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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Sorry, I am not familiar with the term "CB" - I learned about electric installations in another language. The cable will be 3x6 sqmm and the breaker will be accordingly.
  2. I will use lots of LED stripes in my new apartment. Likely they will use 24V but it could be 5V or 12V. In general, I will try to put the power supplies near to where the LED stripes are to keep the wires short. But maybe it is necessary to have a cable of maybe 5m length between the power supply (i.e. 12V) and the LED strip. In theory that is easy, if I need max 16A I could just use a "normal" power cable which is also used for 230V. But for obvious reasons it would be good to have cables which look different from the outside and have different isolation colors in the inside (not brown and blue) to make 100% clear that those cables are different. Which cables can I or should I use? For background: I work with electricity and high current low voltage cable since a long time. But until now I only used short cable like this. I never had to use long cables and I never had to put them through pipes in the walls.
  3. Thanks. I just try to find them with those names (Thai and English) but still no luck...
  4. Normal outlets and plugs are not designed for high current. This is why they shouldn't be used and why it would be dangerous. My induction hobs use max about 7000W which is over 30A which is a lot more than a "normal" outlet and plug are designed for. I have no problem to connect the cable of the hobs to such an outlet in the wall. They have an individual breaker so I can easily switch this single cable off. Let's avoid something like this!
  5. Some appliances, i.e. some oven, don't use an electrical plug. They just have a cable which should be connected to power. And because they often use high current that must obviously be designed for high current - not a normal plug. After a little googling I found the term "cooker connection unit" for something like this. What are they called in Thailand? I like to buy something like this from i.e. HomePro or one of the big chains.
  6. Back home I bought 2nd hand car parts at car junk yards. Here, I just looked for "used car parts" in Google maps. There seem to be lots of shops i.e. here (see map). If you don't want to use Google then I suggest ask a Thai with an old truck where to buy used parts. I am pretty sure some will be able to give you some ideas. And after you found the first shop then you can get more specific and search for your turbo.
  7. No, I am not aware of that. I think in a way it's like a transformer which is plugged into mains. If current flows on the secondary winding, then current flows on the primary side. And if not, then not. But I am open minded, why do you think I should short the output?
  8. Even if what you write would continue for the next hundred years, does that mean Bangkok would be under sea-level? How about the many millions of other things which will happen at the same time? And how about the advances in technologies? There is enough work for us to do to make all our lives better now and in the next years. Let's concentrate on reality now and not far away future predictions.
  9. Interesting idea. But then, if that would be feasible, don't you think some smart people would have done that already, and maybe on a big scale?
  10. How much of what you imagined when you were a teenager actually happened? I remember somewhere in the 70th when they told us soon all the oil reserves will be gone - to mention just one example. Try to predict what will happen in 10 years. And then try 50 years. There is just no point in trying to predict what might happen far away in the future.
  11. Sometimes when I wake up and can't sleep again right away, I spend maybe 1/2 hour on the computer watching YouTube or something like that. And when I am tired again, I go to sleep again. It happens, I just don't make a drama out of it.
  12. That card has a funny history. It existed in fiction first and then people asked AMEX about it, and it didn't exist. And then AMEX "invented" it for real life.
  13. Maybe we should have a survey how many people are fed-up with all these stories about Bangkok sinking and flooding. Floodings streets were a lot worse in the past. The situation continually improved over the last decades. And yes, Bangkok is sinking. So what? Will anybody of us live long enough to actually have any problems with that?
  14. When products come (in limited numbers) from sources like these then they can be sold very cheap. That is obviously just one of the possibilities.
  15. In general owners are happy to have people who rent the place at all. They might dream about more money but if they tell you to pay more tell them NO. Chances are high that they back off.
  16. Personally I would look at a property site for condominium buildings. i.e. here https://www.fazwaz.com/ You can select an area and the size and price range, etc. You should be able to find soon a couple of buildings which you like. Look for buildings and not individual units. Because often what you see on the property sites is not the same as what is currently available. Agents keep good looking units in the list even if they are rented out since months. And then go to the building and ask at the reception what's available and let them show you the places. Maybe you see already what you like. And then you can likely pay cash at the building reception and get a receipt. Done. Obviously you can also ask an agent. But do they know much more than what you can find on the internet? And is it in the interest of the agent to find a "cheap" place for you? And about the hotel: You don't have to checkout on the day when you found your condominium. Maybe stay for a night or two longer in the hotel, fill up the fridge in the new place, etc. And you don't need a bank account. You can pay rent in cash at the condominium counter. That's what many people do - even if they have a bank account.
  17. I am sure you could get some of them on the same day. Just walk in and pay. Done. There are lots of available places to rent in any size (in that area). Why don't you book a hotel for 3 days or so. You can still extend your stay in the hotel or switch to another hotel.
  18. A long time ago I had one of those and I was proud that I got it. And then, sometime later, I got one of these. That was (almost) top of the pecking order. At that time, one had to earn a lot of money to be able to get one.
  19. What are the current laws in Thailand? I always thought rapist go to jail. Or not? When the police do not investigate alleged crimes from influential people then tougher laws don't change anything. No investigation, no prosecution, no punishment. The police officers should do their job. Or they should get fired for not doing their job. And for people who ask for penalties like chemical castration I hope they only want this punishment for convicted sex criminals who raped the victim(s) without doubt. Unfortunately, there are too many women who somehow "remember" after a long time, sometimes after decades, what they say happened a long time ago. Castrate the bad guys who raped without doubt, or just execute them. But be careful with accusations, especially about things which supposedly happened decades ago.
  20. A lot of the work in my renovation project is supervised by the main contractor. But some work, like the AC installation, is done by another team. I have the current plans and I should get “as built plans”, and maybe they will be 100% correct. But obviously I don't know how correct they will be. And for that reason it would be good to be able to "see" where the pipes are, and not where they should be. I will for sure take some pictures of the walls when it's still possible to see the exact locations of the pipes.
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