    I then asked about the hang-gliders being picked up off the cliffs. He told me that they were supposed to pay, from his knowledge of treating them in the hospitals, but he does not know if they ever did. hang-gliding there was legal then, but not for very much longer.

    I also like the idea of tobacco taxes going directly into health-care for smokers. I do not want to pay taxes for Medicare or Medical for someone who needs a lung replacement due to their own behaviors which they know will cause significant health problems. My views are the same for someone who needs heart work after being 100 pounds overweight. Intentional self-inflicted injuries should not be covered by my tax-paying wallet. In fact, they could have an account number so the tabacco taxes go directly into their "insurance account".

    Now, if some kid is playing in the waves, just like all kids, and a shark bites him (a rare event), and he needs 500 stitches, then I am happy to pay my share of his bill. This was not self-inflicted and not reckless.

    Thanks for your thread again... maybe some of your haters were simply communists thinking the government should pay for everything.

  14. Weho,

    As I am sure that your answer to this question will be far more enjoyable than any other posters',I am directing this your way.

    What do you say to the employees of any store or restaurant, when you request/order something, and they respond with "One?"

    It does not matter if it is McDonald's for a large iced tea, Carrefour for an electric water heater, Au Bon Pain for pastries, or even for larger purchases. The likelihood of not requesting "one" is extremely low, but they still ask if you would like "One?" Wouldn't they expect that you would ask for , say...... two? if you wanted two? My girlfriend tells me it is very simply "automatic"

    I thank you in advance for your reply.

  15. Thanks a lot ,I prefer to get reference of some doctor from bangkok .


    If it is a Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon you are seeking, one of the best in Thailand:

    Dr. Witoon Wisutheriwong

    Clinic Soi 1

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Address: 220/2-3 Sukumvit Soi 1, Bangkok, 10110

    (Located almost directly behind Bumrungrad Hospital)

    I don't know if this phone number is still accurate: 251-2066 to 7, but you can give it a try.

    For a faster reply, I would E-mail him as he maintains offices both in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Since Yahoo and Google are both not operating at the moment, I'm unable to go into his website to provide more details. I encourage you to type in Witoon, Plastic Surgeon, Thailand, and you will find a number of sites--one is his--and other sites highly-recommend him. On his site, you will also find patient recommendations. If he is unable to assist you, he will provide a referral. As an aside, I encourage you to avoid Dr. Poomee. With that said, making an appointment at Bumrungrad Hospital with a Plastic Surgeon should establish for you exactly what your medical needs are.

    Good luck!!!

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